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International #1305
Brown power rankings
Oh no no pale skinned bros... We got too cocky
Earth at night :)
Do you love America?
Have you ever made a girl cry?
Americans go to jail for buying beer and cigarettes at age of 20
Why is the germanic influence so downplayed in iberia?
England is only half an island, but it ruled the world. Why did this happen?
Where can my, uh, friend find a nice man to fuck him senseless?
What will Australia do after America collapses?
Did you wish mexico a happy birthday yet????
Korean culture is embarrassing and a disgrace to the sophisticated traditions of its East Asian Neighbors
What happens here
Do americans really?
Why is this board so fucking chock full of Chinks nowadays...
I wish Europeans would wake up and stop taking immigrants
After fukushima germans deactivated nuclear power plants and activated coal plants this seems stupid
Your country
Middle eastern men keep sending me dick pics even if im a guy? why are they like this?
When did you realize the Amerishart meme wasn't a meme?
Zig Forums cunt tier list
In honour of my rangeban expiring
Mexican niggas be like "Hi, my name is German Jesus Junior Israel"
Are indigenous languages in Latin American countries (such as Nahuatl and the Mayan languages) only spoken by...
Tell me any good reason why this were wrong
What's the world going to be like when China completely takes over?
I hate modern society
Damn, Portuguese look like that???
Nooooooo not muh womb-erino
Reminder that you are loved
I've never seen a post from a Nicaraguan or Cuban
Never once have I seen a German flag here and believed a German poster was behind it
Great allies
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Name one mexican
Whats the name of the color of my eyes in english??
I've filtered the entirety of the new world. You wouldn't believe how much better Zig Forums looks
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Be born in tropical paradise
What happens here?
Have you ever thought about leaving your country?
How long until India is united
Americans are evil. Evil!
What went wrong for the asian "man"?
/fr/ - le francofil
Why are chicanos so much softer than mexican bvlls?
/br/ + /brasil/
How come brazilians have a very distinctive look...
There isn't a single good thing associated with this country
Russian anons, tell me about these different republics. Cultural and political differences? Any stereotypes...
Does americans know European geography?
How spooky is your country
What is it that makes other states in USA seethe so hard at California?
Some american males have female names
Name one living swede
/cum/ - canada us mexico
East Vs West
/lat/ + Hilo Latino
So how do I become a capitalist? I want to pull myself up from the bootstraps just like Bezos...
Genuine thoughts on the future of Europe, particularly the West and North. Is it doomed?
Congratulations, America
It’s Over
Why do Chechens all look like the overseer from the first Fallout game...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Late night /brit/
This is how it feels being a PoC in 2020
When running away from a monster in a dream, what happens when you stop running and face the monster...
Why is there no Maya unification/independence movement?
What is your favorite cultural food? I make asian food 7 days a week I can't get enough
My grandma has fiberlink 1000mb internet in her village house
I suffer in brazil
I don't get it
/ita/ - il filo
Catholics are idol worshipers
Is this true Austria? Are you really living in forrest cities? What is a forrest city exactly?
Post local legends that your country has. Folktales that are scary and unique! I need some inspiration
/lat/ hilo latino
You will never timestop and fuck cuties in public, leaving them naked and covered in cum when time resumes
Why does China do this?
Japanese girls want to kiss you!
Does Japan want to be friends with Finland?
Sverigetråden - Judeupplagan
The First World Hotel in Malaysia is the largest hotel in the world
Foreigners refer to Germany
Is it true that foreigners don't like Norway? Why?
I'm Swedish and I support the IRA defending their homeland against Br*tish tyrannical oppression
The guy with the shitty beard is the ugly italian that will marry with my love (the girl in black on the right)
To the women on int:
My ancestor
Follow the arrows and eat your bugs, sir
/fr/ - Le fil des v-toubeurres
What is it about this country that makes Indians, Arabs, and Turks collectively seethe?
Did you know that America is ruled by Italians?
In commemoration of mexico independence day, what are you gonna eat today?
