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Henry Sanders
Connor Lopez
Christopher Martinez
The Origins of the Gaelic race.
Isaac Sanders
>Dal Riada Celts – When considered in a narrow genetic sense, the Gaels of Ireland, as identified by the DNA signature of OGAP8, are as close as any group to being considered the root line and forbearers of Celts of today.18 When present in Scotland, it is suggested that OGAP8 represents the signature of the Dal Riada Celts.
Justin Lewis
uggh forgot the source
Owen Perez
>all celtic people come from ireland
Jordan Taylor
" As an example, in the Campbell project 73% of the
participants (123 out of 169) do not have a reliable paper
trail that places their genetic ancestor in either Scotland or
Ireland. "
Zachary Reed
sorry where's your expert paper done by an expert?
oh? you dont have one?
kay grand :)
Nicholas Reed
"The massive flaw in that theory is that Gaelic Scottish males have absolutely no DNA evidence whatsoever to show an earlier origin within Ireland (think about it, if they did, then their most distant BigY matches would be dominated by Irish surnames like Murphy, O’Connor and O’Neill). It makes more sense that the Ancient Britons, Picts, Romans and later Anglo-Saxons who first encountered these Gaelic speaking raiders named them ‘Scots’ in reference to that big island off the Scottish west coast known as ‘Scithis.’"
Christian Hill
so here’s to those that’re dead and gone
the friends that i loved dear
and here’s to you, and i’ll bid you adieu
saying donegal danny’s been here, me boys, donegal danny’s been here
Jace Turner
>pubs to reopen 21st September
Mohammed mboko rashid btfo
Christopher Davis
Hi, guys.
Jonathan Gomez
this isnt a study, its some lads blog
Wyatt Anderson
>its some lads blog
"He obtained a Diploma in Biology with Distinction in 1995, a 1st Class Honours Degree in Biotechnology in 1998, and a Ph.D. in Neuroimmunology in 2003. He has worked extensively in both academic and industrial research labs. Out of curiousty he submitted his families DNA for commercial ancestral Y-DNA testing in 2004."
"Since 2012 customers have commissioned Irish Origenes to produce their DNA reports that identify their Irish origin based on commercial Y-DNA, Autosomal and mtDNA test results. His most notable customers have included the President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins (pictured), the late Norman P McClelland of Shamrock Foods (pictured, founder of the Irish Cultural Center and McClelland Library, Phoenix, Arizona) and Professor Sir George Bain (formerly president and vice-chancellor of Queen's University Belfast)."
"some lad" he isnt.
Connor Williams
he has no (zero) supplementary studies to back him up
unlike me
Daniel Gray
>he has no (zero) supplementary studies to back him up
he is the studdier mong.
Joseph Murphy
yeah agreed he's just a mong
Jayden Thompson
Ayden Jackson
mong. post jaw.
Ethan Butler
you dont want to see my jaw
it mogs yours difi-nitely 100pircint
Zachary Price
these threads are so shit because the users are all so shit and all sub 20-
it really explains the huge drop in quality of this website
Adrian Rodriguez
must have been the saxon in your mums house shaking about.
Kayden Bennett
want me to change just for you?
Gabriel Williams
ya dont know what youre getting at but its obviously highly significant to you because you're a virgin cunt
Thomas Sullivan
When considered in a narrow genetic
sense, the Gaels of Ireland, as identified by the DNA
signature of OGAP8, are as close as any group to being
considered the root line and forbearers of Celts of
today.18 When present in Scotland, it is suggested that
OGAP8 represents the signature of the Dal Riada Celts.
Joseph Young
Christopher Reyes
what age are you
>doesnt reply
Blake Richardson
Nolan Miller
Luke Powell
Ayden Ward
Cameron Wilson
lads i don't have a shift or capslock key and can't afford a new keyboard because i'm unemployed
time to give out about people who are unemployed on int every morning