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International #1296
Sverigetråden - Himmelskantupplagan
Is it a true that the poles don't love(and even hate) this building and they want to destroy this building in future?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/esp/ - Edición invasión
Tea or coffee?
Go to New York city, see this what do?
Hungarians be like mágyárizko törpöhörpökepaprika
Americans don't know what white means
What do you think of my gf
What's going on in Russia?
This is the substance cartels behead each other over controlling
Whats northern serbia like?
Women just want a guy who has his shit together
What would Turkey actually need to do to be in the EU?
ITT: write based and redpilled in your lang
Post your English accent in vocaroo
Asian or white?
Are you european?
/ita/ - il filo
Modern western (pop) music is absolutely fucking trash
I'm from the best city in the world, BARCELONA
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Roman Empire
Why are americans so OBsESsEd with our country?
/fr/ - le francobar
Why don't just build some bridge
Sverigetråden - Episka bakåtvoltupplagan
I'm just leaving this here
Imagine if Russia colonized Korea
Admit it looks tasty
Rate my Israeli Peace Plan
Do normies in your country like England?
Crusader Kings 3
/med/ - Mediterranean thread
/ישר/ /isr/ - מהדורת שנת לימודים חדשה
/v4/ + friends
/frosch/ besser bekannt als /apu/ ehemals /deutsch/
What's your eye color
I love India. My country has a lot to learn from India and Indian people
Kurva anyátok
I really hate this country
/ita/ - il filo
Bong boomers literally believe there British Empire will be restored because of the Brexit
Sir I need you t- SIR, sir please step out of the- Sir you need to stop resis- ALL UNITS ALL UNITS I NEED BACKUP!
I refuse to stop strongly rolling my R's when speaking foreign languages. Mainly because I'm too retarded to...
Thoughts on the current trajectory of western music?
Why does noone like albania?
Does your country rewrite history?
Russian, Central Asian...
Why are euros so obsessed with race? Making the mutt meme, always talking about an ethnostate...
Calling Latinos "Latinx" is offensive it itself
This is totally what Europe is like according to the average Ion Popescu
These right here are my brothers
On a scale from one to ten, how racist and homophobic is your country?
You wake up in peru
/lat/ - hilo latino
Australian TV anchor Cheng Lei detained in China
I don't want to get old
I have never seen a qt pajeeta irl
I have brownish eyes but they seem to have a slight green tint
Why are they so autistically nationalist?
/rus/+/bel/+/ukr/ /brit/ /fr/ /polska/ /lat/ /nederdraad/ /mämmi/ /egy/ /ita/ - il filo /balk/ /v4/ Japanese Thread /...
Does your cunt have urban horror stories?
Your cunt
Have sex
/cum/ - canada US mexico
Everyone hates Americans, but who the fuck would you preffer to be the most powerfull country? Chinesee? Russians...
Mfw only human interaction I have is Zig Forums and girls who talk in broken English on HelloTalk
Move along, whitey. The Chinese century is here
Are east asian diaspora people in anglo nations second class citizens who are ugly and socially awkward or is that all...
I wanna speak Spanish!!!
/brit/ it is time -edish
I am black and an incel. Why do you hate me?
This guy is really popular among the left in America. What do Brits think of him?
So true !!
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Nothing personal, Japan
Thoughts on the next President of the United States?
In the last 2 hours Jeff Bezos has made more money than everyone posting in this thread combined will ever make in...
/dixie/ Southern US & frens
Which language should i learn?
I'm going to ask my Swedish psychologist to be my girlfriend today. Wish me luck
There are people using this forum who still believe American lies about the People's Republic of China. To those people...
What makes him feel a sense of moral superiority over Chinese?
Who will your country side with in the coming American civil war?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2395
Languages Worth Learning
You have 10 seconds to act like a New Yorker as possible
Honest question
Based or cringe?
What boards do you frequent besides Zig Forums and what is your main board...
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Blacks are the leaders of the POC race confirmed...
How would they be treated in your country?
Is he right?
I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse
Is this legal in your country?
A girl just sent me a booty pic. Really lifted my spirits, boys
I’m a cat
/fr/ francofil
1. ur cunt
Do you have an incel face, Zig Forums?
Goes from bog dwelling savages to ruling most of the world
/mena/ /شوشأ/
What's stopping Russia from just going back to Soviet Russia
What does Europe think about its Muslim population?
Do everyday average mexicans really live in fear of decapitation?
Hilo /lat/ino
/deutsch/e nachtschicht
Does this happen in your country
Walking down sidewalk
Sverigetråden - Den Förseglades Upplaga
Are pakis going to bosnia to marry their white counterparts? There's no reason for pakistanis to be refugees
How the fuck do we compete with this, humanbros?
Faces of Zig Forums
If you think you offend brazilians on Zig Forums by calling us monkeys. You don't
Do people like white latinx girls in your country?
/v4/ + friends
/lang/ - language learning general
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
South Sudan women are literally a gift from god
Your country
Be german
Money can't buy happiness
Your cunt
Did the Christians just suck during the third crusade or were the Islamic leaders just that much better?
Any germans mind explaining this?
Lmao, why do white incels not realise that having to go to the third world to get laid is sad?
Hilo /lat/ino
I just want an Zig Forums gf
Sverigetråden - sovkneget
United against Islam, Libtards, and Communism
/fr/ francofil
Two men do the same
/ita/ - il filo
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Your country
1. ur country
China bros we did it. Superpower 2020 postponed to 2120
Studies show that having an iphone...
Why is hispanic culture so weird?
Do people have sleepovers with friends in your country?
/brit /
Name the non-politician, non-athlete, living German that first came to your mind
Have sex
Have been in italy for a week
Sverigetråden - Den eviga stadens upplaga
What is the differences between them
Have you seen these in your house today?
Is your country absolutely fucked?
You arrive in french highschool
1. ur cunt
All of europe is female
Which one would you rather have?
I suffer in Kazakhstan
Hello, just an Average North Mexican Girl(Pic related) here, AMA
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Karelian Finn
/Indo-European General/
Damn, t*rk boys look like this?!?
/fr/ -
Which one of these is the least cringe
Mfw europeans actually walk to places
Hey Russians!
They are done
Helloo int i am drunk ama
Are people smart enough in your cunt to set the air-conditioning +-10 degrees of the environment's temperature...
Are you proud to be white?
Tell me something you know about Hungary without looking it up in Google
I hate americans and their autism
This board is shit
Sverigetråden - flickupplagan
Porn for women
Canadians want to kill THIS???!!!
Koreans call this "housing"
Female southern American accent
Twenty-nine years after his death and the end of the Communist regime Nicolae Ceaușescu remains the most popular...
You wake up in in the global USSR
Tfw no american gf
Europe >>> anyone else
Believes in evolution
Your cunnie
GoT irl
/ita/ il filo
Anglo girls are made for
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/lang/ - language learning general
Finnish people be like
Former Austria hungary
Why do anglos pronounce it "eye-taly"?
Election coming up
/fr/ francofil
Well, Zig Forums?
/tag des gehalts/ auch bekannt als /deutsch/
Do right wingers really?
What group were you a part of at high school?
Kurva anyátok
THIS bred all the Amerindian qts in South America
Apparently my dad just admitted to cheating on my mom for the last 8 years
Sverigetråden - Markarthupplagan
Sverigetråden - För mänskligheten och svenskarnas ära
Employees thanking loyal customers after second SEGA store in Akihabara closes after 17 years
I love France and French people
/desi/-Jesus Saves edition
Not a single US president has ever won the presidential election with an absolute majority considering every eligible...
My urologist literally told me to have sex and that it's the only solution...
Finnish slave costs 750 golds
You can only choose one
Brazil could have had a kino qt communist milf waifu
Your cunt
/ita/ - il filo
White people smell funny
Americans make $8000 a month
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
A Texas elementary school student was hospitalized Tuesday after his family said bullies beat him in the school...
Why Argentine and Brazil have lots of White people??
Why do Caucasus people look so scary?
Imagine the Saudi poster was actually a girl but still lusting over Euro boys hahaha wouldn't that be insane?
Have you ever met a spanish girl?
Woaw.... European "languages" are so unique
Post your ugh
Why are there so many of these shitposters?
Wheres kyle?
Sverigetråden - Karolinska upplagan
There are leftists proposing having a female Emperor. If this happens im legit going to kill myself...
I suffer in Russia
Not for your sexual pleasure, bigot!!
Europe is finished
I caved. how are you supporting the swedish economy?
Do Europeans really think foods are "inauthentic" simply because the cows aren't milked in a specific Italian backwater...
Does your country have an evil history?
What was the most awkward moment in your life?
Finns can't pronounce "F"
Do women in your country do this?
Why is this a third world country?
Why is Russia shithole to live happily even though russian is sophisticated so much
Hey Zig Forums
Am i white?
/ita/ - il filo
/lat/ - Hilo Latino edicion nocturna
These swedish slaves ended up attacking us and allying with hitler in the end so why is winter war seen as soviet...
Imagine have a cute Japanese girlfriend
The virgin anglo vs the scandi chad
Sverigetråden - Biowulfazkvädeupplagan
There is no cure for obsessive compulsive disorders
I do suffer in eastern europe very much
1. Flag
Just found out this pig is an asshole. WTF swedoids?
Can you Zig Forums?
/ישר/- /ისრ/- /isr/- /이스라/ - מהדורת סוד
Your country
ITT Let's create a new meme
Zoomers in India seething unhinged
British gangs using tiktok for kill scores
Saw my therapists panties today
Morning Zig Forums
/fr/ francofil
I was only following the orders of my country's high command you can't convict me of anything
It's true
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2394
I lost 4kg
Why do you keep memeing about how "islam is right about women" or how women are oppressed...
Why is the country formerly known as west Czechoslovakia so cringe? i hate it so much
How will Belarus grow if joining the EU?
Gooks are SJW. Triggered by this FF 14 costume bc its colonialism
/ita/ - il filo
/med/ - Mediterranean thread
How is it living in Norway? It appears to be a perfect country, except for the extreme cold
There is nothing cringier than self hating Americans
If you could commit a crime and get away with it, what would it be?
Your in trouble now Czechs
/esp/ hilo español 7.0: La Mascara
I'm so unbearably horny, humans weren't meant to go 21 years without sex
Are you happy with how your country is depicted in anime?
Would i pass as local in your country?
/v4/ + friends
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
Another day, another set of comments claiming Islam was right about women and gays
Can you dance, Zig Forums?
They are better than all of us
My friends say I sound angry when I speak Arabic
Kurva anyátok
Why is the EU bad?
Do you have snacks like this in your country?
Give me one logical reason against eating dog that doesn't just boil down to because muh feelings or because muh social...
The US is doing fine, nothing to see here
Do you have these fuckers in your cunt
Whats the biggest problem you're facing right now?
Oh no Chad bros why won't you let me take pictures of your children?
/skandi/ + /danmarktråden/
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Quarantine and corona
SammyClassicSonicFan has a gf now
1. Your country
How do we fix Afghanistan? It's a beautiful country with beautiful culture. What can be done? How you you fix it?
Your cunt
/lat/ - hilo latANO
What is it like to have a latina gf?
Sverigetråden - Hittat ingen tråd
There's an often told anecdote that when Mussolini visited my city (Pula) he saw an old woman with a raggedy hat and...
Are you an Incel? I am
/Malaysia (minus the rest of Asean)/
Do you have foodstamps in yo cunte?
Tfw americans say
Isn't homemade food eaten in America?
Varg is cuckposting now lol
Why is there so many Chinese people, but none post here?
How close have you been to giving up on life?
What happens here?
Why do most of the world class universities tend to be American?
Can he make America return to normalcy?
Tfw i will never be a tall american soyboy ginger
Little sister listens to rap and posts BLM shit on her twitter
Is France really the best country to live in?
South Korea
Let's talk about the asian woman
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Hilo /lat/ino
China, Japan or South Korea
Is this literally all Indonesia is known for?
When Spain founded a colony the first thing they built was a church, an university and a hospital
I suffer in Mexico/latin america in general
/desi/ Fish face Shyam edition
Does Zig Forums have dual citizenship? or are you a citizenshiplet?
How do you feel about albanians?
Do people make poor life choices in your country?
TFW no MAN in the immediate vicinity to ravage me and toss me aside when he is finished
Hey guys I drew Europe without looking at the map just using my memory. How did I do?
Hilo latino
I don't get it
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Ukrainian males
Pics that sum up your country atm
Was the late 90s peak France as far as cultural dominance around the world?
How would the rest of the world react to a Second American Civil War?
Countries for this feel
My gf has nudes online from her teen years
How do Britfags cope with France having the strongest military in Europe? Obviously we're not including Russia
Is your country ready for 4 more years of Trump?
Are you proud of where you're from user?
Whites: the country
/anime/ - auch - /deutsch/ - zur - /nachtschicht/
I don't subscribe to Nazi beliefs but I can't help and notice that pic related are really superior to other people
What is he listening yo?
Simple question
/fr/ phrööööcofil
What is your first thought when looking at pic related ?
You have 10 seconds to act as Spanish as possible, go
Mexicans eat ants covered in Chocolate
Someone is beating a woman on the street
Why latino boys dress like this?
Imagine the world without Americans
Do you want to find love in Germany?
Another acne breakout
What are high schools in your country like?
Do you work tomorrow in your country? I do
First worlders will never something this good
Westerners call white people "caucasians"
So what type of girls do you usually attract in ur cunt?
1. your country
Sverigetråden - knegupplagan
Your cunt
This is Paulo Seiki Mekaru, he was born in Japan in 1937...
Germany reunited under the wrong Germany
If you saw a rape going on, how would you respond?
Post what average girls look like in your country
/fr/ francofil
Would a right wing military dictatorship fix Mexicos crime problem...
Just be confident bro
>calls you a mutt
/ita/ - il filo
Would you racemix with a 6ft tall south Sudanese alpha female?
Uhm, hello? Based department?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What is your country's opinion of the 17-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg?
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
What are the chances they collapse for real?
Based, I get to see another 4 years of Trump thanks to negros rioting
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Why are the "new" europeans like this?
I'd kill for a Swedish friend
Does your country have its own personal obsession sphere around it?
Why arent they wealthy? They have an ideal geography between Europe, Asia, and Africa. They're secular...
/med/ - Mediterranean thread
Sverigetråden - Vedbodupplagan
She suffers in UK
Why aren't you vegan?
The Vietcong were a terrorist organization funded by Cambodia, Pakistan...
So user, whos your favourite black author?
All Asian men are ince-
You literally can’t say I’m not white
Kurva anyátok
I suffer in eastern europe
Would you a tranny? Hypothetically speaking
/fr/ le francofil
VGH..don't weep for me VROTHERS
/Nederdraad/ /belg/
Sup Zig Forums
¿What went wrong?
/lat/ - hilo latino
Hilo /lat/ino
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Yuropids be like: Ataturk is spinning in his grave
/deutsch/ muss sterbien Ausgabe
Are hispanics traditionalistic? I heard catholicism is very strong here...
Your cunt
Would i pass as local in your country?
Is it true that the guttural R (uvular fricative) is spreading in Norway?
What did japan mean by this?
Sverigetråden - Ensamhet
Zoomers are sodomites
Λοοοολ look at this dude. look at how much we cuck T*rkey. xaxxaxaxa
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine