Why does this movie make people, especially anglos, seethe so much?

Why does this movie make people, especially anglos, seethe so much?

I just watched it with my gf, and I thought it was pretty good.

Attached: Cuties.jpg (1284x856, 73.08K)

fuck off pedo

Based pedo waffle

If little girls dancing like fools makes you horny, then maybe you are the one with pedo inclinations

Is it actually good? I might watch it in a bit with my gf

Why did the Zig Forums mod ban this from being posted after all those cunny threads?

it's cringe as fuck, like all Netflix shit

Netflix has been ramping up the degeneracy for the last 2-3 years, and it will only get worse, am surprised they haven't remade lolita with a more "diverse" cast.

Anglos are inherently righteous which is why the sight of degeneracy makes them seethe. The phenomena of Anglo countries seeming cucked is the result of Jewish mindtricks.

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