snooker edition
big dead eyes like a fish. how i love em
snooker is for boring wankers
why are you retarded mongs always making two news at once
I hope the yanks die painfully
keep the janman on his toes
not paying him to get complacent
Rule of Two
cricket toil looms
>maybe have a dance at some point
What are you into nowadays? Are you still a technohead?
>read books
Yes, mate, Moby Dick page 1 for me. Do you keep a log of everything you've read seeing as you read so much?
>watch shit
What are you gonna watch? Greenaway's Drowning By Numbers is on 4od. I'll probably watch that later today
holy mother of based
is this THE thread?
Looks like the gf cut my sandwich with a spoon, this will affect her allowance
>only brits and aussies
need mroe bait /brit/s to distract the jfs
Just smack her over the head. I do it with mine
the quote on quote scran
Let me start this thread by acknowledging the indigenous peoples of this land
the scran
copealone in the other one too
think I'll stay here in the comfy thread
hello lads
simultaneously reminded of the lad whose gf put the white bits of a lettuce in his sandwiches and also that thread where we posted about domestic abuse because "they love it though"
>Michael Gove 2016 "The day after we leave, we hold all the cards"
>Michael Gove 2019 “It’s a grim but inescapable fact that in the event of a no-deal Brexit tariffs on beef and sheep meat would be above 40%"
absolutely roaring
not sure i'd ever call myself a technolad but yeh i still listen to techno
>Do you keep a log of everything you've read seeing as you read so much?
nah just stick em on the shelves. i figure if you completely forget about something probably wasn't very good.
>Greenaway's Drowning By Numbers on 4od
oh shit good shout how long for?
bit shoddy
probably taste fine though
needs a bit of chilli sauce
that toast is fucked mate
these basically just penguin bars with caramel then?
Got called racist in greggs earlier lads
aldi penguins
every little helps
bit rude
wanted some Worcestershire sauce but mumberg forgot to buy any
not funny mate we're in trouble
show some compassion
>Worcestershire mentioned
why does every western end with a tense shoot out
econmy is fucked anyway
might as well go out with a bang
i almost completely forget things i read, just remember little fragments and maybe the general theme. ive started to write notes on all the books i read because then i actually remember most of it
Shove it up your hole you stupid cunt hahaahhahahhaha
The popularity of Cardi B and her sick song WAP (wet ass pussy) amongst teenage girls tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about western culture. I hold my hands up and admit it - Muslims were right all along
Ainsley Harriot is a based black man
No Country for Old Men doesn't
the drink
im in the market for a small man bag anyone know any nice ones
Want to lick chebs lads
currently dual /brit/ posting
yeah loads
fuck off you nasty little bastard
send us a tenner
matter of fact i've got it now
janny should be doing his job
Welcome, user! Welcome, to every inner west house party in a nutshell.
looks refreshing that
Why dont we just conquere europe?
Scottish people get france and Scandinavia then the english get the rest.
fellas i've got these little white pussy spots on the side of my nose but can't find anything on google about what causes it. when i take a shower i always get white puss there. what the fuck is it?
Her fanbase is mostly middle-class white people. At least SOME black people still have morality and God in their lives
because real life isn't a game of civ you autistic sadact
dad screaming his guts out at the footy on tv
desu blacks dominate modern western culture because the emphasis is on ego and sex
going for a 2 hour 8 mile walk listening to jaack maates happy hour podcast
What's a good first car to get?
tyson fury is bringing out his book in a past 12 months
i didnt have him down as much of a novelist but credit to him
I dont play games you mong
I cant see whats wrong
*metallic rattling*