It's visa free so anyone from any country can move to Svalbard, live there for 7 years and acquire Norwegian citizenship. You just need to have enough money to afford shelter and food
Did you know you can get Norwegian citizenship by living in Svalbard for 7 years?
Other urls found in this thread:
>You just need to have enough money to afford shelter and food
And therein lies the issue. Also, 7 years is a fucking long time.
but why would I want to live in this frozen hellhole?
You have the same rights as locals as long as you have a EU passport btw. So it really doesnt fucking matter
Don't need it. I live 5 minutes from Norway and work there.
>have a EU passport
many of us n*w w*rlders are not so blessed
How much does it cost to live there for 7 years?
Because you want Norwegian citizenship or you want a reffed remote arctic life. Same reason people move to Northern Alaska.
After 7 years the payoff is massive Norwegian gibs from oil money
Er du fra Thorsby?
Or I could do the paperwork, get my italian citizenship and live anywhere in Europe, not just desolate frozen fishing villages
Probably a lot since there's no residential buildings outside of company supplied ones which only go to workers. There's a hotel there that you can live in. Plus food is probably expensive since it's remote and you will have to pay for your own healthcare or forgo it for 7 years
There's no jobs otherwise i would already be there
>Just spend 7 years in a frozen island to get Norwegian citizenship, bro
Population density .044/km2
Probably gonne b eaten by an icebear in that time
Nej, Charlottenberg. 6 km från Norge.
The weather, although cold, is still warmer than much of Siberia, albeit with significantly colder summers
The cheapest hotel I found was $48 per night which would cost $17520 per year or $122 640 for the whole 7 years.
I’d do that, if there’s comfy jobs there
But I'm already getting Italian citizenship, which means I can live anywhere in the EU and probably the EFTA as well without any problems, so why would I do this? You're not a citizenshiplet, are you, OP?
Do you have to really live there or just "live" there with a residence on your name
Just bring in a tent and live in the wilderness bro, you're living the life of a scandi, build a mudhut and be happy
>The cheapest hotel I found was $48 per night which would cost $17520 per year or $122 640 for the whole 7 years.
You can live in car.
Housing seems quite affordable.
To live with absolute minimum standards in a humble way would be possible with 1000$ a month. Which requires 84.000$ bare minimum for 7 years of accommodation. I am sure finding some small jobs here and there would be possible during that time period as well.
>Housing seems quite affordable.
>To live with absolute minimum standards in a humble way would be possible with 1000$ a month
haha, sure is affordable haha
800 CAD per month for a room. More affordable than most of Canada honestly
I just wanted to check the rent prices in Nunavut to get some perspective and found this:
>Average rents in Iqaluit remain among the highest in Canada, with average rents for a two-bedroom coming in at $2,597 per month.
What the fuck?
in 7 years I'll be 34 and my life is basically over
What do you even do for work in Svalbard?
kek no idea but basically the whole country's housing is fucked. I guess housing is expensive to build up there or something so you need high rents to recoup expenses, perhaps. All those meme pics of expensive groceries are from up north too, since you can't grow much there and it costs a lot to import. Dunno how Svalbard manages to stay so cheap
A lot. Everything in the arctic circle is expensive as fuck.