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International #1303
Sverigetråden - Fågelupplagan
Eyes of Zig Forums
Do americans really
I'm brown, AMA
In America, German immigrants are discriminated against and bullied
Which nation has the cutest boys?
Why are these two languagerinos so hard?
Ive fucked this trap yesterday. Jealous?
What is Zig Forums's impression of Muslim girls?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2407
Is this country dangerous to travel through?
/Mex/ Hilo Mexicano
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Is dating a white woman who's been with a black dude before really so disgusting to people on here? Or is it just bants...
Would you like British friends?
Two ROMANS from different ages staring at each other
Big white cocks
Climate change has gone beyond the absolute worst predictions
Do phenotypes vary regionally in Europe?
/lat/ - Hilo Latino
Your country
Indians are the most racially abused ethnic group on the internet
Please, stop calling us spics
What race wouldn’t you date?
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
No Zig Forumsposter has all five
Tfw no spanish gf
/fr/ - le francofil du samedi soir
Sverigetråden - Ännu en 2d upplaga
Homeland Hate Thread
We will soon live in a world where you can be blocked off the entire internet for having the wrong opinion
I can't stop having sex with Americans!!!
Hmm, those digits are nice, I'll take 'em
/v4/ and friends
After the invention of the airplane by the Wright brothers, what was the most important invention?
/ita/ - il filo
This is how I imagine every nordic poster on Zig Forums
What will happen to the world when China takes over?
Too stupid to learn a 2nd language
Gosh user, you're such a loser
They can be so beautiful with light eyes
Who is the sexiest man from your country?
Tell me good things about it
Why does this movie make people, especially anglos, seethe so much?
/brit /
Mom will pass away someday
Does your country love spongebob?
/isr/ /ישר/
Sverigetråden - Bögfria Upplagan
/leaf/ - Canada general
Why do americans hate living with their parents?
/RAC-schicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Join the int telegram group
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
/esp/ - España
/fr/ - le francofil
This thread is for the poles
Do American ""intellectuals"" really?
Are they arabs?
Two kids were murdered in my town an hour ago. Jesus fuck
Mia Khalifa and her husband
Are azeris actually iranians? Also is there a genetic difference between north and south azeris...
So this is EVROPA
I am Jewish
Could this swedish/estonian/finnish man pass as a local in your cunt??
/kosovo/ bald /schweiz/ und eigentlich nur Sonntags /deutsch/
ITT your ethnicity and your ethnic preference
How int niggas be living? Post the view from your window
Are they white?
I'll never eat Nick Minaj's ass
What's wrong with Indians?
In english, the word "cleave" has two opposite meanings:
Which state would you most like to live in in the US? Which did you get?
Literacy rate in Africa
Africans have no Achievements
Why Western cunts never used Mongoloid or Armenoid looking dude to present Soviet bad guy?
How has Poland impacted your life?
/ita/ - il filo
Is it true that Iranians look very different from Arabs and are much lighter?
These are the ten most dangerous cities in the world
Seriously though, what is the point of this place?
Kurva anyátok
/MENA/ - نسخة الاكتئاب
Is tipping considered normal in your country?
Your cunt
In europe, women are open to dating shorter men
Cradle of civilization
Why are Orthodox countries poorer than other European countries?
I was watching a Turkish TV show and..... Goddamn are all Turkish women this hot?
If China and India got into a legit all out war who would you support?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
This is considered a middle-class neighbourhood in Canada. How does this make you feel?
Do people still immigrate to Brazil/Hispanic America? Why do they do that?
Uh based
Zoomers are making fun of us, bros
Post traditional mask from your country
Everyone here only talk about height, but seriously speaking
Sverigetråden - För Svenskar samt brödrafolk
This kid went from playing fortnite and jerking off in his comfy room to rotting in a prison cell haha
YOOOOOOO look who just pulled up!
Why do Nordic women age like milk?
/fr/ - le francofil
How do we stop them?
Learning this language using english is completely ruined by americans who pick it up as their "first foreign language"...
