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International #1301
Sh-sh-shut u-up amerifat
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Will she win?
Sverigetråden - Skuggupplagan
/fr/ - le francofil
I am genuinely frightened by mid aged Russians, they are so cold and emotionless
Why don't North Koreans flee to Russia?
Would you rather live in Istanbul, Moscow, London or Paris?
How much longer does the EU have?
YES, You WILL brush your teeth
Is this the official american incel look?
Which one are you?
Do I look like a gypsy when i’m tanned?
Why does based spain make you incels seethe so much?
Kurva anyátok
The real borders of Hungary. Give it back
Does this happen in your country?
/ita/ il filo
Mfw in Brazil racemixing is a rightwing thing
How to make Zig Forums and Zig Forums more female friendly...
Imagine being a westerner
Dude Zig Forums is soooo heckin based and cool you should check it out!!!
This kills the sherman
White privilege is real
Why did he do it?
This is Germany. It's the only country with germans inside it's borders
Sverigetråden - Höstupplagan
Salut is hello in Romanian
Thoughts on Croatian architecture?
If you're a native french then it's impossible to be virgin...
/ישר/- /이스라/- /isr/- /อิสร/ + חברים
And I made Germany bigger!
Orthodox Christianity doesn't believe in immaculate conception. They think Jesus' father was Joseph and not God...
How do your parents feel about your inceldom?
He believes in a fucking sky daddy
/esp/ Piramide edition
Do ethnic French still exist?
You will be violently raped by the fourth picture in your gallery
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
/lat/ hilo latino
/fr/ - le francofil
How do you like your coffee?
/desi/ - resuscitated edition
Lmao that faggot became a legend for spliting his head like a banana peel
There will be heaven for we gook
/deutsch/ - behinderte beim abspasten
Tfw no russian ice princess
Why is Belgium so powerful when it comes to comics?
Why do japanese people have green eyes?
A car agency displays a picture of the launch of Volkswagen Sedan in 1938
If you spend enough time here you realize 90% of posts are made again and again by the same handful of schizos
I am an atheist
Arab and Dumber
Why don't spaniards post on this site compared to other europeans?
Eurocentric beauty standards demand a slim figure in 90s/early 2000s
25 y/o and VIRGIN!!!!!!!!!!!
Sverigetråden - Starka upplagan
Why is this women's favorite position?
Kurva anyátok
Why don't you move to Russia?
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
Would you date a Russian man?
Finland says 750 billion euros to Italy
The sky is fucking orange
Redpill me on Bangladesh
Do people in non-white countries look at white people as something to aspire to or as enemies?
Why don't you have a gf, Zig Forums?
Average r/croatia user
Turns out Nords and Meds are very similar
His cunt is eternally cucked by a hereditary ruling family
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
I don't understand why gaijin chans are useing THAT strong perfume
/lat/ Hilo latino
/ישר/- /이스라/- /isr/- /อิสร/ + חברים
When will wikipedia remove us from this shit?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2403
Where are you on the gay to straight spectrum?
Say something mean about japan
The almost 1st world belt of Europe
Can I pass as local in your country?
Why are Europeans paid so poorly...
/med/ - Mediterranean general
/ita/ - il filo
Sverigetråden - Gulpajupplagan
Was a female ever attracted to you?
Stop there, prove you aren’t a Muslim now
Do you have big projects in your cunt?
War is cumming. Pick a side
Did you know you can get Norwegian citizenship by living in Svalbard for 7 years?
What went right?
Tfw irrelevant country
Have you ever been to spain? Does everyone really take naps in the middle of the day there? Is life really that comfy?
I can't stop drinking
Why do they hate each other so much?
/fr/ francofil
Do Indians really?
How accurate is this in 2020?
Ylilauta users took over /mammi/ after they got banned there and now /mammi/ is a penis extension version of Ylilauta
Do you ____ Japan?
Post your first name so other anons can tell you if its based or cringe
Are they first world?
Why are Third Worlders like this?
日本語スレッド / Japanese Thread
Why are they quiet irl but loud in the internet?
