Serious question, I'm not trying to be funny.
As far as the dating/sex scene is concerned, you're living life on tutorial mode with all cheats enabled.
Serious question, I'm not trying to be funny.
As far as the dating/sex scene is concerned, you're living life on tutorial mode with all cheats enabled.
Whites are accustomed to privilege and the plethora of successful Asian, ME and African immigrants threatens them
She doesn’t mean white boys, she means attractive white boys
Everyone is the same shade here so it doesnt give any advantage
Stop calling us boys
its impossible to be white and incel
Most people using Tiktok are kids who are probably just entering high school. I'm really uncomfortable with the idea of the "thing" that's popular with kids is all race related race baiting crap.
What I find a bit hypocritical about these women is how they love pure white guys but at the same time hold mixed white people in lower regard, completely oblivious to the fact that they will likely spawn a white man's mutt, which is prone to be swarthier than actual whites. What are they gonna do when their son doesn't look as "pure" as their husbands but more like them instead? will they neglect or abuse their offspring? It kinda makes me sad. Aside from that, HOT, I wanna coom in some hot mulatta girl now. t. white guy
imagine being incel in countries where women are allowed to whore around
Social media was a mistake. 10 year ago, everyone was normal and not obsessed with things like this.