What's the ugliest and shittiest capital in europe and why it is bucharest?
Why do incels like this guy so much?
Black people on Zig Forums, how do you deal with the racism?
Is Spain Nordic?
Why do they hate Christianity in the UK?
/ישר/- /이스라/- /isr/- /อิสร/ + חברים
This triggers the incel
Indians are blacker/darker than Africans
Americans think that food coloring = quality
How many children do you plan to have?
/deutsch/ vong Samstag abend her
Reminder Austrians and Hungarians did all the work...
What is the general opinion on him in America?
Yes,ameriKKKans did it
Women will never react to you like this
Why are we so so smart
Do girls from you're country know how to run a wholesome family?
What's happening politically in your country this week?
If bottom house was built in Brazil... Europeans would call it a ugly favela shed
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
/zet/ Зaхвaти Eвpoпy Tpeд
They are germanics
This is what americans look like in 2049
1. flag
Begs white expats who were London/NY rejects to be bosses in massive companies in Singapore
/fr/ - Le transofil
What if they're still Christian? Would they be considered white and European?
Do you think there's a cultural component in why these countries fail so often?
This is a Swedish pizza
What does your country do to encourage people to get married and have kids?
Why do zoomers not drink coffee?
Your cunt
Hey wh*Tey! Why so suicidey?
Are you a cunt which looks cool in memes but is actually a relentless shithole IRL?
4 days sober!
Please rate your life 1-10 (higher is better)
The most based country ever
French Cops
Tell me about IRA
Why does madrid look like a dystopian post scarcity oligarch-ruled hellhole?
Australia's dumbest criminal
/ita/ - il filo
/neg/ New England General
Imagine not being dinaric
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
1.your snatch
/v4/ + friends
Has your country ever had a sexually attractive politician?
Why does this trigger white roasties and their simps so much?
What is your favorite beer in here?
/nachmittag/ ehemals /deutsch/
Anthropological Study Shows Filipinos look closer to Latinos than fellow Asians
/esp/ - España
Why are britbongs like this?
Kurva anyátok
Sverigetråden - Birger Jarl den store erövrarens upplaga
Since 1 month in France around 153 horses have been killed and/or maimed in all parts of country...
What is your excuse for not having a gf?
Movie released in France almost a year ago
Are men fragile in your country?
*depicts you with a big nose*
What's the most offensive word in your cunt? Here in America it's nigger
Imagine unironically being an American
/deutsch/ brudihafter faden voller necheroiden
/isr/ thread /ישר/
In Poland we have a show about a priest who rides his bicycle around the town of Sandomierz and solves crimes...
Post a poem in your language and I'll Vocaroo it
Some Am*ricans actually...are not entirely... mutts
The average German couple. Your thoughts?
Killing the Amazon
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2406
Ask the average austrian anything
/fr/ - Le Transofil
How can I find a japanese husband?
Sverigetråden - Jaktupplagan
Iceland has eliminated the downies
On this day 337 years ago the WINGED HVSSARS singlehandedly saved EVROPA
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Send me your feel songs
I suffer in Peru
Do Koreans really?
If you are not basque you are not white
/danmarktråden/ + /skandi/
Usually I roll a random country and cook something from its national cuisine...
Why do they insist they are separate from Europe?
Do you love Russia?
/cum/ - canada us mexico
1. Your country
I decided to go to Catholic church
I don't get it
/lat/ - hilo latANO
What's it like not living in a high-income country?
Do Americans really???
How common is this?
400 out of 525 people from my high school class are dead
/mena/ + /شعب عظيمـ/
Do Americans really?
Wtf soyjak
Guy was born and raised in America lived there his whole life and doesn't speak anything else than English
Races this race that
What is your opinion on the country of Turkey?
There is nothing wrong with being mixed race
Why are Japanese cities so ugly?
What is Georgia like? Can I come here if I only speak English? I'm white
Why do europeans purposely make their languages more difficult for no reason?
