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International #1304
Bright future
/flag/ + /extraflags/
France appreciation thread
Why are men like this?
When will they realize that they're wrong?
Map Painting Thread
Recently decreasing Chinese products in Japan
Sverigetråden - TV-spelsupplagan
How many languages can one learn?
For me, it's slavic girls
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Which European country has the most humiliating history?
Why do Italians let their beautiful cities get so fucking dirty and full of litter?
Would you an edgy brown girl?
Give me my heart back Sweden, am sick of you Swedes talking it from me :(
Commieblock thread
Thoughts on these languages?
What did Trump mean by this?
What brings you happiness in life, Zig Forums? And do you experience it often?
Do Arabs really?
Kurva anyátok
What are your country's statement on transgendered people? Do you support transgender rights? Are you transgendered?
/BRASIL/ - O Fio
Based Indian Pajeets insulting dark skin and loving the caste system
Nearly half of the entire German armed forces during WW2 surrendered to the enemy
China is the father of Japan. Korea is Japan's big brother
Sverigetråden - Bilupplagan
Do french kids really experience this kind of racism?
Post your most hated bug in your country
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2409
Irrelevant garbage country whose language is literal trash
Is this the biggest come back in history? I would have just started a new game by this point
/fr/ - le fil franc
Gentlemen, tonight is infact the end of the union. We'll see you in hell
Y no castilian state?
Percentage of Irreligious people in the European Union in 2019
How come 99% if migrants to europe are men? What happened to GENDER EQUALITY???
Post your favorite Pepes, here's mine
I'm a loser because I have no university degree
I hate palistinians so much
So how do you even meet women online with all this male competition...
Hey gaijin kun be quiet
Australia is like
Why do americans and yuropeons on this site never acknowledge the right-wing beneficiaries of mass migration...
/dixie/ — The SOVTH & FRIENDS
Alright boys here it is. This is what a peaceful and economically...
What was your country's worst moment in all of history?
How temperate, serene, calm, in control...
What were northern europeans doing whilst meds were building empires?
Why are white women so irresistible for brown men?
Countries where you think it's impossible to be incel
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/ita/ - il filo
/ita/ il filo
Why do people hate the sausage man?
Do people in your country have swarthy dark blue eyes instead of white light blue eyes?
Sverigetråden - Måndagsupplagan
Girl look at you like this
Whose fault is this actually?
/ישר/- /이스라/- /isr/- /อิสร/ + חברים
Why do you hate russians user. What have they (not their government) personally done to you
I have no fucking friends
I have a aboriginal genetics but everybody thinks I’m 100% white
/cum/ - csa edition
Guy on the right tells the guy on the left he's a shitskin
North Europeans make €2000 working at a supermarket
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Your cunt
Why do white people have such a boner for this country?
Favorite country
Race? human being
/fr/ - le Francofil francophone
Arabs have never seen a forest
/esp/ - Hilo Hispanorromano
Do you love MDMA?
Based Poland
It speaks russian so it must be russian!
Is Europe going to look like brazil eventually?
Americans have a hunger crisis
You have to admit, the progress Russia has made in 30 years is pretty impressive
Japan's new PM
Kurva anyátok
Americans will actually defend this
Name a more insecure country in the world than this one
How are Black men seen in your country...
What do they all have in commom
Hilo /lat/ino
Why do people shit on this type of architecture. It's far better than suburban hellscapes
Do Brazilians really?
All this cost 5 euros (beers included). Wtf, I love Madrid now and as a Catalan larper myself, living in Barcelona...
Nigeria projected to reach 750 million people by 2100
USA thread. Use this thread to discuss your love of the United States of America, its culture, and its people
Firul Nostru - /ro/
Does this happen in your country?
I wish I looked like a proper Indian
This was what greeted 180cm Magellan when he landed in the pacific islands
Post things people will never say in your country
People always talk about white privilege and male privilege but why do they never talk about Big Titty privilege...
Do you have any groups of people completely blocked?
/lat/ hilo latANO
Japanese women
I am an American of Mexican descent, could I pass as a local in your country?
