God sent himself down to Earth in human form (also somehow his son) to save humanity from eternal torture (at his own...

>god sent himself down to Earth in human form (also somehow his son) to save humanity from eternal torture (at his own hands) in hell for the sin of apple-eating that occurred at a time basically no one was alive, by getting killed by some Jews
>billions of Christians unironically believe this
How does this make any sense?

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It doesn't have to make sense though.

I mean they could try just a little...

god is 3 persons.

That makes no sense.

It does. If a the firemen tried to put out a fire you would say "the government tries to control a fire" and if the president published a law you would say "the government has made a new law".
The government is many person but acts together. Same with God.

It makes perfect sense if you aren't a midwit


Why'd he wait 90K years to save only modern humanity? Why is earth a few thousand years old? Why did it start with Adam if there are fossils of early humanoids?

All abrahamic religions are equally retarded

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yeah. the reason iran didnt progress is because they adopted islam and didnt have the trinity.
islam says their is no order to the universe. it even goes as far to say their are no second causes and everything comes from god but then ontop of that it says that god doesnt even know his own mind.
so why would you study anything if the only way to know anything is to mind read god? no one did.

Christians and muslims believe in retarded stuff, but call based dharma, brahman, shunyata, kaivalya backward beliefs.

indias view of the world is that the planet is resting on a tortoise which rests on another tortoise and so on. so you have tortoises for an infinite loop (which is impossible).
then you actually believe there can be more than one god.

It was a different time.
The bible also had some outdated stuff, it's why it had some re-writtes every now and then.

ahahaha this nigga still believes in a mythology tier religion ahahaha

>, it's why it had some re-writtes every now and then.
It hasn't.
And what "outdated" stuff.

yeah. just trust him. im sure this nail he found in his drawer is actually a diety.


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It happens, but they are very minor. I don't remember rn, but for example, it never mentions thr american continent.

It wasn't for the apple retard. It was for every sin man has or ever will commit. Because of Jesus Christ man is now considered holy. Pro-tip, ignore the Old Testament, they are just Sumerian fables.

We just wrote some fantasies down about an edgy cosmic being that will get back at our bullies. We never realized Goyim were guillable enough for it to spiral out of control as it did.

Sorry about that.


only retards go for literal interpretation.

The point is blind faith being a central tenet of the religion and the apple-eating being a symbol of gaining knowledge ie. gaining alternative, fact based interpretations of the world by going directly against blind faith. Therefore a sin.

Alternatively, it's something about a group memory of early evolutionary connection between sight, snakes being a primary proto-human predator and getting off trees.

Also alternatively, it's something about a different connection between the two halves of the brain, which caused hallucinations of supernatural beings and which changed by about 1500-500 BC to create modern consciousness, therefore you can disregard all the old shit as crazy stuff.

but muh christianity

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that has nothing to do with your post.
the bible isnt an enyclopidia.
judaism was invented after christianity.

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>India's view
Lmao, those are myths. And you out yourself as a retard by presenting it as some sort of unified view on things. Brahmin priests had discovered that the earth was round, revolved around sun, and it's own axis long ago. Myths and science only fight inside a muzdog brain.
Seething muzdogs, you believe sun suts in mud and all people are result of massive incest between a man and his rib bone, lololololol

Humans should be grateful to Lucifer for teaching us joy and sorrow.

the new testament is nothing but fiction to answer for the age-olds philosophical anxiety explained in this meme book. it wont make sense natural history-wise, but philosophically its the most coherent and well-thought abrahamic religion (judaism is jewish paganism and islam is contrived, incoherent political tool)

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cringe varg tier post, christianity to judaism is eqiuivalent of buddhism to hinduism