/BR/ + /BRASIL/ - O Fio
Russian Lads
Let's settle this once and for all: are greeks shitskins?
People respected us so much more when he was in charge
Does your country want to blow up historical buildings?
Why is chad so underdeveloped
How do brits COPE with the fact that America is literally of German stock?
Tfw no Amazon :(
My gf is pregnant but I don't want to have a baby
Living in a <1000 population village in Europe is depressing. After my years of uni and couple of work...
1. Flag
/ita/ - il filo
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Your country
/somatråden/ #4 /norgetråden/
/world of polska/
/flag/ - /extraflags/
Have you ever had any sexual experiences with your siblings or any other family members?
American insanity thread?
I don't get it
Is there an Zig Forums poster that you absolutely hate?
Faces of Zig Forums
Have you thanked Russia for saving the world from German aggression yet?
Daily reminder that Norwegians are ubermensch
All these languages perished at the hands of a few greeks and their church
Anyone here ever been to Uppsala University in Sweden? Is it a good school?
/v4/ + friends
Do you like your birth names Zig Forums?
What does your cunt want on their pizza, user?
"Everyone speaks english"
What happened yuros?
Sverigetråden - Vandrarupplagan
/lat/ - hilo latANO
/fr/ - LE fil
ITT: post the real and rightful head of state of your country
There are millions of people who would vehemently defend this
How do we rid the world of this cancer?
Is Indian cuisine the best food on the planet?
Just found out about Russophobia
Do people use HRT in your country?
Name 5 Sub Suharan African cities (excl. South Africa) without googling
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Why do hispanics do this?
Which country has the worst cuisine?
Why are Americans so much more well dressed than Europeans?
Alhamdulillah muzbros, we dodged a bullet there
/ita/ il filo
Americans, is this true?
On a biological level what's the strongest race on earth
Fall is coming
You wake up on North Sentinel Island
/ישר/ - /እስራ/ - /isr/ - /ཨི་སི་ར/ + חברים
What has your country invented?
How does China look so clean and developed despite its low GDP per capita?
Herro, my name is brian!
Sverigetråden - Gamla goda 40-talet
Do you love the UK?
When did /int realize Indian women make the best life partners?
Don't laugh at my English skill
Can you post churches from your country?
Does Zig Forums love German cuisine?
Why Yahoo japan is maintaining old design? Do japs feel something special from this?
/fr/ - le francofil
/lat/ hilo latino
Would you move to China?
I want to live in a comfy high end apartment in Mexico City with my USD savings, is this feasible Mexibros...
Me learning about the minimum wages in third world countries
Hunger Games: Zig Forums
Why are Russian boys cute?
What's your biggest personal issue?
Greta was right
Do boys in your country look like this?
Do you love Japan?
Genetic catastrophe the region
Why are zoomers so conservative?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why are Europeans so naive and good hearted???
Walmart, but European
This is what Zig Forums considers peak attraction
/ita/ - il filo
This house in England is almost 900 years old
I have no friends in real life, and on the internet everyone hates me because I'm Indian...
Year of golden age for your country ( on everything ) and describe
Would your country be willing to fight against the UK in a future EU-UK war?
Do you want to find love in Turkey?
Has a girl ever confessed that she liked you?
Is your ethnicity the same as the country you reside in? No, I'm pic related
Do you love Asutralia?
I just broke up with my girlfriend because she said during an argument “I’m gonna cheat on you if I find some one...
Sverigetråden - VIF-Upplagan
Sverigetråden - BBS upplaga
Kurva anyád
Germany or France?
How come brazilians have a very distinctive look? Like...
How do we fix Finnish genes?
Sucky sucky five dollah
Defeated the mudslimes, defeated the chinks
Why is this country so poor?
Spaniards are so dumb
Anyone living in the blue coloured areas is French. Thank you for understanding. :)
/deutsch/ - Mitte-Links
Life on Venus
He talks himself into mentally planning a move to a new country every few weeks instead of actually moving forward in...
