say something about my grandma edition
Удpяй гo X-a - oтpeжи мe pязкo,
oт тeб щeтитe нe пoкpивa кacкo,
пoлyдявaм, пpeкaлявaм
вceки път кaтo ти ce дoвepявaм.
Удpяй гo X-a - oтpeжи мe pязкo,
дaвaй, пoбъpзaй, дoвъpши мe бяcнo,
ceгa зacпивaй c мeчeтo,
нe бeшe бoмбa, нo в мeн взpиви cъpцeтo.
Cлoжи ми X тaм дeтo дpyги cлaгaт чepтaтa,
пoд нoмep cтo cъм oт oния дeтo ca ти в кpaкaтa.
B тaкcитo cякaш въздyхa ми cпиpa,
въpти бpoячa и ми ce yмиpa.
Зaщoтo кaтo нeгo мe пpeвъpтaш -
кaк нe ти ce виe cвят?
Do him and fyrombey, pls.
Once you go black
svetovid, my hair is starting to look like this
do i shave the sides
i've never had it past a buzzcut in my life before this
who is the nigger with hamster teeth
Faceapp just won't stop bullying his teeth
Do it with animation.
michele obama bro
let it grow, grow a manbun
I keep on wanting to throw up, do I have corona
not long enough to tie it up
long enough for it to look like a mullet in the back
This is normal on your first visits to /balk/
let it grow, also grow a beard if you have a weak chin
Griklad can you please post him and xzibit?
nah, can't grow one
none of my male ancestors can
It keeps making them asian because zajo has his eyes closed.
okay jewboy
do you at least have a good chin ?
Nobody expects this crossover
I am begging you do this next
you cannot call yourself balkan without being as hairy as a monkey
dios mio
>a jew telling me what is and isn't balkan
okay moisha
>We're not us, you're us
We will haunt your nightmares.
Ahahahah omg