What is the longest time youve gone without interacting with people irl? i mean a meaningful conversation...

what is the longest time youve gone without interacting with people irl? i mean a meaningful conversation. your relatives dont count obviously

im a shut in for 7-8 years already. i stopped interacting with peple completely. the only human i interact with irl is my mom but we barely talk to each other now

im also a 26 yo kissless handholdless hugless talkless virgin with no job and friends. ive never tried to approach a woman in my entire life. theyre basically aliens to me

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>im a shut in for 7-8 years already. i stopped interacting with peple completely.
Figures coming from a manchild horsefucker

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Uh oh

I thought you died

Haven't talked to anyone properly in a year

3 months maybe

fuck off autist. i dont watch mlp


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Well, if you mean irl and relatives don't count, I don't know, years. Probably never, I haven't had friends since I was 12-13, I don't think I've had any meaningful convos with them back then.


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