Underage spanish females attack and spit latin american foreigner just for the sake of being latin american

>underage spanish females attack and spit latin american foreigner just for the sake of being latin american
Do spanish zoomers really?


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The indio bull should have got up smashed those dirty little arab moor whores heads in

>mobile twitter
post an actual news article or fuck off

Poor Mexican, he was with his mother and still got spited on.

I want to be bullied and spat on by some spicy spanish señoritas guapas

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Probably brainwashed youth thinking they're white. Real Spaniards recognize they are not white

What are they saying in piso mojado language

based zoomers

>girl says icho de puta
i donno looks the same to me

thanks for the video, i will always post it whenever i find an hispanicuck in the internet

>thinking they're white.

Cringe. Nobody in Spain call themselves white.

They clearly wanted his dick

my people :)

i don't understand anything of what they're saying

>Spaniards have convinced themselves in thinking they are anything but Arab Moors.

no we havent

Arabs are racists

To me people arguing in Spanish or talking really fast in Spanish sounds like chickens fighting

but nani are they saying?


Someone pls translate what the fuck the spanish chicks are even saying

This. I only got that one was named Nayeli.

There are no mexicans in Spain

Racist women of any race are especially annoying because you can't hit them, you'll get social backlash anyways

they're coping over their urges to jump bottom first into his cock

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no, because they would be treated like that. they rather stay here and make facebook posts about hispanism

>Arabs are racists
Ya, but at least their racism is like slavery or beating them up, what kind of pussy just spits.
You knew what I meant faggot

holy fuck i need an aggressive spanish girl to spit on me and crush my balls with her perfect brown feet

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europe for europeans

what made all of you think that the casta system stopped existing?

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>they really call us panchitos

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The girl in grey hoodie is cute


the thin one was so obviously asking for getting dominated

ta bueno wey

he should have gone to based america like his people

i thought spanish women were liberal art broad minded types

i'll never visit spain!

I want a spanish qt to spit on me too. It's so unfair bros.

>sex sex sex
Shut the fuck up, subhuman coomers.


>Do spanish zoomers really?
These are "chonis", who belong to the lowest of Spanish society within the gypsies. Nothing representative luckily, despite we're falling so low as a country.
>Probably brainwashed
They're just dumb, they weren't brainwashed nor care about politics.
>Real Spaniards recognize they are not white
>i thought spanish women were liberal art broad minded types
This type is clearly more common than the ones in the video

based spanish senoritas

>tfw no young spanish girls to spit on me while forcing me to worship their feet
Why live

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I am giving you an important life lesson: grills shit test like this because they want MALEDOM

Me parto siempre que veo este vídeo.

fuck kill marry tqbh
i want to worship right girl's feets while she screams obscenities at me

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Mexicans are racist towards Spanish so it's only fair

Venezuelan accent. Also, no Mexicans in Spain.

Based put those Latin poser scum in their place and remind them who the REAL latins are

not with south americans lmao

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What caste am I in?

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marry 2, kill 1, fuck 3

>who belong to the lowest of Spanish society within the gypsies.
But they look whiter than the average Spanish

>Also, no Mexicans in Spain

how do i get a dominant spanish gf desutbhlads?