You have to admit, the progress China has made in 30 years is pretty impressive

Attached: shanghai_tower.jpg (1021x531, 160.6K)

Other urls found in this thread:

absolutely based China.
straight up cyberpunk 2077

Attached: Chongqing_Nightscape.jpg (2000x1334, 2.45M)

every goddamn time

Truly the worlds superpower

>canadian defending china agin

Attached: 1597902557877.webm (761x962, 922.48K)

Shanghai is a plastic city built to imitate New York, all the way down to the "I heart NY" logo.

haha my shithole is shittier now than 30 years ago :- D


CHINA BAD is definitely one of the most pathetic westerner copes of the 21st century. Like not calling Xi "president" in this country, extreme cringe that just made us look like dying little children. China also single handedly destroyed all american excuses about our shit public transit and general infrastructure WE VERY BIG WE CANNOT. Also having a successful alternative governmental and economic system in the world is valuable. Also hilarious seeing westerners trying to box in Chinese ideology into narrow westerner conceptions and missing the mark completely

Sure, but you don’t see any videos of the shittier neighborhoods or even the regular neighborhoods.

Let's be honest. NYC is a crime infested shithole that reeks of shit and piss

Attached: beijing skyline.png (908x568, 858.95K)

NYC is clean and safe today, and unlike China has air that's actually breathable.

Like this
Like Shanghai is cool and all but anyone who thinks it’s a first world city, should really go there and see for themselves. It doesn’t all look like the Bund.

All of it was funded by Boomers selling their children's inheritance for feelgoodz.

Attached: 1596265063339.png (500x500, 30.22K)

fuck off chang, how much social credit you get for that post

>now with pic related say goodbye to your social score

Attached: 1553173116033.jpg (700x460, 264.56K)

If China is a country that the whole world admires, why are Chinese emigrated to developed countries like Japan, Canada and Australia?

Attached: AEF62DAF-0B92-41A0-A477-C565D76435AE.jpg (600x360, 24.46K)

Why do people act like China is like North Korea as if everything is hidden and not found in the media or that you can't literally just travel there and see it for yourself? You could go on Google earth and see thousands of images of all those neighborhoods, rich, regular, and poor

Unironically cleaner than SF, America's tech and billionaire hub full of homeless street shitters and used needles

Attached: harbin.jpg (1024x576, 1.11M)

because china's government is exactly like North Korea.

daily reminder those shanghai buildings are empty, daily reminder china banned any more such tall building construction


I won't say anything about china since I'd get banned. Chinese tier censorship has come to this site as well.
You can shit and be racist to pretty much anyone but chinese now. We had a russian janny before now we have chinese one

>American "elite cities"
oh no no no

Even shittiest district of Shanghai is better

Attached: Screenshot_2020-09-14 San Francisco has a 'Poop Patrol' to deal with its feces problem, and workers make more than $184,000[...].png (1244x878, 1.38M)

No it literally isn't. You're a fucking idiot susceptible to the most brainfried level of propaganda in existence. I can't believe people this dumb are even literate

What a joke Apple alone has a 2 trillion valuation.

nah, you can talk shit about china all you want, just don't say the c***k word and you won't get banned, that's why use words like chankoro, ching chong, bug, insect instead
t. knower

I don’t really know what you’re implying. It’s not like they advertise this stuff everywhere. It’s not like it’s blacked out North Korea but they want you to think the whole place looks like the Bund obviously and I think you think it’s a lot easier to get the exposé as a foreigner than it actually is.

SF is a shithole but it’s objectively not.

It’s obviously not like North Korea but you seem to think it’s like it is here and as someone who’s been to China I can tell you it’s definitely not.

I live in SF, and parts of it are a shithole, but even the worst part is better than what you posted.

Looks like cyberpunk

Attached: sh.jpg (1920x1080, 381.52K)

>promoting China
Yeah whatever Chang

Do San Franciscans need to consult the poop map every morning before going out?

Attached: POO.png (1036x778, 436.5K)