China bad

>China bad

Attached: 1599742076838.jpg (794x688, 249.02K)

Other urls found in this thread:

bro you really showed us with that soyjak edit

Just because Reddit says "China bad" doesn't mean they're wrong
Reddit can be right at times; this is one of those times
Stop trying to be an edgy contrarian who's only personality trait is being COUNTACULTUH

>western media
low iq detected

>Reddit can be right at times; this is one of those times
A broken clock is right twice a day, as I like to say

>Just because Reddit says "China bad" doesn't mean they're wrong
>Reddit can be right at times; this is one of those times
>Stop trying to be an edgy contrarian who's only personality trait is being COUNTACULTUH

Attached: 1594958763820.jpg (600x800, 104.49K)

No, death to america.

Attached: 1600009182471.jpg (508x507, 33.33K)

>china good

Attached: 9xukh.jpg (640x729, 27.9K)

>>china good

Attached: soy986.jpg (600x800, 112.09K)

>>>china good

Attached: 1599413206640.png (1800x1200, 710.13K)

Explain why 'China good'. Go ahead, I'll listen.

>I support the renegade province of Taiwan! I sit here with a full belly and unfairly blacken China with every comment that I make!

Attached: soy dance.gif (413x243, 50.98K)

China... Home

Attached: Long Day's Journey 1 – PHOTO by BAI LINGHAI.jpg (1024x683, 178.4K)

>reddit's china doesn't exist = china good
reading comprehension

1.It stops America from achieving dominance
2. It angers redditors

Attached: 1564851496140.jpg (1080x1266, 84.57K)


Yes. China good.

Attached: yrOmyHR.png (624x434, 59.08K)

Stupid reasons

>Stupid reasons

Attached: 1587511629897.png (600x800, 37.85K)

>china bad

Attached: shi.jpg (750x1000, 68.28K)

go back to the sweatshop u dumb ccp shill

>China good

Attached: yes white man chinese.jpg (668x932, 124.51K)

>go back to the sweatshop u dumb ccp shill

Attached: soy10.png (566x646, 30.31K)

Attached: 1596097770987.gif (300x186, 444.87K)

>chigchog wingwong

Attached: 5111F104-D6D3-4329-AC38-0999AB17C3B4.jpg (750x962, 65.63K)

Xi Jumping recruit me to be millionaire in china please...

Attached: 5a9662b7a3106e7d2d749b58.jpg (900x600, 273.13K)

>Just because Reddit says "China bad" doesn't mean they're wrong
>Reddit can be right at times; this is one of those times
>Stop trying to be an edgy contrarian who's only personality trait is being COUNTACULTUH

Attached: reddit soy.png (596x1008, 91.57K)

Switched proxy?

You are the lowest common denominator subhuman who falls for American trickery

essentially this, people here will never be able to process that info though without the angery chemicals going off in their brain.

Attached: 1564469562692.jpg (550x550, 72.31K)

You wish Ahmed

I should add to this that a world dominated by the chinese isn't one you want to live in. America caring for personal freedom and rights is at least a debatable notion but China is pretty open about not giving a fuck about it (-_- xi hao hong morality is white man creation it mus be desroy). They don't value human life the same way the west does and since they're planning world domination ironman mode you should probably care about that. just don't be surprised when the super sino ai computer decides all humans need to be put into the most excruciating pain to test how badly humans can be put to their limits or whatever.

Attached: Bilebear2.jpg (640x480, 58.35K)

Reddit is unironically better than Channel 4, it can host serious discussions.
Now shitposting and a quick check on webms is another thing