You wake up in peru

you wake up in peru

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the left one can stay, the others can be thrown off the cliff

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fuck not this shit again

Is that moner on the left?

>"you wake up in peru"
>goblina dark midgets
>dangerous cities
>cocaine and other drugs with decapitated dealers
>street gang fights
>polluted everything
>food that will give you diarrhea and/or e-coli
>loud annoying music blasted anywhere
>corruption and poor everything
>annoying zoomers with ridiculous hairstyles and clothing

Are you sure you're not talking about your own country


Lima had the hottest women I have ever seen, anywhere

I like the result of european + amerindian mix

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impregnate each of them, stick around to see how they raise the kid by themselves

Literal heaven.

You sure you didn't just describe your own Mexican daily life?

dont tell the secret

God i wish

She passes here

that isnt just peru, its also your country and brazil.

Her mother isn't particularly cute but Isabella, man she's beautiful IMO

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how you end up as a womanlet when your native side is tall, what a failure

One day i will visit

maybe her peruvian grandparents are small

bro that's literally your country

Nice description of mexico

Sounds like Mexico

Where is your self-awareness?

so thats why their fertility rate is so high

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extremely self-aware post
all repliers are brainlets

thats every country in south and central america

thats the best description of mexico



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kek well done