1. Your Country
Why won't they shower ?
What is this and where to find ?
Relocation with $1M
I'm getting incredibly upset by the attitudes members of this community have towards the Croatian people who post...
How come Italy is the only med nation that still hasn’t recovered from the fall of Rome? Spain, Portugal, Romania...
I wish to find love in Israel
Is it true Bosnians are the whitest people in the Balkans?
Massachusetts is the blest place on Earth to live
Kurva anyátok
Would it have been better if they just stayed together?
Why are thirdies like this?
What comes out of Poland?
This is the greatest game ever made
How come Asians have no light eyes and hair?
Nikyle Tequisha was african-american
Greece has been one of the most relevant countries of this new millennium
Why do teslafags bully us so much?
1. Your country
Holy based
You will never get a girlfriend
Biggest chad on int
Buy our cars
/ita/ - il filo
Go here and talk Portuguese with us, shy user!
Linden Cameron suffered from separation anxiety, his mother Golda Barton told reporters...
Why are they so racist? They are culturally as relevant as subsaharan africa
Why do white ppl look so weird?
Nintendo is the richest company in Japan with $8.3B in the bank
The last bastion of paganism is dying
Is Greece ready?
Literally what the fuck is happening in this country???
Homosexuals and the LGBT are ruining my country. How about yours?
I once stole this shampoo from a hostel in hungary
/fr/ - le francofil
2 more months
Is Islamophobia a problem in your country?
Sverigetråden - Svartmetall
You are cunt
This is what Greeks actually look like
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Why does this happen in Southern Europe?
/ישר/- /እስራ/- /isr/- /ઈઝરા/ + חברים
Finland is arguably non-Euopean
Post nice pictures of your cunt that you took
Buy our cars
Once I graduate I’m going to apply for jobs in Sweden so I can get a residence permit and eventually citizenship
What's your favorite anime?
What is the worst Japanese atrocity?
America will burn in this decade
Tfw it's privilege check day at school
How bad is tourism in your cunt? How well-behaved are tourists generally?
What happens in the green area?
Insult me in the language of your people
What is school in Japan like?
Numba ome country on the Europes!!
They hand out muh heritage passports like f*cking candy
What are you doing to "make it" financially in your life right now, Zig Forums?
I'm 20 and I don't have my driver's license. Is this common in your cunt?
Indian Army Vs China Army
Get ready
Again tomboy is best
I went to Five Guys in Paris
Why are French men so hot?
What happens here?
Hilo /esp/
Language loss in Sub-Saharan Africa
I did it, boys
/danmarktråden/ og /skandi/
Kurva anyátok
This is the trend on Twitter in the Philippines now and top one is "cancelkorea."
This is what the majority of Americans will look like in the future. Thoughts?
Why do Euros like denying the racism of their countries in Zig Forums of all places?
What do Mexicans think of Frida Kahlo? I think she was a qt, Diego didn't deserve her
/desi/ - idrk edition
The jews are spreading more degeneracy in Brazil and Bolsoberg is allowing it
Why are Japanese Brazilians so much better looking than Japanese in Japan?
Hilo /lat/ino
/Balt/ + /ausnz/
Be Turkish kebab store owner in Portugal
Be around September of 2018
Nine Reasons Why Rural America Sucks
You get to impregnate 3 women from 3 different nations. Which ones do you choose and why
Portuguese students offered protection in Poland after racist attack
How did you learn English third world anons?
/habt ihr hurensöhne wieder den faden sterben lassen/ ehemals /deutsch/
His country doesn't have a sport which nobody else plays
Samurais are the greatest warriors!
1. Cunt
Is your country currently being punished by God?
Why are germans so racist?
Why is the new world so shitty and tasteless compared to Europe when it was colonized by euros to begin with?
You know what? Fuck this meme alliance
Hello we are korean german couple ^-^
Why haven't you kysed yet?
Why do 4channers hate trans people so much? What did they ever do to you?
Reminder that this is who you're calling moor
The chad side of the globe
Tfw not big dick polynesian
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Is it true? how different are south brazillian compared to other south american?