Kurva anyátok
Slavs are the last respectable white people left
Thoughts on Iraqi posters?
Anglo-Japanese Alliance
What is your known family history/ancestry?
/cum/ - canada us mexico
1 chance at life
Why do mexicans act surprised when they find out they have african admixture...
Do people wear the cuck muzzle in your country?
Short Hair
/balt + ausnz/
Has anyone actually met a good looking Asian man?
Is it true that Japanese people think they are one of the most attractive nationalities in the world...
What do you think of Arizona?
Foreigners using the word 'mate'
I heard Japan is a magical place where people are polite, cities are clean and nothing bad ever happens, is it true?
Would these Spaniards pass as locals in your country?
Tfw no MAN to break me
Does your country have war criminals?
Tfw when you realize Brazil had the potential to be a superpower but never quite made it
Is there any christian countries left on earth,?
Was he really THAT bad?
Women are so blinded by love that they don't even think about what will happen to their children
Wtf goes on in russia
Would you fight for the CCP against America?
Why are whites so weak compared to blacks?
1. Your country
Joe Biden will be America's second Catholic president
Got banned from Zig Forums, post Naruto
Could she pass as a local in your country?
Why did they steal all of their culture from China and Korea? Do they have no honor?
Korean guy answered Cancel korea Movements of Philippine
What would it be like to have an ethnocacerist Peruvian gf?
/ita/ - il filo
/cum/ - canada us mexico
That Brazilian BBC cuck porn poster since 2013
Vocaroo thread vocaroo thread!
Hilo /lat/ino
I worship old China
My internet is 800 kbps
For me, its the 2000s
What's your opinion on cats?
What is the longest time youve gone without interacting with people irl? i mean a meaningful conversation...
1 shot at life
1 chance at life
How many recognizable accents do you think your country has?
End of the World moment in your country
"Brazilians in portugal are portuguese, we are brothers"
Posting webm instead of gif
Post 10's from your cunt
God hates me
Lmfao do they really?
Does your city have East Asian people?
All immigrants are traitors to their fatherlands...
Post your country persona
Top 2 countries at current time
Life in america be like
Post a picture that sums up your current state
What's your:
Do ever wonder whats stacies are doing on fridays while you rot away in your room all alone
Am I white?
His country doesn't have a royal family
/lat/ - Hilo Latino
Okay Japan suck and overrated But did you know
/fr/ - le francofil
The Greatest Animated Film of All Time
I just want to fucking know what happens after a human dies but i dont want to die, how do i really find out the truth...
*breaks your treaty*
It is illegal to sell sunny side ups with running yolk in brazil
Does this happen in your cunt?
Sverigetråden - Hur många trådar har vi nu-upplagan?
Why are eurosoys like this???
Sweden is literally a feudal state...
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
The flag
Never seen Cowboy Bepop as a kid
Number 1 richest region in north/west europe
I suffer in Argentina
Homophobia will never be tolerated on Zig Forums
/omorashi/ - ehemals - /deutsch/
Do you celebrate oktoberfest in your country?
ITT: Zig Forums in 1873
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Everyone is posting updated results on ancestrydna reddit and I found this guy, is this admixture common in mexico?...
Do you want to find love with racist spanish zoomers?
Howdy, howdy foreigner, welcome to Murica, are ya ready for some good ol murican action?
It's time for Nordmed. Non- Southwestern and Northernwestern Europeans are B A N N E D
Commander Gigachad the enemy has overrun our positions!!! Were need reinforcements!!!!
Why is this board obsessed with them?
How are tourists treated in your country?
Is there a country where women are not boring, vapid brainlets?
Do brown people in your country do this aswell?
/ita/ - il filo
This is a 6/10 in russia
Daily France Worship Thread
Tunisia discussion
This is my town in the 50s
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Sverigetråden -
Does this happen in you're cunt?
Why do they act as if they were important? Literally an irrelevant shithole that has accomplished absolutely nothing...
My source? Should be common sense, bud
We recognize Kosovo. :)
Why do Asians find this type of behavior attractive?
