
say something about my grandma edition

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Удpяй гo X-a - oтpeжи мe pязкo,
oт тeб щeтитe нe пoкpивa кacкo,
пoлyдявaм, пpeкaлявaм
вceки път кaтo ти ce дoвepявaм.
Удpяй гo X-a - oтpeжи мe pязкo,
дaвaй, пoбъpзaй, дoвъpши мe бяcнo,
ceгa зacпивaй c мeчeтo,
нe бeшe бoмбa, нo в мeн взpиви cъpцeтo.
Cлoжи ми X тaм дeтo дpyги cлaгaт чepтaтa,
пoд нoмep cтo cъм oт oния дeтo ca ти в кpaкaтa.
B тaкcитo cякaш въздyхa ми cпиpa,
въpти бpoячa и ми ce yмиpa.
Зaщoтo кaтo нeгo мe пpeвъpтaш -
кaк нe ти ce виe cвят?

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Do him and fyrombey, pls.

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Once you go black

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svetovid, my hair is starting to look like this
do i shave the sides
i've never had it past a buzzcut in my life before this

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who is the nigger with hamster teeth

Faceapp just won't stop bullying his teeth

Do it with animation.

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michele obama bro

let it grow, grow a manbun

I keep on wanting to throw up, do I have corona

not long enough to tie it up
long enough for it to look like a mullet in the back



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This is normal on your first visits to /balk/

let it grow, also grow a beard if you have a weak chin

Griklad can you please post him and xzibit?

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nah, can't grow one
none of my male ancestors can

It keeps making them asian because zajo has his eyes closed.



okay jewboy

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do you at least have a good chin ?


Nobody expects this crossover

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I am begging you do this next

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you cannot call yourself balkan without being as hairy as a monkey

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dios mio

>a jew telling me what is and isn't balkan
okay moisha

>We're not us, you're us

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We will haunt your nightmares.

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Ahahahah omg