pic related - average khas bahun phenotype (bihari khas bahoon)
pic related - average khas bahun phenotype (bihari khas bahoon)
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>Yes, Maybe 1/million. All nepali majdoor and chowkidar that work in haryana are no different from bihari.
Nope, most Khas people, maybe slightly darker at most. And the workers you’re seeing there probably are Biharis from the Terai.
>That's nepali genetics bro
Nope, at most you can say some have Tibetan admixture. It’s you guys have have the Dravidian admixture and try to spread it in the hills.
>Ugly, and poor which points to low IQ.
>an Indian is unironically saying this
>No, every hindu have their family records which they use to confirm identity. Khas being later migrants in india obviously don't have them. Hence the indian pahari distate for khas tribals when they larp as upper caste.
Indian Pahadis larp as plains migrants for pathetic poo approval status retard. They have nothing to do with Indians in reality. Even PNS pulled this crap.
I don’t want validation from whites.
Skin bleaching is a billion dollar business in India. That is all.
Khaskura (Nepali) but the language in its original form is different now because Indians brought some of their ooga booga Hindi into it and changed the original form.
You think ethnic cleansing is based? Poos are mentally ill.
see Yikes dude. You look like a hobo. Also nice lighting and possibly skin bleaching.
>but much better than a khas nepali.
>Look better than nepali poster
Pajeet cope. Even average Khas get more white women than you which is what all this bitterness is all about.
By mocking bihari looks to mock khajeet you have made generations of your ancestors ashamed. By doing this you are agreeing with his stands. Mailing by spit to you from Haryana.
That’s a literal Bihari adibasi from your country you coping poo, he’s not even a Bihari living in our Terai plains.
smelly pajeets
Exactly, it’s so sad that he’s mocking his own appearance and that of 99% of his people. BTW OP Bihari Bahun is an oxymoron, Bahuns are explicitly Hill Brahmins.
i just wanted him to not post in this thread but he doesn't get the message. i have nothing against biharis. biharis are extremely hard workers.
I agree.
I just had to respond to the last thread.
Alright lads I am quite interested in ‘chanting’ type of music but I don’t know where to look
Any ideas would be appreciated
>mentally ill
How ironic...
Hello Sargon.