This road is of 38 lanes that belongs to Texas. Is Texas that crowded?
1.Your Country
What do other countries think about 9/11?
Kurva anyátok
Pic is from the area I live in. If you didn't see my flag what country would you assume this is ?
France BTFO
Why do Arab girls paint themselves like this? What's the meaning behind it?
/deutsch/ am Abend
What is your opinion on 9/11?
1.cunt 2.do you wear cologne?
Why are white people racist?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Croatia is too pretty to be considered a slav nation
Realistically could I go to Mexico without being kill?
Kek this is wholesome
Sverigetråden - LGF-upplagan
Would this be allowed in your country?
Post funny/otherwise good pictures ITT...
58,318 Americans dead
/v4/ + friends
Hobby thread
/fr/ - Le Francofil
/lang/ - language learning general
Brazilian Killed By Natives for Being a Native-Simp
I got banned from my favorite game server by a disgusting faggot tranny mod i know this offtopic but you guys are my...
Teach me how to fight, Zig Forums
What's up with Europe. Why can't the rest of the world compete with Americans and Japs in terms of products...
It seems like everyone on Zig Forums has had sex, what the fuck...
/ita/ - il filo
Argentinians , Venezuelans , Colombians etc
Thoughts on Ukrainian women?
You’ll never feel your cock snuggled against her soft warm butt as you spoon on a cold winter night
/ישר/- /이스라/- /isr/- /อิสร/ + חברים
I will soon migrate to Spain since I have the Spanish citizenship thanks to my grandpa
I'm 23 and i live with my parents. I should have my own place by now and instead i live and feel like a teenager
I am Emmanuel Macron. AMA
20 million Russians died during WWII
If someone posts from crimea, will he/she appear under Russian or Ukrainian flag?
My opinion of modern day Russian is very low
Eyes thread of Zig Forums
2,996 deaths
Lets talk about Mexico also /mex/
Post your ancestry
Austrian here, Greece I'm begging you, please do not let the refugees from Moria leave to the mainland...
Hello! What did you eat for lunch today in your country?
I wil enter a favela ama
Post an average girl from your country
Why do you hate white Americans?
Why are they allowed to participate in western society?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Sverigetråden - Strama upplagan
Americans think that rest of the world doesn't actually hates them
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Underage spanish females attack and spit latin american foreigner just for the sake of being latin american
Today, 11/09/1973
... and I made Germany bigger!
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Who do n*rdoids try to take credit for Greco-Roman civilization?
/ita/ - il filo
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Accordibg to the italian constitution, im italian
51 matches on tinder
ITT we draw soyaks in real life
How did people in your country reacted to the Cuties movie?
For the first time in my life I fear living in this country. We're approaching a dictatorship. This is really bad
I'm 26 and don't know how to drive
Love of my life, in black, is going to live in Italy (i ve never kissed her)
Post representative crowds from your country
Do you eat coleslaw in your country?
Let's take a moment to think about all the people that lost their lives that day, in the pilot cabin
German ASS looks like that
How do varg copes with the fact that everything in european civilization was made and invented by brown people (Meds...
Has Europe lost?
Zig Forums /choco/ - Chocolate international women appreciation general #4
Women were so ugly back then
How fucked will your country be by climate change?
Hilo chicano /lat/
I want a Brazilian gf NOW
Kurva anyátok
Do you have these things in your cunt's busses?
The wrestler
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Install GNU/Linux
Sverigetråden - Läs självbetraktelser av Marcus Aurelius
Is IQ a meme?
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
I have no family and no friends. Will Zig Forums wish me happy birthday please?
Do Indians really?
Do you love your country?
Is there a way to differentiate between Greeks, Italians and Spaniards? They really arr rook same
I don't get it
How does it feel living in a tutorial country?
/fr/ - Le francofil des NÈGRES
If you don't recognize 5/6 of things that are in her room you are not a 90s kid
/world of polska/
>All the 9/11 spam
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine