do they...?
Whitoids truly are bloodthirsty...
I don't get it.
They ruinin our lives man
Amerimutt v. Yuropeean
Letting your anger get the best of you and reacting physically to mere words does make you be in the wrong though
Who sits down and makes these?
Lol literally fabricated narrative
Karens are really dirty and racist
They should know they are fugly as hell at least
She assaulted her by mean of biological weapon by spitting on her during a world pandemic.
How about you don't escalate situations and you have some self control, leave the area if possible, never start physical violence
It says you're gay
Karen's simps, obviously
the American white person may be the most deranged and violent creature on the face of the planet
you know damn well the karens being clowned on do not look like that and they're legitimately racist
incel white supremacists
Listen to this faggot.
Do amerikkkans really?
The faggot is correct.
>imagine simping for wh*Te women
>imagine simping for karens
they have so much time on their hands, I really envy them
I'll stand with white
White complex aside
The benefit of standing with niggas is not at all
They are far worse racist than white people toward Asian
If civil war errupted between American and Niggars
I'll go to America and kill as many nigga as possible
No one love niggas
Everyone just take the way to be quiet in front of niggas
Becuase we write off them as ferocious chimpanzee
Chinky chinky ching chong, zhang
Number one sissy baby gorilla nigga
I envy them as an Asian
Because they can enter in university as a retarted
Ok Corporal Steven Smith
How could the niggas do arrogant deed ?
Your true supporter is only extreme leftist white only
Why did the white import this shit ?
You should've let them on the hands of Arab people
Arab people don't mercy toward nigga
So this sissy gangsta will become tame monkies in front of them
Imagine the population of niggas were British or German or French or Asian
You deserve to it
So many niggas weren't enough
For the long run niggas is more harm than nuclear bombs
East Asian truly have them too
Chinese and Korean are just outspoken
We just conceal it
We East Asian relatively put weight on safety and order
Niggas is the worst destroyer to them
If "Two nuke weren't enough" wereyour phrase
I'll say to you like this
So many niggas weren't enough
Political webcomics, no matter which side they're coming from, are just fucking cringe man
america is full of apes
the fact that someone sat down and drew this comic is proof that the government should give pay for incels to have sex with a prostitute at least 1 time. pussy would fix this.
It's the truth. Black "women" are testosterone-fueled savages that are more masculine than white men.
>Physically assaulting someone for talking
So much for free speech.
No one hate the black by skin color
Everyone do hate niggas by its ape-bility
Why nigga misunderstand it
Ahaha feels good to see wh*Toids get rekt
Why is this chinky fella speaking in poems?
>Political webcomics, no matter which side they're coming from, are just fucking cringe man