Are nafris the biggest gigachads on earth? Europeans literally piss themselves out of fear whenever they see one
Are nafris the biggest gigachads on earth? Europeans literally piss themselves out of fear whenever they see one
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so deluded he flees his country for a better one and then proclaims others afraid
you the beta bitch that couldnt make it in your homeland
l'll move to europe next year but as a networking engineer so basically i'm doing more favor to society than any non normal low iq uneducated person no matter where he originates from and i'll come to his country and i deserve the air he breaths more than him
say that to my face i will beat you up and let you drink my piss soft boy
They are a bunch of hyenas
They're just apes, I'd shit myself if I saw a gorilla in the street, but I wouldn't invite it to the pub for a game of pool
a networking engineer in tunisia is the same as an uneducated in europe
they go to france and get their sisters smashed by real africans
I like to think so.
your map is wrong OP
can you speak English please
that's why 99% of people here get recruted directly after their pfe and that we are the only country outside of european union that can study in france for free in their state unis
The dane is unironically probably right.
I would check really hard if your degree is going to be recognized here if not you are out of luck. Would not be the first time.
I literally never even heard of nafris before coming to this board. If we are talking about physical strength and being intemdating I would not rank them very high and probably place black Americans and pacfic Islanders around first place
Not true, otherwise we wouldn't have tens of thousands of students being accepted into European unis every year.
He is speaking English.
why europeans act full of themselves even when they don't know details about what they are talking about it's a sign of low iq
I konw, but not the English I'm learnign at school, so obviously it's english is non-existent
fisrt day to the internet?
stfu MOOR
that's where graduates from my uni live later on
and the section of biology is pulling the average down since all of them continue their work here
more like the biggest losers
>The English you're learning at school
user, moi je dois bouffer de la littérature française afin de bien apprendre le français, toi tu dois fréquenter /brit/ pour bien apprendre l'anglais. Nos écoles servent à rien
They make catchy music.
met a guy named Abdel from Morocco, he was pretty based can confirm.
second one isn't even nafri
small brain but brave i think of nafris.
>tu dois fréquenter /brit/ pour bien apprendre l'anglais
>bien apprendre l'anglais
Très bon français, by the way
nice, you have bac+5 ?
Why do you assume I am acting full of myself? I advised to check if the degree will be recognized. You said emmigration is the typical path so yes its recognized. Fine then. Dont always assume malice, degrees not getting recognized is a common issue, my aunts degree from the soviet union wasnt recognized either. Its a common reason why immigrants cant find work, though its more common with trade jobs than university degrees.