Why Yahoo japan is maintaining old design? Do japs feel something special from this?
Why Yahoo japan is maintaining old design? Do japs feel something special from this?
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i dont think the page layout/design of korean internet media is so new compared to that.
>Neat and to the point
Modern web design is so shit sometimes. Keep it simple my Gs
They live in web 1.0 land.
They probably have sites that look like original newgrounds.
New web designs were a mistake
They still usr fax machines and Windows95 actually.
They want to retain the feeling of their former glory
My family doctor's office still use fax machines lmao. Even though they all have computers and shit, they still use fax.
I think Japan is the only remaining country to use CRT computers.
They still live in 1980.
the anglo internet is full of paywalls and ads (a few of them are fucking videos) and shit. i hate that. Zig Forums is pretty much web 1.0 as well. whats so good about web 2.0. its getting harder and harder to read.
A e s t h e t i c s
mate, Japanese websites tend to be anything but neat, they are full of ads too.
Island paranoid mentality in full force.
A lot of Japanese internet looks like it’s from 1990s. I have no idea why.
then heres your sophisticated anglo shit bro.
also Zig Forums is pretty much japanese. why are you even here.
30 years of economy stall.
Kind of agree desu
Why is it that Japan seems like it stuck itself in the early 2000s? They have old looking internet. They still use fax machines. It seems like brick and mortar is still popular. I’ve heard they don’t really consume streaming services so much. Is this actually how it is there and if so, how and why?
Kek. This is a disaster. Wtf were they thinking?
Web 2.0 is absolute shit man. No more finding random forums, it's always some corporate bullshit site full of autoplay videos as soon as you go into them. Harder to pirate shit too since it seems everyone has moved to discords or something. The internet is dead, don't know about other languages but at least in spanish these dumbasses just follow suit and eat american shit. I am disgusted, why doesn't this shithole region look up to Japan instead?
example please. both a bad japanese design and your superior shit.
I hate soy modern web templates, love the good old web.
I know that. I was talking about in general. It's either over the top bloat or too minimalist. Keep it simple
Alot of them look really bad, although as of recently i've noticed some japanese sites are deciding to upgrade their look which is good
youtube and niconico
It's common in the medical industry. I think until recently the NHS was the largest purchaser of new fax machines in the world.
But they still have one their own internet service, unlike EU and England.
A lot of Japs left that place already.
For example mandatory sign in, slower for non premium members, much more difficult to navigate than youtube etc..
God they're so behind us, thank god moot keeps this site up to date.
Their mobile website designs are best now.
Because they foresaw that the website they implemented on the desktop would no longer have a future and were no longer worth the investment.
Ofcourse all english users share the same websites
i dont see nico but youtube fucking sucks if you dont use an ad blocker. its now full of ads. the android app is totally a piece of garbage.
although id say guardian used to be actually somewhat good. sadly they now also have forced you to make an id there and see a beggar banner.
>maintaining old design?
Haha only we can't rebuild it
And all of that websites are American.
Japanese companies love the status quo. There's a reason why they still use fax machines.
We don't need Gaymer tier design.
Yeah most are, why is that strange? Thats the internet culture here, the anglosphere all inhabit the same websites, except for news stuff and the like
Now There is only homo contents left behind
Do you know beast senpai
He is keeping niconico alive narrouly
you dont need an id to use the guardian what are you talking about?
wh*Toids are natural faggots
thats old one. the 5chs functions are pretty much the same as Zig Forums.
That's economy and soft power. That's future.
I hear Zig Forums looks god awful to new users though, reddit chads have a much more aesthetic site
without an id, they force you to click some button to expand an article every time you visit it
Exactly, no matter the country it seems everyone is moving to english sites, even the japanese have mostly stopped using sites like niconico now, and for social media japanese people mostly use twitter and insta now etc.
Reddit looks like dog shit, are you serious?
>reddit chads
Go back to built your RGB dressed Gayming PC
I don't know what you mean, i don't get that, are you using mobile or something? Maybe the mobile site is different
They used Line messenger, now it's Telegram I hope.
cope, reddit is better designed
i don't use reddit, but i don't seethe over redditors like some people here do
line is not really a social media though, just a messenger, but even their shopping sites etc. are losing too hard to amazon. btw in russia do most people use amazon?
Other countries have different layouts as well.
Mexico (and probably most countries) uses the same ugly flat layout of the American version.
Hong Kong and Taiwan's pages are much more compact and rounder than the American version: tw.yahoo.com hk.yahoo.com
The Romanian page is just a list of news articles: ro.yahoo.com
Other countries' versions are just links to Yahoo Mail in different languages.
You can check all versions here: yahoo.com
no i use a pc and have read guardian since 2015 or so. theyve started this garbage since this year. it might be a sort of random ad, but its annoying.