
What do mexicans think of Malinche?

Attached: la_malinche_-_hernan_cortes.jpg (1080x1080, 258.46K)

Other urls found in this thread:ía:Mujeres_en_la_Conquista_de_México

bowing to BWC since ancient wonder why that's so common nowadays

she represents very bad things

Her story is made up

She was kewl

She did nothing wrong, the aztecs had it coming.

we now use her name as an insult for self haters even when she was a mayan slave kek. she still deserves to be reincarnated as a jew in auschwitz

Why would anyone care about her? we're not aztecs

The hero this region deserved.
Fuck fagztecs.

How weird, another w*man involved in a major catastrophe