After the invention of the airplane by the Wright brothers, what was the most important invention?
After the invention of the airplane by the Wright brothers, what was the most important invention?
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Critical mass physics.
K cars
Higher composition laws
The computer, antibiotics
Right-wing populism
>no one took my bait
>i didn't manage to start a flamewar
>Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg (/ˈɡuːtənbɜːrɡ/;[1] c.1400[2] – February 3, 1468) was a German goldsmith, inventor, printer, and publisher who introduced printing to Europe with the printing press. His introduction of mechanical movable type printing to Europe started the Printing Revolution and is regarded as a milestone of the second millennium, ushering in the modern period of human history.[3] It played a key role in the development of the Renaissance, Reformation, the Age of Enlightenment, and the scientific revolution and laid the material basis for the modern knowledge-based economy and the spread of learning to the masses.[4]
>In Renaissance Europe, the arrival of mechanical movable type printing introduced the era of mass communication which permanently altered the structure of society. The relatively unrestricted circulation of information—including revolutionary ideas—transcended borders, captured the masses in the Reformation and threatened the power of political and religious authorities; the sharp increase in literacy broke the monopoly of the literate elite on education and learning and bolstered the emerging middle class. Across Europe, the increasing cultural self-awareness of its people led to the rise of proto-nationalism, accelerated by the flowering of the European vernacular languages to the detriment of Latin's status as lingua franca. In the 19th century, the replacement of the hand-operated Gutenberg-style press by steam-powered rotary presses allowed printing on an industrial scale, while Western-style printing was adopted all over the world, becoming practically the sole medium for modern bulk printing.
what was supposed to be the bait
All the inventions of Nikoliuh Teztlin, a famous mexican-olmec engineer
Brazilians like to claim the invention of the airplane
not sure how that would make the OP bait however
Zig Forums
french too
then it was badly consructed thread
it should've been
>after the invention of the airplane by that brazilian guy.....
then you'd have people arguing wrights did it
>tfw it's my city
god damn it, young girl that doesn't even know what's going on but her whore mother obsessed with virtue siginaling making her hold this sign
I wanted to bait the French and Brazilians, user
Germans could do it too
it looks more like glider than an airplane
The stream engine and computer were far more important
The Haber-Bosch process. No need to thank us for destroying the world.
>Nearly 50% of the nitrogen found in human tissues originated from the Haber–Bosch process.[48] Thus, the Haber process serves as the "detonator of the population explosion", enabling the global population to increase from 1.6 billion in 1900 to 7.7 billion by November 2018.[49]
Telephone. Worldwide communication changed the world completely.
what the actual fuck, this is pretty big
also, you can all stop to reply seriously now, i only wanted to bait
Incredibly based.
>After the invention of the airplane by the Wright brothers
Sousa brothers* proud brazilian inventors