
peng edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Sir why did you put down "makes new brit threads" down as an accomplishment on your CV?

Irish posters posting about British culture
Yank posters posting about British culture
Aussie posters posting about British culture
NZ posters posting about British culture
South African posters posting about British culture
Europeans posters posting about British culture
This is what makes this general so shitty
Fuck off and stop trying to fit in

On a scale of Grim to Peng, how would you fare living on a houseboat?

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noooo this can't be real

WAY TOO MANY JFs in the last thread

You forgot
>poms whinging about other cultures

Depends where it’s docked innit


Nos da fy mrawd

On the river.

sleep tight bruv x

The fuck is a JF?

a johnny foreigner
now fuck off proxy wog

Fuck, maybe I meant Nos Fae Da, one means good night and the other good evening, right?

>Page: 3

99% convinced my Dad has Aspergers

still he had sex, you have to respect that

>uses pages instead of the catalogue
>probably still uses vanila Zig Forums without any adblockers

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He shags when he wants he's high functioning even socially

nos da is fine, dw
noswaith da is good evening (where i am anyway)
there is so many dialects and different ways to speak welsh just say whatever you want mate

There are thread stats at the bottom of the page, retard

he probably doesn't even know about 4chanX


impressive, is he professionally successful as well?

fucking dumb cunt


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lovely image that

He's had a government job that pays £30k for most of his life and he's starting an amazon business now

oi oi

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>2 brits

It's whats doing my head in, rwyn astudio a'r cymreag but met a few blokes from cardiff that have no idea how to speak welsh and call me a gog.

Phoneposting mongs.

HOLY SHITBALLS that's my hometown!!!

year or month?

big fan of bath me

>Zig Forums x
oh my days I’m lying here browsing 4channel on my phone
don’t have the time for vf extensions

I hate Deanoids I really do

A year so an average salary for the UK

Hey Pablo plata el plomo?

are you a shagger like him?

do you use clover?

1 reply

more of a shower man myself

Hipsters were the last subculture that will ever exist.

I am ethnically Cornish and will describe myself as such on the 2021 census.
Will also say Cornish is my primary language, I will promote the Cornish nation at any opportunity.

it isn't easy leaning welsh
my best advice is to just learn present/past/future tense then expand your vocab, all welsh spelling and speaking is phonetic when you learn it. Just use what words you can

depending on how old the lads you met were, they may have never been taught any welsh ever. I'm originally from Cardiff, it is an english city for the most part.

speak some cornish lad

Still haven't found a comfier city.

Yes but I'm good looking and not autistic

pretty based tbqh lad

Same kernow bys vyken

don't like Hendrix's music 2bh. always feels like theres way too much going on in every song and they're just ongoing 'look at how great I can play' guitar solos even during the verses

iPhone gang

I am ethnically norf

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Dydh da, fatla genes? Devedhys ov a Kernow. A wodhesta konvedhes?


aussie guy maked a sped-up webm of this ta


2 little Brits went swimming one day
O'er the hills and far away
Mother brit said quack quack quack
But only one little brit came back

so lonely
so alone

poo poo piss? willie poo?

What’s cringe is downloaded an app to browse 4channel

does he not have a table?

could tell it is P celtic like welsh but i don't understand it

The oldest is a 60 year old bloke who lived in Cardiff for 40 years before moving here. He knows fuck all welsh yet gets pissed off when we refer to him as a "pom". Sad state of affairs when a bogan aussie knows more of your native language than you do.

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What was that alternate domain for pass users?

ever since that yank posted the picture of his nice hospital room ive been having dreams where i just stay in luxury hospital beds all day with nice views and never check out, doing nothing all day. usually involves an unlimited supply of some strong opiate. always depressing when i wake up

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downloaded an app to shag your ma

being a child should be considered a disability