Do Arabs really?

Do Arabs really?

Attached: marwah.png (878x728, 560.05K)

>influencer couple

Attached: FC20E0C5-1306-4DFB-A14D-9158D30778BF.jpg (736x785, 26.86K)

>influencer couple
>the soismile about something they already knew
>they excited because they are witnessing the display of their wasteful finances
These people should be decapitated.

Attached: 1599592248929.png (804x743, 21.75K)

That boy...
he's going to have a bad bad life

So, the couple both knew what gender their kid is gonna be already right? So why are they freaking out like autists in the video and crying?

I doubt he'll end up on Zig Forums

>influencer couple

Attached: 1599657571732.jpg (540x250, 18.64K)

Because they're NPC psychopaths who think displaying their wealth in a flashy manner is more valuable then their own child.

peak Emirati culture