So we heard you talk shit about south italy
Browse /deutsch/ and think my German comprehension is awful
Thanks for saving me user. I almost got kidnapped by those bullies if it weren't for you!
/ita/ il filo
Fuck Muslims and fuck chinks
Eurobros.... i thougth we were kind to our woman?
Why yes of course I suffer in Brazil
You cunt
/fr/ - le francofil
Suomi. (Finland)
How are Turks so patient?
Marry, fuck, kill
Do Brahmins post on Zig Forums? Or are they too good for this site that's ridden with Dalits and Southerners?
Y-your not islamophobic are you anonkun
Sverigetråden - Stridsstationsupplagan
Why are Pajeets so fucking based???
Xi outlawed simping
/cum/ - Canada United States MeJico
Country for this feel?
Turn on news
Jewish money magic isn't rea-
Why are Germans like this?
1000 years of history
Why does int hate China so much?
From Israels foundation in 14 May 1948 how did Israel develop its economy?
I love the Dutch countryside
8 years ago a girl in my family had sex with an eceleb when she was 15 and he was around 28-29...
How do we solve the hapa problem plaguing my nation?
Today is Spanish Queen Letizia's 48th birthday
1. Ur cunt
Anime is turning asian men into trannies
What would be the reactions to my outfit where you live?
There's a reason for the IQ drop in Brazil and it has nothing to do with genetics or racemixing...
Genetics has nothing to do with phenotype, retards
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2410
French Canada
Are Australian people considered British in your cuntry?
/ita/ - il filo
Name YOUR autism
Extreme hurricanes
While german boys sit and play Fortenite and have femdom fantasies their girls are increasingly doing manly thing and...
Why do Brazilians think they are mulattos when they look almost pure African and much blacker than some AfroAmericans?
Yes, I am from Czech/Poland/Slovakia/Hungary/Slovenia/Austria, how did you guess?
You will never be japanese
Why do normies think that consuming media is a hobby?
How the FUCK can spanish girls compete with this?
State enforced prostitution of Chinese girls
/ישר/ - /እስራ/ - /isr/ - /ཨི་སི་ར/ + חברים
Whats his endgame?
Kurva anyátok
I was legitimately a racist piece of shit for a few years because i discovered Zig Forums when i was 15
In what way did Byzantium resemble the country of Augustus or Julius Caesar than say a random Fuedal kingdom in Europe?
Your cunt
Imagine being mono-national
I'm literally 13 years old, I was born in 2007
Finally confident to ask a girl I sort of know if she wants to do something together
What do you call these in your country?
No cap how would you fix this country
1. ur cunt
How are asians viewed in you country?
Brown girls tier list
Soulless consoomers
Why do str*ghtoids get so triggered by gayposting?
Christianity is the best thing that has ever happened to europe. Prove me wrong
Why does int like China so much?
These are the retards I share a site with
Has any girl looked at you like this? How did you respond?
When did you grow out of your anti-american phase?
This. So much this
California is actually allowing the secession group yescalifornia to collect signatures for an independence referendum
Why are german faces so square?
Americans are having a full blown race war
Come to the former white country of the USA
Are you able to say nice things about China or does they brainwashing they inflicted on you make this too difficult?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Brits aren't base-
A-Ameribros... do Euros and Latin Americans actually have a point about the sharting memes?
You wake up in Croydon, South London. What do you do?
Ricardo Munoz
Tfw america was right about the nothingburger chinese virus
Thoughts on this?
Post churches from your cunt
Why does the Chink diaspora have no culture? Unlike blacks and chicanos
Honest question, why are there so many gays in this board?
Why did Christianity fail in the middle east, north africa, and Iberia?
Sverigetråden- Kalle X Gustavs Upplaga
How many years have you known your best friend?
Me on the left
Would you kill a kid?
What is your opinion on: small tits, big hips & thighs
I've visited 20 countries in my life and the US have been, by far, the EMPTIEST country I've ever seen...
How would canadians feel about the us anschlussing your country?
Socialist thread
He's half german half scottish. How do German and Scottish anons feel about this?
