¿What went wrong?
¿What went wrong?
USA intervention prevented us from being socialist paradises. A small island like Cuba is relatively successful on its own. Imagine that applied to whole LatAm continent. We would be as powerful as the EU by now.
why are we the only ones with a flag in that map?
>bro how about if we sacrifice the common people so our elites, which arent ethnically part of our country, can live a nice life?
>bro thats an amazing idea!!!!
(summarized version, 1492-forever)
You are based
Too many brain-dead commies like >9
The eternal (((chilean))) has prevented Cisplatina and the Peru-Bolivian confederation with their freemason intervention since the Independence war (don't get me started on the Mexican Empire and Gran Colombia). The only way Latam can move forward is by hurrying the Haitian enrichment and purification of Chilean race (they are too wh*te).
Race mixing obviously. If it were literally 'Latin' ie. inhabited by people of south European origin, you'd be on the socioeconomical level of Spain/Italy.
> We would be as powerful as the EU by now.
Especially if we could sell cocaine and marijuana to Europe and the United States. That makes money.
Brown people
>youd be on the socioeconomical level of Spain/Italy
is that supposed to be a good thing
ah yes, wonderful Cuba where no one can afford home internet.
Catholic influence.
These devils
He asked what went wrong, not what went right.
weak b8, i still bump your thread
Too many countries
Should just be
Central American Republic
Gran Colombia
Great Argentina
we need an amerindian ethnocontinent ruled by bolivia and peru
Aztecs failed to kill Hernan Cortez and everything went downhill from there.
doesn’t matter what went wrong, things can still be made right, nearly 30% of all babies in Mexico are borned to teenage mothers
you sound like a woman
are you a woman?
true, but tenochtitlan people wanted him dead since the moment they saw him. they even threw rocks to the retard ruler that welcomes him.
Incas almost holocausted iberians. it would have been nice to have them storming Mexico on a crusade against christcucks and then stablishing friendship with mesoamericans. then i would be based and have an amerindian lastname
So what cunt would Peru and Bolivia be a part of there
>whites become the majority in Chile
Lmao what a fucking retard.
Surely an ethnic group that doesnt exist in chile will outbreed the entire chilean population
fucking poltard brainlets i swear
Carved up between Argentina/Brazil/Gran Colombia
amerindians unironically have more potential than iberian genetic creaturas. aborting them would lead us to an eternal state of failure
school of the americas
syndicalism and an irrational fear of finance economies.
Yes especially compared to your current state.
You know that only whites would ever consider aborting, right
Unfortunately Amerindians are on average poorer than “white” Latin America, legalizing abortion would disproportionately effect poorer communities (which happen to be mostly Amerindian or mestizo)
we are all poor, but they are poor + people hate them, so their employment is a bit hard
maybe we could fix it if we kill all politicians and run propaganda on the tv to shit on non mestizos/amerindians
i doubt it, uni/highschool students from public schools would do it the most, and they are predominantly amerindian
Argentinians are racially south european mostly, and they place is a shithole even comparing it to Chile, which has no substancial amount of "whites".
We were forced out by criollo freemasons who quickly enslaved the local populations and prostituted their countries and resources to the yank and anglo freemasons.
Legalizing abortion is much more achievable, Plus it would benefit Amerindians by dissolving their “crime” stereotype,