FOJF edition
feeling reflective
every country except the uk is shit
prove me wrong
I'd love to play a game of Fridge The Midge with Warwick Davis. What's Fridge The Midge, one might ask? It's simple: you put a midget in a refrigerator. You and the boys put him in the crisper drawer, shut the door, gather 'round, drink some cold ones, and laugh yourself lightheaded over hearing the pathetic little midget's futile attempts to escape. He's not strong enough to push the door open, he doesn't have the leverage or space to even get the crisper drawer open, the cold is slowing him down, he's running out of air, he knows it's almost over for him and starts screaming for help. Maybe you liven things up a little by shaking the refrigerator to spook him, or say "oh my God is somebody in there" and open the door to give him a glimmer of hope before slamming it shut and mocking him, it's up to you. I wouldn't recommend letting the midget die, that's when things get complicated. Though, I suppose it'll be easy to hide the body, considering... you know.
Why does every British politician have a massive forehead?
how old are you?
how old were when you started browsing Zig Forums?
for me
>tfw no escape room
to store their massive brain
big brains