Manlet (173 cm)
Do women in your cunt tend to be based?
How do I become gay? Don't want to be straight anymore. Women bad. How to???
China doesn't want to dominate your culture, overthrow your leaders and control your population...
Mfw I get a (you)
/brit/ - Why did jannie delete edish
Are you a mutt?
Do black guys spend their whole lives dreaming about impregnating white women
Are you monolingual? How many languages do speak?
Do mass shooters have a certain phenotype in your country?
The only good city in North America
Americans will defend this
/fr/ - le francofil
/brit/ - Berwick-upon-Tweed belongs to Scotland Edition
Map thread
The only mexicans who deserve respect. The rest are subhuman rapebabies
Why are mexican girls so beautiful?
I am dying pleases send help and firefighters
I am 171cm, is suicide the only option? Literally 14 year old girls are taller than me...
Imagine living in the "Old World" lmao
Do corporations pander to terrorism in your cunt?
Sverigetråden - Dystra Ensamhetsupplagan
How do we bring Egypt back?
Did you guys watch Ed Edd and Eddie growing up?
1.2 billion ppl
How true is this?
Britain is still here but when will they fuck off from our union
Tfw I'm actually a fat American
"the most intelligent race!!!!!11111111"
He tried
Go into grocery store in leafland
A 15 year old Turkish girl committed suicide because her father bullied her for listening to K POP...
Fixed it
Polish people, please explain this man
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Is this accurate for your state?
Haha, it's a rectangle
Spain, Germany, France, Italy are the ugliest ones
Can't express something as simple as "succeeding in doing something" without relying on 3 words phrase structures
/ita/ - il filo
Atom bad. Renewable good
Get out of my country invader
I have the ability to permanently bump a thread
Are you a feminist?
Do Americans really?
/fr/ - Le fil de rien du tout
Wtf i love chile now
Would you convert to Islam if you got a free habbibi gf?
Chinese century
Moving to the UK
When will Kazakhstan stop being associated with this asshole?
Why American teeth always look so healthy and white? Even lower class
What countries have the most masculine men?
How can you not like Scandinavian music?
Just had a 20 minute argument over the existence of Luck, my brother actually thinks Luck exists
Is “gentrification” an issue in your country?
How does Europe get cucked by a small island so hard and for so long?
Are you greek?
Vocaroo thread
What does Zig Forums think of social democracy?
Are men and women being platonic friends socially accepted in your country?
/flag/ + /extraflags/
日本語スレッド/Japanese thread
/SAG/ - previously known as /desi/
Do Russians really do this?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Whites will seethe at this
ITT: post stereotypes of your country that you fit
Is it true that white people stopped having kids because they're expensive?
What will your last though be when you die?
Are you a communist?
Do they exist in your country? Sadly not many in mine
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2402
South africa's GDP shrunk 51% in Q2 compared to Q1
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Surviving Celtic culture
Well are you ready user?
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - le francofil
I want to visit Portugal
Pakistan court sentences Christian to death on blasphemy charges
Americans pls explain
/deutsch/ - behinderte beim abspasten
Why are they such a racist country?
Have you ever been to sauna
How can any non whites have pride in themselves when every inch populated by them is a dumpster and inferior?
Are you depressed?
Work all day every day get pay 200 usd and can't afford to rent a shtty apartment the ''country''...
/ישר/- /이스라/- /isr/- /อิสร/ + חברים
Is Canada a good place to live?
Daily France Worship Thread
/v4/ + friends
Differences between Scandinavians as an American
I was fired today
The sun has fallen out of orbit and is on a collision course with earth
Post the last song you heard that you were really into recently
Amazon could turn into source of CO2 in atmosphere by next decade, research suggests
Sverigetråden - Hobgäng
I just got an Egyptian Hakim rifle from the 50s. The stock has some symbols etched into the side...
Kurva anyátok
Tell me about that time you met a Russian
What's even the point of white supremacy movement and white nationalism...
