y no castilian state?
Y no castilian state?
it's called Spain
It's called Al-Andalus aka Spain, a country built to chain and oppress the only humans in an african tribal hunter gatherer society to feed them known as the catalans and basques.
an ethnic castilian state. not a pro-europeanist low budget shithole trying to keep every seperatist group in it
How long left until Leonese, Occitan and Aragonese are completely extinct?
>ethnic castilian state
Is this the reason Americans are so obsessed with ethnostates? You kikes feed them that nonsense too?
And besides, ethnically speaking there is virtually no difference between a Castilian, a Basque, a Catalan or even an Andalusian.
i think it's legitimate to question spain's identity when the spanish parliment is full of sepratist parties.
>when the spanish parliment is full of sepratist parties.
"Castillians" are arabs like palestinians or if they originally weren't became arabs through cooming with arabs.
Basques and Catalans did not fraternalize with Ayyrabs.
Hmm... that picture reminds me of another flag...
>full of sepratist parties
There's only two of them. Basque separatism is a complete joke that died the moment ETA went down and the only reason Catalan separatism was even a thing last decade was because of a mess regarding their statue of autonomy back in 2010.
>mess regarding their statue of autonomy back in 2010.
Please do explain more, it is most interesting.
Also, do you know anything about this ?
kikes and their affiliates against an other country's culture and tradition thread 23494353
who's expectations are you trying to subvert today kike niggers?
This image strikes fear into the heart of the Al-Andalusi, it's like krpytonite to the mozarabi
the andalusi manolo is left powerless and limp at the basque power, he can't make any rebuttals or claims that they are arabs just like him.
Answer my post you faggot Though you probably don't even recognize the flag, dumb Amerilard.
The main difference between "ethnicities" in Spain is language and everybody is forced by law to learn castillian.
>that image
Okay, what about them developing the most important scientific ideas of the last 150 years? Time, light, the atom, nuclear power, etc
Catalans are very protective of aranese which is basically occitan, so it won't die soon unless they want to. Leonese is already basically extinct. Aragonese will die in some generations, it's actually used but by very old rural people.
as i'm aware, Einstein was german, now go cry somewhere else kike, you've been spotted
Stolen white kings.
We were inventors and stuff.
i guess there are only two. even so:
>trying to deny seperatism even tho the catalans literally achieved independece for a minute until spain BTFO
i'm pretty sure seperatism in spain is the only seperatism in europe that currently is an issue.
>nooooo u kike
>>Zig Forums
The estelada is explicitly based on the cuban flag, it's not something hidden. Catalonia was very invested on Cuba during the 19th century and there was a lot of relationship. José Martí has a blatantly catalan surname. Same for the Bacardí family. The loss of Cuba was one of the things that antagonized the catalan bourgeoisie elites with the spanish state, which is the origin of catalan independentistm.
>noo you cant derail my Spanish culture shaming thread
not an answer kike
they're actually doing that? that's like france level civic nationalism
when someone says someone is basque it means a race when someone says they are castillian it could be mozarabs and arab mutts without race
>Spanish culture
Why do you call "Castillian" aka Andalusian culture, Spanish culture?
>not an answer kike
posting too long for reading Zig Forums bullshit is no an answer either. u really think i care about smart jews and schemes etc? get a life Zig Forumstard
Isn't yiddish or whatever jews speak not taught in Israel? Even to arabs?
>Castilian is a culture and its the same as the Andalusian one
i'm talking about Spanish culture, burger education at its finest itt
keep seething
>Einstein was german
Still a Jew.
>Spanish culture
Which is what?
it's all hebrew. even arabs learn it. zionists we're and are pan-jews that want to end jewish languages and ''ReTvUrN tO TrAdItIoN'' as a psedu-canaanitic group.
German dialect. Israel speaks Modern Hebrew, a modern language created on the basis of biblical Hebrew.
not gonna spoonfeed you, educate yourself if you wanna know shit about it retard
an other kike i see, my radar is off the charts today
asSpain is a C*stilian state.
Which is why Catalans, Basques, Galicians and all the others deserve independence and should fight off the fascist foreign monarchy.
>an other kike
Why did you call me that?
cause you're a jew, helping your comrade after some rando on the internet insulted him, kike, you all do the same
>cause you're a jew
I'm not?
>helping your comrade
Helping my comrade? I just gave some facts.
>after some rando on the internet insulted him, kike, you all do the same
Are you alright friend?
He is Zig Forumstard, they are not actually people anymore, it's best to ignore them or laugh at them, but there is no sense in having actual conversation with them.
Really sad to see how far they've fallen.