You have $1M to buy up land in any place you wish to set up residence for the remainder of your life. Where do you go and why? Set language and employment barriers aside
For me, it would be someplace in Eastern Europe. Those countries are the only proud Europeans ones left. I have Greek citizenship so it’s plausible to do so if the country is a part of the eu.
>Set language and employment barriers aside Why though? Why would something as important as language and economic factors not matter, but them being "based" matter? What a retarded thread.
Caleb Jackson
I'm surprised we're not higher
Ethan Powell
Xavier Wood
russia somewhere in the forest near finland or karelia, a couple of acres and a cabin
Carter Barnes
Jeremiah Hill
I would go for southern Italy or some croatian island. cheap, sunny, good food and wine
Jaxon Taylor
somewhere in the icelandic countryside, close to the highlands maybe.
Chase Richardson
Southern Spain
Chase Foster
somewhere in finland. at least a couple hundred km away from where i live. buy a nice house put the rest of the money in the bank. maybe 700k left. buy better computer and suhc buy some sex dolls live comfy luxus neet life