This triggers the incel

This triggers the incel

Attached: Slayyyy Queen.png (718x694, 629.31K)

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And she triggers the bombs annihilating arab children

With is you

>literally "yeah, kill 'em!"
Americans really do, don't they?

>the daily beast

So thats ok and even celebrated when it's a woman doing it? I doubt shes killing white men with drones.

yaaas queen slay!!!
more female drone pilots!
more black ceos!

>So thats ok and even celebrated when it's a woman doing it?
Its the state of the a western world. If white males do it it's terrible and then there is a spectrum ending in colored females where anything seen as masculine is applauded. Its a mixed bag in between.

This triggers the simp

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sick of those whiny arab boys getting bombarded into oblivion for existing

I am happy that American women are so empowered now that they commit war crimes.

someone post that video of some dumb cunt trying to land a f-14 on a carrier

wokeness is the new white mans burden, they need something to justify the imperialism

>Bruh I'm killing dem Arabs with my Xbox controller so frickin epic VGH YES QVEEN

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When you think about it, Drone operator is the perfect woman job.
Zero confrontation and all they need to do is suppress their feelings and press a button.
Women are good at that shit.

all they need to do is suppress their feelings
So impossible

America is a plague

based sparkle

that's the most powerful thing you can do tbf

Two planes weren't enough.


We need a German powerhouse again.
White supremacists and islamists fighting as one against the Eternal Goyim.

>no you can't frickin kill people!!!!
Lmao sissy soyboy ready for his chastity cage?

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>wow it's a heckin' woman killing people!
>heckin based

That's a man, dude.

Why do they need to suppress their feelings? They're killing ugly ethnics anyway. Killing non chads is life fuel to them.

oh no
Lemme guess, first drone pilot regiment to suffer casualties.

lol this is perfect


>*bombs hospital full of children*
>YAAAS smashing patriarchy with one hospital at a time!

>Sipping her free Blue Moon draft, she ordered bacon and eggs with sausage on the side. Her squadron mates were the only people she could
talk with about the strike and stress of the job. Sparkle said her job makes it hard to be friends with women.“You feel a little pulled back from the world because of the types of
things you do and everyone else goes on with their normal life,” she said. “A lot of the time it’s hard to relate to women that just want to
have lots and lots of babies and be absorbed in their stupid reality TV shows. They don’t know how hard the world is beyond our borders, the
danger that their kids will have to see in the future. It makes them seem frivolous and petty. This job has made me impatient with society’s petty trifles. It opened my eyes to the horrors of the world, the fault in religion.”

*bombs ur hospital*
*but in a feminist way*