Could this swedish/estonian/finnish man pass as a local in your cunt??

Attached: 4456.jpg (816x1020, 47.66K)

too white

she would have a septum piercing and 20 tattoos

I have seen this girl on Telegram before. To answer your question, yeah, but you already know that any white or black person can pass as a local here.

> Swedish.
Afraid not. Not Orange. You gotta have to ask whitoids.

Attached: unnamed (19).jpg (512x341, 48.31K)

Northern euros have a distinctive phenotype though

Attached: e8616288.jpg (640x640, 60.62K)

>local in your cunt
no such thing

that’s not a man....proof?

Is emma swedish?

Attached: 1544820220337.webm (1280x720, 2.07M)

He made a porn video about him riding a dildo

Norwegian tranny
Finnish tranny.

Why are all of our neighbours tr*nnies? Disgusting.

iirk she's half Estonian from the mom's side.

He's a well known attention seeking tranny from Finnish imageboards. Don't be fooled by pictures from perfect camera angles, mostly he looks like a man in a dress.

somebody post her dildo video pls :3

Wait, this is a man?

Attached: FennoSwede.jpg (960x1280, 137.15K)

Does finnish Zig Forums have some sort of archive?

>Don't be fooled by pictures from perfect camera angles, mostly he looks like a man in a dress.
Don't worry, he looks like a man in a dress in those pictures too.

She's a woman in sweden but a man in Finland

Attached: 1594082207907.jpg (1023x766, 629.72K)

damn this nigger is fucking UGLY, also no

only for epic threads I think, but also threads don't disappear with time like they do here. Unless they are deleted of course, which a post with that video will always be.

I see, that explains a lot


I want to fuck her haha

this swedes are swarthy

Attached: a9thc.jpg (1140x712, 71.45K)

Attached: 82bpl.jpg (375x523, 44.08K)

Shut the fuck up chaser faggot. That's a man in a dress.


She's the future qveen of Sweden

Attached: 1594082403497.jpg (1023x607, 128.68K)

looks like an eastern european version of elle fanning


He looks like a chad. Looks like he is in court? Who is he?

Looks female to me.

Please post the dildo pictures. Need to see.

Attached: Bora dildo.jpg (1080x671, 221.64K)

We are Germanic

but he's a finn, he just moved to sweden and got citizenship
he and his brother ambushed a police patrol to steal their weapons but they fucked up and had a shootout and hot pursuit with cops

Fenno-Swede/Gyppo mix

>he's a finn
Ah explains why he's such a chad then.

>he and his brother ambushed a police patrol to steal their weapons but they fucked up and had a shootout and hot pursuit with cops

Why were they after the weapons?

damn, the lakupiippu guy looks like THAT?????