>americans think that food coloring = quality
Americans think that food coloring = quality
Italian pizza is really overrated though.
>hurr original pizza supposed to have tomato paste and cheese only
doesn't matter. still overrated. a good pizza has mushrooms, pepperoni and other shitloads of ingredients such as cheese, sausage and msg
Why are finns such attention whores?
>a good pizza has mushrooms
Stopped reading there, turks should stick to making kebabs
Posted this in a different thread but Both are good they just serve diffrent purposes.
This is the pizza for if your going out on a date or trying to impress people
Italian pizza is overrated and Italian autism is retarded
This is the pizza I get after about 7 or 8 beers with the boys on a hockey night in Canada or NFL Sunday
He's right tho. Italian pizza is tasteless and barely has any toppings. It's basically a tourist trap.
>italians dont put mushrooms on pizza
you re a fucking RETARD
He isn't wrong, the one in the left doesn't look as appealing as the right one.