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Could this swedish/estonian/finnish man pass as a local in your cunt??
Matthew Anderson
Ryder Baker
too white
Ethan Wood
she would have a septum piercing and 20 tattoos
Hudson Morris
I have seen this girl on Telegram before. To answer your question, yeah, but you already know that any white or black person can pass as a local here.
Leo Evans
> Swedish.
Afraid not. Not Orange. You gotta have to ask whitoids.
Benjamin Jones
Northern euros have a distinctive phenotype though
Adrian Nelson
>local in your cunt
no such thing
Dominic Morales
that’s not a man....proof?
Cameron Martinez
Is emma swedish?
Joshua Fisher
He made a porn video about him riding a dildo
Julian Cox
Norwegian tranny
Finnish tranny.
Why are all of our neighbours tr*nnies? Disgusting.
James Young
iirk she's half Estonian from the mom's side.
Caleb Myers
He's a well known attention seeking tranny from Finnish imageboards. Don't be fooled by pictures from perfect camera angles, mostly he looks like a man in a dress.
Joseph Evans
somebody post her dildo video pls :3
Jack Adams
Wait, this is a man?
Aiden Thompson
Does finnish Zig Forums have some sort of archive?
Dominic Butler
>Don't be fooled by pictures from perfect camera angles, mostly he looks like a man in a dress.
Don't worry, he looks like a man in a dress in those pictures too.
Evan Davis
She's a woman in sweden but a man in Finland
Daniel Stewart
damn this nigger is fucking UGLY, also no
Wyatt Ward
only for epic threads I think, but also threads don't disappear with time like they do here. Unless they are deleted of course, which a post with that video will always be.
Sebastian Torres
I see, that explains a lot
Anthony Hall
Blake Gonzalez
I want to fuck her haha
Zachary Reyes
this swedes are swarthy
James Clark
Adam Watson
Shut the fuck up chaser faggot. That's a man in a dress.
Colton Foster
She's the future qveen of Sweden
Carter Cook
looks like an eastern european version of elle fanning
Aaron Taylor
Brandon Gonzalez
He looks like a chad. Looks like he is in court? Who is he?
Adam Barnes
Looks female to me.
Dylan Cook
Please post the dildo pictures. Need to see.
Zachary James
Kayden Carter
We are Germanic
Daniel Peterson
but he's a finn, he just moved to sweden and got citizenship
he and his brother ambushed a police patrol to steal their weapons but they fucked up and had a shootout and hot pursuit with cops
Logan Perez
Fenno-Swede/Gyppo mix
Jose Baker
>he's a finn
Ah explains why he's such a chad then.
>he and his brother ambushed a police patrol to steal their weapons but they fucked up and had a shootout and hot pursuit with cops
Why were they after the weapons?
Mason Murphy
damn, the lakupiippu guy looks like THAT?????