snooker edition
Ayden Ramirez
Noah Harris
big dead eyes like a fish. how i love em
Bentley Cook
snooker is for boring wankers
Luke Adams
why are you retarded mongs always making two news at once
Henry Baker
I hope the yanks die painfully
Benjamin Young
keep the janman on his toes
not paying him to get complacent
Aiden Scott
Rule of Two
Owen Long
James Martin
cricket toil looms
Gabriel Sullivan
>maybe have a dance at some point
What are you into nowadays? Are you still a technohead?
>read books
Yes, mate, Moby Dick page 1 for me. Do you keep a log of everything you've read seeing as you read so much?
>watch shit
What are you gonna watch? Greenaway's Drowning By Numbers is on 4od. I'll probably watch that later today