Why do europeans purposely make their languages more difficult for no reason?

Why do europeans purposely make their languages more difficult for no reason?

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You’re adorable
Western European languages are some of the simplest in the world
The average aboriginal language puts any of these to shame

>had had had had
>singing tingling song, ping, chiming
>daddy longlegs
Your language is a joke
No wonder it became popular as lingua franca, no one will fight over something as common and worthless as sand

What the fuck? Swedish is like babby's first language tier.

Attached: 3434jwe.png (323x310, 167.96K)


De, het.

That chart is retarded as fuck, all the "-en,-men" shit for Scandinavian countries are just plural forms or related to tenses. The other languages has only definite articles.

If you were doing the same thing then German or all Eastern European languages would have win

All germanic languages are shit

>No one tell him what language he just said that in

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I know right? But how could they understand me?