Do they actually have any allies? Is Azerbaijan their only ally?
Do they actually have any allies? Is Azerbaijan their only ally?
Bosnia and albania
Apparently pakis love them too
I am their ally
Syrian Turkmen and Northern Cyprus
Actually nato hates you, the only reason why you are together is: nato hates russia even more than you.
>b-but they hate you
we'll be fine after the retard that ruling our cunt fucks off
they (west/nato) put isl*mists at power in 2002 to trying make us "role-model" for arab world
but the thing the west don't know that: 1. you should NEVER trust any kind of islamist. 2. you cant educate arabs
in positive side, thanks to water mellon seller, the young generation become extremly anti-religous
No, no it's true. There's a reason why every single state in America accepts the Armenian genocide but the federal government doesn't. We just keep the roaches around for fucking with Russia's Med access
Why do literally all Turks sound like the same person
>they (west/nato) put isl*mists at power in 2002
He was voted in
pakis really like them for some reason
guess they don't really know them
everything that happens that has a relation to t*rkey is the fault of someone else not t*rks
it's no true democracy when retards are allowed to vote
if you saw how the whole media were doing AKP boosting news on 2002 pre election, you'd understand
also it was same in western media till 2010s, erdogan was considered some kind of hero
You’d be surprised how many Americans actually know about and dislike turkey. And obviously all Western European countries also hate Turks
> the retard that ruling our cunt fucks o
So just another 30 years until he dies of old age got it.
Turkey is great!
But they want to return the superpower status.
I do not think they will celebrate it ever.
Lol Azerbaijan really is their only ally
It’s funny because Azerbaijan is a terrible ally and couldn’t win a war if they outnumbered their enemies 10 to 1
>it's no true democracy when retards are allowed to vote
just like in every other country
>erdogan was considered some kind of hero
so? the impact of Erdogan should have been long felt by Turks by now. He was a hero to you too. for a majority of Turks still is.
our people are more retarded than rest + he sized every television channel and they're boosting full "we are the strongest superpower in earth, everyone is united against us" propaganda
You sound like you’re just mad that Turkish society has become more conservative over the past two decades and disagrees with you
Accept your new reality
Erdogan Turkey >>>>>> Anzu Turkey
>You’d be surprised how many Americans actually know about and dislike turkey
Basically zero? Outside of recent immigrants nobody cares about this shit
who cares about society? i'll live my 60-80 years and die, i don't care about rest
>Turkish society has become more conservative over the past two decades
It hasn't
Pic. Also good relations with Malaysia, Indonesia, Somali, Ukraine, Bosnia, Albania.
Hungary larping as Turk every time
but they are
No one knows what NATO is here and for all intensive purposes turks and pakis are arabs to like 95% and the rest that know you speak different languages don't really care and will still call you arab