I don't get it
Why are Spanish girls so mean?
Fuck you Zig Forums
Dinner Time
If you're european...
Faces of Zig Forums
Why do asians like this exist in Central Asia but not east Asia?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Zig Forums
/fr/ - le francofil
Americans get confused, then suspicious, then offended when I tell them that I don't want to live in their country
Bye apegentina :)
Why do Christians believe that they converted Europe because that their faith was the most logical and sound one and...
St. Petersburg, Florida
Post your favorite prehistoric animal
Searching for a french show to watch
How the mighty have fallen
Do people in your cunt like Fanta? I noticed lots of ethnicities seem to love this stuff, mexicans indians arabs etc
He will always be my president
I don't get it
How do you guys feel about a new name for New Zealand?
Japanese actress, Sei Ashina, aged 36, committed suicide today
What's your opinion of female-on-male rape?
Seethe because of the americans, who cucked them of their empire and vassalized them...
Secretly, every German dreams about this
1. ur cunt
Sverigetråden - Upplagsfria upplagan
Wtf, is this true?
/ita/ il filo
How seriously is mental health taken in your cunt?
Authoritarian tyranny : highest incarceration rate in the world by far
What happens here?
Will Norman aesthetics ever be eclipsed?
Just... stop larping. Stop pretending like you've lost all this respect for the US...
/fr/ - le francofil de soirée
Come up with a more depressing city than Norilsk, Russia
Make your opinion map
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
You're welcome, America
Woodley Effect
This is how Mexican right wingers look like, thoughts?
What countries would you say have the most biased historians?
Finnish women
Hilo latino
Do meds think they're white?
Greeks are brow-
Why do Russians continue to use novichok?
/balk/ Balkan League edition
What do you think of my mena map?
Czech republic treatment of Muslims?
Does America have something that could be considered as their holy city...
Uhh westbros
Buenos Aires
/fr/ - Le fil SYMPATHIQUE
Would you racemix with a nafri girl
/desi/. Haridranon's Curry Recipe Edition
Thank you Germany for Babylon Berlin. Best TV show I've ever seen
Faces of Zig Forums
/ישר/ - /እስራ/ - /isr/ - /ཨི་སི་ར/ + חברים
Why do Filipinos do this
The "great" pyramid of giza
This skull specifically came from France
This is a mentally ill tranny from sverigetråden who got doxxed
/balt/+/ausnz/ + allies
Why are white people like this?
Which country in EU has the most jet black women like this?
/deutsch/ Abend
I challenge you to a soyjak duel
Sverigetråden - Vi var Homeros och skit, bröder
Sverigetråden - Kungliga upplagan
I larp as a white man. When I go out I pretend I'm white. When I talk to people, I talk to them in a white manner...
/lang/ - Language Learning General
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Why Latinas are so thirsthy for pic rel ?
ITT: times you acted edgy as a teen
/ita/ il filo
Risk Thread: We're Finally Back
Mexicans wtf is this cringe explain yourself
Why white men nowadays are low testosterone sissies?
Dear Indians
In calc class
I wish America was this based
Another korean actress killed herself
I suffer in brazil
Why did USA destroy this country
B-b-belgian boys look like THIS!?!?!?
Kurva anyátok
/deutsch/ im All
What does the average zoomer look like in your country?
What's the secret to their autism?
How could some Russian bydlo afford so many weapons?
What's trending in your countries Netflix landing page? Pic related is Germany (on englisch language)
Dear Mutts
Which do attractive women prefer in your country?
Happy birthday user! Here's your cake!
Sverigetråden - Retroupplagan
Do you have a Bible Belt in your country? A region where people are much more religious than in the rest of the country?
19 Black Families are building an Ethnostate inside USA
1) your country
Why are british zoomers such hardened peoples?
Rip sourthern europe
/v4/ + friends
Do you like Argentina?
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - le francofil
/fr/ - le fil froncé
*walks towards you*
Eurobros... we got too cocky
/world of polska/
Projected Muslim population in Europe 2050
/brit /
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine