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All of these, just no ch*colate


Enter pistaCHADS


Mint Chocolate chip is a man flavour.

all same for me t b h

Females can't meme.

For me it's dark chocolate


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>For me it's dark chocolate

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> peanut

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one of the reasons gigachad is still good is that there cannot be a female version, unlike played out wojaks.

Is that yougurt or just water flavour?

uhhh, chocolate lover here
preferably white but I'm just cray-cray for my 'choc' fix haha

tastes more like yoghurt or cream, yes.

>spicy dark chocolate

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>lemon ice cream
>rose ice cream
>mocha ice cream
>butterscotch ice cream

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Bend the knee, unzip the pants and suck my cock.

can't. I'm gulping on some delicious choc-choc right now

based lemonchads


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>Enter Dulce de LecheCHAD


>Take that chocolate shite outside and bring me my cookie dough.

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Unironically the "bubblegum" flavour is the best flavour of icecream i've ever had, shame its so rare i've only seen it abroad.

Kneel, whore.

Mint is patrician tier.

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Rocky road makes me coom

Bubblegum is pretty good but same I don't see it very often. A good substitute is cotton candy flavor.