Attached: marre.jpg (378x567, 22.98K)
Dylan Sanchez
Other urls found in this thread:
Austin Harris
Rest in Peace Jeremy.
Caleb Carter
feel like pure shit just want thailad back x
Ethan Brooks
Colton Harris
french nonce thread
Dylan Jackson
Grayson Campbell
need my peepee touched by a girl
Aiden Gomez
whether or not yanks are white is very pertinent to British culture
Jose Torres
Michael Ortiz
brexiteers barking and clapping like seals when le pint man poses with a pint
Evan Hernandez
There's only one reason you don't live in London: Because you're poor.
Dylan Jones
Well this thread is fucking boring as shit so I'm leaving. I thought that you faggots said that late night /brit/ was the best thread on Zig Forums of all time. LOL
Anyways I just downed
>6 bud lights
>boneless wings
>pizza sticks
>and a chocolate molten lava cake
This Canadian (AKA real Anglo) is leaving Applebee's one happy guy. Mrs. is driving :) boutta go piihb.
PS. see you in the morning
Isaiah Sanchez
they're not
Ethan Bennett
have sex
Eli Ramirez
sniff my arse
Gavin Green
hehehe based pintman
Brandon Green
he's behind bars for his crimes you sick fuck
throw away the key
Gabriel Russell
Who ?
Luis Wood
might move to london and get 21k a year in benefits
Christopher Powell
So go out and grab a slut, It's Friday night.
Gavin Edwards
personal opinion:
Angel Mitchell
Robert Cruz
*enters the thread*
Matthew Russell
lookin for a slut with a nice butt to get a nut
Lincoln Butler
Girl farmers are fit as lads
Anthony Allen
i think one of the funniest aspects of brexiteer stupidity is that they hail boris johnson as. genius for using long words and coming up with stale dad jokes and puns
they clap and bark like seals in awe of the bumbly posh honey monster man
Levi Young
Is it possible to live outside London without owning a car?
Henry Turner
the real crime of this post is the number of spoons on that plate
Nicholas Johnson
John Hill
wtf is this true?
Levi Rivera
Jayden Lopez
Is it possible to live outside London?
Elijah Peterson
dogshit bottom tier crisps
Adrian Cox
Ayden Adams
Gabriel Rodriguez
peasant shitheels
Daniel Howard
Leo Carter
yeah he's such a cockwomble, the racist gammons love him, boris trumpson is not my president
Carson Davis
you lads supping on tonight then?
Isaac Hughes
literally just breathe air
Isaac Fisher
hate women
hate bumders
hate trannies
hate jews
love misogyny
love homophobia
love transphobia
love antisemitism
Charles Allen