Usually I roll a random country and cook something from its national cuisine, but today I decided to indulge in my culinary wishes and use something completely new to me. Since not long ago, it became possible to buy scallops here, so let's try this thing. I am going to cook pasta with a cream sauce with bacon and scallops, and make a salad with chicken, pineapples, and mushrooms.
Usually I roll a random country and cook something from its national cuisine...
Good luck, OP
I already have a chicken breast cooked and chicken stock drained and saved up for the future. I believe that it's a good idea to cook pasta first, because the scallops do not take much time to cook.
Crazy overpriced
which country's cuisine you find the most interesting so far?
Scallops are delicious. Just don't overcook them.
I found Peruvian cuisine to be very interesting. But maybe that is because it was the first cuisine I cooked in these threads.
While pasta is cooking, let's mince 200 grams of bacom and 70 grams of cheese.
I'll do my best. Never even touched scallops before, but hopefully the recipe won't make me overcook them.
Ive missed your threads man
Are you sure you don't mean scallions? Scallops are clams.