Brazilian man tried to steal a car in my street, a peaceful middle class neighborhood

>Brazilian man tried to steal a car in my street, a peaceful middle class neighborhood
>Ukrainian/Russian who lived here for 20 years see it from their window, try to stop it
>Dude clocks the Russian girl in the face
>Gets beaten up by the Ukrainian man, and their sons who woke up and are in their teens
>They stab him, he's in critical condition in the hospital
>Brazilian dude's family comes to my street (they are like 15) and claim they were racist
>They claim me and my father are racist too because we saw and didn't do anything
>Police already involved
>They told me if the cases goes forward we might get called to court
>It will probably be in the news tomorrow morning

I hate this country.

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cool story joao, now clean my toilet

You know what I hate? Diarrhea

You might say, we're living in a clown world user.

Based Ukrainian and Russian

how do you get hate for anything but brazilians out of that?

>Slavs beating up BR's

This has been happening in my town too, what the fuck is going on?

Portugal used to be so based. What went wrong?

Your people created them, deal with it.

>Slavs beating up BR's
uhhh, BASED