Give your honest thoughts about country above you
Why do mexicans hate themselves so much?
Post your country's greatest invention
Misuse of the Amerimutt meme
You have to admit, the progress China has made in 30 years is pretty impressive
Good morning
Why do russians worship him? his songs are not that good
Have you ever done any drugs?
America is literally the most evil country on the face of the planet or in human history and thinking about living her...
How did rich people become rich in your country?
/america/ - American General
It costs 8.000 dollars push a baby out of your vagina in America
Does your country have a shithole area?
I have colon cancer
I'm addicted to Tylenol
Imagine if this place had been a British colony and subject to the crown
ITT: Pets of Zig Forums
Romance languages masterrace
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Why are modern communists so attractive now?
Was fluffy abuse popular in your cunt?
Fun fact
Which Zig Forums posters do you recognize?
Brazilian man tried to steal a car in my street, a peaceful middle class neighborhood
Why are they like this?
Iceland thread, while everyone is asleep
How do people interact with the wildlife in your country?
Why is this allowed? Why don't they form a single country? Why don't Mexico and Colombia annex them?
I want to be religious
Compare your rural areas to other countries rural areas
Does this happen in your cunt?
Why is China opening up their economy?
She's so cute bros
Sverigetråden - tråden kommer aldrig dö-upplagan
Why Europe is so complicated?
Does this happen in your country?
/mex/ - Hilo Mexicano
Opened the first beer of today
The US has lower home ownership rates than developing countries like China or Mexico...
Japanese Thread/日本語スレッド
I just realized I'm a 6 foot white male who gets compliments from girls from time to time...
Why does this movie make racists seethe so much?
So empty
How did wojak become popular?
HOLY SHIT. this hits hard bros
Did you know that latinos have a Russian complex?
I hate them so much bros
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Whats snow like bros?
Are Asians embarrassed by Filipinos?
Pick one:
Hilo /lat/ino
Are teachers underpaid in your cunt?
When did you lose faith in Trump?
/BR/ + /BRASIL/ + /URUGUAY/ - O Fio
Second and last round pals
Now a real question
Will they ever get along?
/v4/ + frens
Fuck women
Are Native Americans good at any sport?
Hello my brown brothers
/fr/ - le fil français
I need a MAN to ruin me, I want to be pumped and dumped like the cumrag I am
Do they really
Post your town city flag
Why is the UK still an economic powerhouse? Do you see British products in your life?How do they make money?
Guess the name and occupation of the poster above you
Do you want a Turkish gf?
/ita/ il filo
The existence of muslims upsets me greatly
Did your country fight in WW2
What is the one thing your country is most famous for?
Asian food is the best and there's no way to deny it. Chinese, Japanese, Indian.. they're all tasty
Sverigetråden - Traditionsupplagan
How would you split Russia?
Paranormal experiencies
You can be arrested for free speech in the UK
Why haven't you read the quran yet Zig Forums?
Why are slav women like this
/ita/ - il filo:
Spain beats it's record of youth unemployment in EU
Bolsoberg is doing nothing to stop the jewish degeneracy that is destroying Brazil
Just made indian chicken curry
Portugal isn't whi-
I am absolutely disgusted that we were colonized by Spain
/deutsch/ wird zu /nachtschicht/
Why do people eat this?
Why are Spaniards and Portuguese people so easy to bait? You just call them Moors and they get really mad?
Fucking fight already
If you work in Europe and it is neither in Luxembiurg nor in Switzerland...
/fr/ - le fil français
I'm in Athens right now
I'm gonna be honest with you Zig Forums, I would like to have sex with a latina woman, if you know what I mean
Sverigetråden - Söndagsupplagan
This is the flag of finland
1. your cunt?
I have a Master Degree in Economy
Americans tip their landlords
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/lat/ - Hilo Latino
I never seen an apple or fruit tree
Internationally speaking, what makes Zig Forums such a vile and cancerous board?
/brit /
Kurva anyátok
When you became feet worshipper?
Europe cucked again
How is the cuckold culture viewed in your country?
How difficult is it to move to Argentina?
What university/college classes are you taking for this fall?
/fr/ - Le fil à couper le beurre
/ita/ - il filo
Wtf why are Danish people so racist against Asians...
When the US and Western Europe collapse due to third world immigration and low fertility...
This is the second-biggest country in the world with a lot of natural resources and potential
Afrikaans... the language of the gods
American boys look like THIS???
China bad
When do girls hit the wall in your cunt?
Okay which one of you Brazilian autist did this?
Are the portuguese actually MENA-turanid?
Sweden 2020
This is a Kashmiri, a member of the Aryan tribes inhabiting the Himalayas who are currently being genocided by Indians...
Well Zig Forums, do you prefer NΛTVRΣ or c*ties???
Why do muslims love the sandy color so much?
Why doesn't any of you learn the Scots Language?
Is Austria better than Germany?
Do Yurotards really?
A cave bear carcass has been recovered from the permafrost on an Arctic island in Russia - “the first and only find...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Your country
Get in faggot
0. ur flag
Is Bergen, Norway a great place to live?
/deutsch/ am Abend
Why is europe such a racist shithole?
Balkan women are the most beautiful in the world. Nordics are the most overrated
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2408
Most viewed anime worldwide
/ita/ - il filo
Horseshoe theory is real
Spams bbc for a few months
If your hairline isn't like this, I've got bad news
What would a non evil USA look like?
53,123 unread emails
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Every civilized country has a Vtuber. user, your country has a vtuber, right?
Americans don't care about climate change
Why do Slavs look like this?
Type yall in fast board
Western culture is unironically collapsing
/Ludwig II./ ehemals /deutsch/
It really do be like that
Translate this into your language and Vocaroo it
Do germans really
Do girls prefer masculine or baby face men in your cunt?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Are you big enough?
Give a new name to your country
Does this happen in your metro?
Guten tag mein name is stefan und ich komme aus hamburg
Is it weird for a foreigner to say Nippon instead of Nihon when speaking Japanese?
Insult turk
I think Korea is very westernized
Americans be like
Why do Indians hate Iranians so much?
Am a gurlie AMA
Sverigetråden - Regelrätta upplagan
What sort of girl does Zig Forums like?
Sverigetråden matgeekupplagan 3.0
Why are the Scottish like this?
Germany thread
/somatråden#3/ /norgetråden/
I need a MAN to ruin me
It really do be like that don't it be
Is Finland really the whitest country on this planet?
/ita/ il filo
/wehraboo/ ehemals /deutsch/
Black man beaten to death in Italy
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
It's snowing here
/dixie/ – The SOVTH & Friends
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Kiwis rejected this beauty
Why do women like to travel to get fucked by different foreign men?
How Would Life in Your Cunt Be Different if They Won?
America is oficially a third world country now
Hobby: travelling, dance
Yesterday, the Turkish oil ship ended its survey and has retreated into Turkish waters...
Well, Zig Forums?
Sverigetråden matgeekupplagan 2.0
/ita/ IL FILO
How do we stop them, eurobros?
Would you a loving relationship with a black girl?
Do they feel any guilt or remorse for what they did, twice?
What's up with black dudes and their obsession with white women? It weirds me out...
/Brasil Luso
Why are western churches so degenerate?
/Jaboner/ ehemals /deutsch/
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Letters not found in your language
Kurva anyátok
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Woah... is this how Geert counts as European/Western?
Are there many manchildren in your country?
How did Hasan overtake this guy? The low iq turkmutt can barely articulate a sentence
Being an Asian guy and only being attracted to white girls like pic related sucks...
Why are white girls so hot?
Haha indians are street shitt-
Do Scottish people really?
Do you like women who have a very feminine body but have short hair?
Would you ever consider visiting the seven sisters of India + Bhutan and Nepal?
Dark hair dark eyes is just superior. Grown up men know this
Why is hating Japan so cool among whites nowadays...
Age of consent in my country is 16. Im 21 but look 17...
Do you want to find love in Finland?
Jesus, Madrid is ugly. What does it have in the first place? A giant shithole. Do tourists even go there...
You can only talk in this thread if:
Sverigetråden matgeekupplagan
/deutsch/ 2.0
What the fuck is wrong with them?
India thread
/esp/ hilo español 8.0 El Coomer
Go into /deutsch/
/med/ - Mediterranean general
This is how the Korean language is supposed to be written
Entire city destroyed by fire tornado
/cum/ - Canada, AMERIKKA, Mexico
Zig Forums sets up coalfax to track down coalburners
Muzdog hate thread
You're a country
National identity across the UK
Ethnic Latvians only make up 47,1% of Riga's population
What is the best thing about your country and the worst thing about your country?
Would you like fries with that, sir?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
How do I stop hating white people for what they did to my ancestors?
/ישר/- /이스라/- /isr/- /อิสร/ + חברים
Yet another /ro/ thread that will die with 5 replies
You like traps so you're gay
Map Painting Thread
How is cucking viewed in your country?
Do you love him?
It's time bros
Why is the USA so kino?
/Preußen/ ehemals /Deutsch/
Does cold weather breed high IQ?
/ita/ - il filo
Are women tall in your country?
Why does Japan romanticize Yakuza?
Be honest Zig Forums, varg is right about everything
Kurva anyátok
Don't Americans feel guilty for what they did to the natives?
Why do you guys accuse me of only being able to get trannies?
Hilo /lat/ino
What fucking site do you even go to these days
1. Your cunt
Still voting Trump
I suffer in the united states
Which ASEAN country is the most based and why?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Uhhhh... are Ameribros okay?
4 versus 1
Big nose
Is the American dream real? Can anyone truly become a billionaire there if they work hard and smart enough?
Was he based?
Where will you be moving to in 2050?
We really are a joke country
There are NEETs browsing Zig Forums right now
Should I learn finnish for ylilauta.org the finnish imageboard?
R8 my cock
I didn't make one genuine friend in highschool
Serious questions for europeans: is immigration a huge problem? Are muslims really ruining cities and cultures...
/ita/ - il filo
Why do russian girls look like models when their men look like cavemen-tier retards
/v4/ + friends
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
I suffer in El Dorado
Do you like Mexican women?
Post interesting rock formations from your country
Mfw I see a smelly beaner
Why do "race-realists" love to stress that Sub-Saharan Africans had no two-storey buildings or written language until...
Is my cock ok in your cunt?
Why do you hate white Americans?
Behold, the le 56% int warned you about
Post a picture that sums up your current mood
Do you speak your native language with other natives or do you find yourself speaking english...
How's Zig Forums doing this lovely saturday night?
How is the Japeneese army? Could it compete with other countries like China, NK
Are you on #TeamKorea or #TeamJapan? Which asian is right?
Are girls in you're country in to fitness?
Will Zimbabwe exist in 50 years?
/lat/ - Hilo Latino
If I post my name and address will you travel to my house and kill me?
Is it true that most American zoomers hate America nowadays?
Owning things bad
Your opinion on Americans?
/lat/ hilo
Do you love Korea?
John Allen Chau was an American Christian missionary who was killed by the Sentinelese...
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
What did Russians, Ukrainians, and Belorussians think of HBO's Chernobyl...
Tfw dad wants to take me to M*xico for twentieth birthday
This moefoe made half of the brazilian population completely mindraped. Say something nice to him
Friends invite me out to do cocaine and party
What's next for his career?
I suffer in Ecuador
Why do Brazilians on Zig Forums pretend to be black?
ITT: Posts that summarize Zig Forums
I suffer in America
Does your country have a comic? Do you like it?
Hilo /lat/ino
How often do you think about sex Zig Forums?
You have to be reborn as one race, country, income level, iq level...
ITT I tape a few printed-out memes on public property at 2am in the town centrum...
ITT we apologize for all the memes against angry Muslim guy over the years
Fuck women
Y-you cuck
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine