What went right?

What went right?

Attached: Map-Lusophone_World-Česky.png (1357x628, 60.08K)

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I wish those african flags post here

theyr're disguised as Portugal flags


kek that's a very interesting name


Attached: Pedro_Américo_-_D._Pedro_II_na_abertura_da_Assembléia_Geral.jpg (876x1281, 1.14M)

I wish people from Angola would post so bad.

we should have shot pedro the first when we when autistic and said independece or death dispite being the fucking king
also we should have dodged the fuck out of africa much earlier and avoided a stupid war

Communist terrorism and international isolation

they are considerably poorer then brazil so you can imagine how limited internet access there is

Autista analfabeto

Yeah, supposedly they have 7 millions of people using the internet internetworldstats.com/africa.htm

sim ja sei que és o retardado que fica autista porcausa de muh colonias e muh comunas.
merecias ficar 1 ano num hospital com pessoas de ptsd para curar essa retardação

You missed Goa in that map


>Implying that killing Dom Pedro would have changed anything
If you did that to the king the revolt would be much worse and the wars in Africa would be child's game compared to what would've happened here lol. If Portugal didn't fill this country with slaves and criminals, this would look much more like Portugal itself and everyone would've gained with that.

>guerraa boooooa huuur , quem me dera ir para o mato perder uma perna por uma terra que nem era minha

Attached: 93803422_676132482955823_7622932214751298040_n.jpg (640x640, 40.95K)

Mete a tua dor de corno no cu filho de uma puta

>If Portugal didn't fill this country with slaves and criminals
Then the colonization of Brazil wouldn't be a thing fren

>É contra a guerra
>Deliberadamente fala a favor de se ter provocado uma
>Chama aos outros burros

i know i was memeing about that because he said independace or death.

> If Portugal didn't fill this country with slaves and criminals, this would look much more like Portugal itself and everyone would've gained with that.
if we didnt fill it with criminals and slaved there would be no brazil in the first place

sim conta me mais sobre os teus distúrbios mentais
>não é contra a guerra
>mas nunca fez 1 segundo de serviço militar ou alguma vez teve em combate
porque tantos poster lusos tem qi tão baixo que doi

Not all colonization had those characteristic,dude. Look at Australia, USA, Canada and others. Portugal literally shoved 5 millions from africa here, they fucked the blacks, they fucked themselves and they fucked the country. Is it possible to do worse than that?

Yeah, you would have some sort of Canada/Australia instead of a stupid backwards shithole

>Yeah, you would have some sort of Canada/Australia instead of a stupid backwards shithole
brittian was much richer for much longer austrailia was filled with criminals , dont blame your shittines on us we are also shitty by euro standarts

Distúrbios mentais. Isto vindo do camelo comunista que consegue falhar todas as presunções que faz dos outros e fica logo em sentido mal o contradizem
Creio mesmo que tens esquizofrenia

por quão fumegante estas acho que as minhas presunçosos estão assim tao mal
qualquer das maneiras não levo a sério que uma pessoa que quer portugueses morrer é bom

Attached: 1495756886304.jpg (782x835, 116.93K)

>Look at Australia, USA, Canada and others.
Portugal didn't have the population nor the force to do so fren
>Portugal literally shoved 5 millions from africa here, they fucked the blacks
Yes, and that was good. Brazil would be as segregated and with racial disputes as the US if it wasn't for this

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Eu nunca disse isso. Ao contrário de ti que ainda agora entraste em exercícios mentais para dar a volta á apologia pelo assassinato de um rei português, que por sua vez ia causar uma guerra civil como já foi dito
Atrasados mentais como tu que não conseguem admitir os seus erros são o motivo pelo qual não só o postador português é uma merda mas a razão do país estar com está

ve>Eu nunca disse isso.
pois so autisca mente comecaste a cagar insultos como todos os brainlet posters luso fazer quando deparados com qualquer coisas

Portugal should've tried to grab a chunk of South China and colonized it

They had a small population and controlled all that land.

Brazil would probably be full of Hindus and Indonesians if Brazil stayed with portugul for longer

Nah they definitely would've converted to islam, at least bahia would