Do Americans really? I know this looks like a fake or a parody but it's fucking real
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Russia if Novgorodians defeated Muscovy
Do you like Mexican women?
This is unironically what EVROPE should be about
I half german and half turkish born and raised in germany
/ita/ - il filo
Have you ever had a crush on a muslim girl?
Only 4 more months left until we kick them out eurobros
Mfw we are going to go to war with Turkey
What kills you Zig Forums?
Worldwide we all admit pedophiles are fucking bastard pigs who deserve to be killed without mercy
/mex/ - Hilo Mexicano
Visit Spain
Whatever China is doing with Hong Kong. How is it any worse to what the Brits did in Ireland and Wales??
I can't pronounce 'squirrel'
Why don't Britain and Russia ally?
An Arab guy beat a french a girl...
My brothers. My corona kings
How common is this in USA?
Sverigetråden - Folkets upplaga
/fr/ - le francofil
My entire town was evacuated last night, does this happen in your cunt?
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Post E-girls from your cunt
What’s a good Asian language to learn as someone that has never learned another language before...
India is a sh-
/ita/ - il filo
Imagine living in USA 2020, a declining place
Have you ever been in prison or jail?
I heard that russian boys literally cant function without gay sex. Is this true?
/ישר/- /이스라/- /isr/- /อิสร/ + חברים
What is the essential difference between the so called Armenian genocide and the Operation Vistula?
What's a gender reveal party?
Asian women are more feminine in appearance because they produce more estrogen than other women
China managed to make reusable rockets. With this...
Why are whitoids amazed by deserts it’s just freaking sand
I'm Ukrainian and my great-grandparents were part of a pro-nazi militia and literally and unironically killed Jews
How do I get pic related? (I'd be the on on the right)
Sverigetråden - Flygplanupplagan
/med/ - Mediterranean general
2020 will forever be the year when everyone listened to these two songs
TRUMP thread
Tfw mexican elite members lastnames cant be found anywhere else in the country
Kurva anyátok
Why do they look like spics?
Its OHP day!
/ita/ - il filo
I don't like this version of (((jesus))) because i'm a real christian
Black magic thread
What does the world thing of my obesity ?
/fr/ - le Francofil francophone
Even Spaniards and Portuguese are closer to the rest of Europe than Italy, even NORTH Italy
What is American High School like?
I'm an immigrant
I hate living in a welfare state...
New Lidl is going to open soon
Two more pages
Was this pussy worth what Latin America became
We got too cocky white bros, non-white women are waking up
Why are they so terrible at speaking English? I have heard Romanians and Serbians speak better English
Americans call it mac and cheese
Do you have a big nose?
Why do people on Zig Forums still belitlle each other for their skin color...
Your country
Sverigetråden - kattupplagan
Russian master race
Do you support the liberation of Quebec from Anglo-Canadian linguistic fascism and oppression?
/fr/ - le francofil
What part of your country has the most beautiful women?
Why don’t you have a switch, Zig Forums?
Which country in europe has the most amible people (or far from racists)?
Faces of int
What makes you happy in your country?
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Is 篠崎 愛 the most beautiful creature on Earth?
This is what finnish posters look like
I don't get it
Do you know that all of these beautiful Croatian coastal towns were built by Italians...
/ita/ - il filo
White girls are angels
I promise I'll kick you all someday from my town. For my future kid
Why do white boys claim to suffer?
Katana or to love Japan Which one do you take you foreigners
/deutsch/ volksbettlerausgabe
Imagine being a souless nordic npc but still beating up your wife. What alcohol problems and shitty lives can do, woah...
Kurva anyátok
Denmark seeks to ban circumcision and punish for it 6 years in jail
How many of you work for the CIA?
How do you call Ivan IV of Russia in your cunt?
Norwegians: Cool people
Sverigetråden - Jättestarka upplagan
Money must be distributed as needed
White boyfriends
This webm shows a Dutch girl being reckless in trafic
I wish i were russian
Why does Indian English sound so ridiculous?
French boys
Only fat white girl have Asian fetish
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine