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International #1309
This is the minimum wage in Brazil think about it before insulting a Brazilian for no reason
Do they really?
How long have you been here?
You! Yes you! I challenge you to a soy duel you massive faggot, accept if you dare
Which one do I move to?
I'm 28 and have no work experience. Does this happen a lot in your cunt?
I don't want to vote for trump because I don't want to seem like a racist but I don't want to vote for biden because he...
What happens here?
Faces of Zig Forums
Holy shit. No, I don't think I'm going to be staying here
Finland has so many tribes
Do they really
Why are croats so evil?
Euros should thank Egypt for stop the Mongolian Empire...
How do we go about repopulating East Germany?
What's fall like in your cunt?
Sverigetråden - Kaosknegarupplagan
Turning 23 in two hours
Extreme poverty general
/ita/ il filo
Respect veterans!! Don't you realize they got PTSD and are sad that they have killed so many innocent children??? Huh??
/somatråden/ #11 /norgetråden/ /挪威/ /ノルウェー/ /노르웨이/
How far away is the beach from your home?
Why are you single?
My uncle got a surgery for cancer for free and now he is cured, could this have happened in america?
Is being a hrt creaturoid accepted in your cunt?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Chinese is 40% of the population
You wake up in rural Spain, 0-29 habitants per km2
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
Nordics, do you consider him as a brother?
Eurobros....WTF are we gonna do
ITT: Alternate flags of your country
Brazil has zero
/ישר/ -/이스라/ -/इज़रा/ -/isr/
Do turks really?
Is your country centralised?
A map of Britain and Ireland 200AD
What do russians think of dagestanis and chechens?
I fixed the world
Why the fuck does every white guy I know IRL likes watching anime and none of them likes Western animated series...
Could I pass for a local in your country?
Do you watch any streamers Zig Forums?
Two Turks having a conversation
Why do Finns have high cheekbones and Gook eyes?
Why does everyoe suck so much italian dick?
I'm too old for this shit board
/rider/ general
I have never seen snow
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - francofil
Why can't russians admit they are polish finnish rapebabies?
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Do you love chubby girls?
Use fucking Cyrillic letters
I wanna go back to the 90's bros. I miss watching Michael Jordan on TV
If you are white please come here and impregnate our women, I need fap material
*destroys american hegemony over europe*
I have never met a native american
What is life like in Arkhangelsk Oblast?
I don't get it
Civilization 6 finally added Byzantium and Gaul
What are this board's opinions on the Indian-Japanese relationship? Economically, militarily, culturally, etc
Racism in your country
Green: rich
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
Cant beat China economically
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
How do people in your country fix their life after being a social and economical fuck-up?
This colonized fetish is hot. I even saw a brazilian women on tik tok worshipping white foreigners...
I have never see a train in person
Be honest, is Zig Forums actually gay or just roleplaying
Why does Portuguese sound like Russian to an unacustomed ear...
What happens here?
Are they Arabs?
What does Zig Forums think of them?
Do you take a shower in the morning or at night in your country? Night is the superior method
Sverigetråden - Klassiska upplagan
Post the soyest region in your cunt
Denmark should be nuked for that
What are your most loved foreign countries?
Which region has more potential?
Kurva anyátok
Haha germans unfunny
NO. FREAKING. WAY. soyjakchads got their own imageboard?!
This, so much this!
Do you guys think white people will really become extinct relatively soon in the future?
Do you love Brazil??
When will they free themselves from g*rm*ny?
Why our economy today is fucking great?
Be Norwegian
/ita/ - il filo
Caralho, mesmo com a subida do arroz e do dólar, as instituições democráticas como o STF...
Fun facts about Finland?
Language has gendered nouns
Where can I go to get violently brutalized and ruined?
Brown slags were engineered for ________
1, I'm a Cunt
Finnish dialect of Swedish. What does it sound like?
/fr/ - francofil francophone
What does your cunt look like from outside your window
Post based architecture
Sverigetråden - Skåneupplagan
I bought a mask, bros
Did you ever have urges to fuck your sister up your cunt?
Imagine being lactose intolerant
Would I pass as a local in your country
Why you guys loves Japanese girls more than your country's girls?
/med/ - Mediterranean general
When will we ditch economic neoliberalism and adopt social democratic economic policies?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Just talk to her, bro
Why did Americans handle covid so badly?
Male raped by female
Realistically, how many of these niggas could pass as locals in your cunt?
European cities ranked by pussy quality:
/deutsch/ pidser und kohler
Latino culture is produced for and consumed by anglo countries and then adopted by actual latin people
Any nipponese bros can tell me what Japanese women are like? Like what are their personalities like...
Write something in your language and i'll try to read it
Simplified map of the world's major cultural clusters
/ita/ - il filo
Hilo /esp/añol
Asian girls are perfect
How are Chinese immigrants in your country?
When is the last time you used
Wow Russia is so big!
What's wrong with Indian men? Who raises them to be like this? or is it their culture?
1 you are a country
Kurva anyátok
Why Nazis like this?
North Macedonia is richer than Brazil officially. Say congratulations to us...
/fr/ - le Francofil
This is how I imagine the life of an Asian male in Canada or in California
/lat/ - hilo latino
Do people in your country worship politicians?
How come French is so different from the rest? If you listen to Italian, Spanish...
Sverigetråden - aa
This confuses and enrages the Americans
Anyone can become a millionaire if they work hard enough, just look at Jeff Bezos!
Faces of int
2 weeks sober
Does this happen in your country?
What's a local cuisine that you find delicious but foreigners might find disgusting?
Is it common for brown people and faggot communists from your country think they are Russian?
How can anyone browse Zig Forums and be a racist...
/ita/ il filo
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
1. Your country
Why are Anglos so based?
/danmarktråden/ og /skandi/
Meme countries of europe that shouldn't exist because they have no independent history or culture
Imagine the world with ONE BILLION AMERICANS
Why are americans so race obsessed? why do they fetishize race even though they're all mutts?
/anime/ - ehemals - /deutsch/
How important is diversity in your country?
Mate is so fucking good
Can you imagine BEING a girl?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
/fr/ - francofil francophone
How often do you question your faith or the validity of other faiths?
Sverigetråden - Paraplyupplagan
I bought cigarettes today but I don't even smoke
I hate neets so fucking much
Would you visit a nightclub for working-class people in rural Russia?
Post the most american pic you have
Chinese is Indo-European
/ישר/ -/이스라/ -/इज़रा/ -/isr/
Which one's your favourite region, Zig Forums? Where would you want to live?
Give me at least that much tip or I'll spit in your food next time
Crimea is Ukraine | Кpим- цe Укpaїнa | Кpым - этo Укpaинa
/desi/- Poor people of India edition
ITT your most embarrasing drunk moments
What is life like in small-town Germany?
Praise China Thread
Why does Brazil rank so low in this?
What a joke
How come latin americans don't produce critically acclaimed music despite having a similar number of blacks?
Soyjak is stronger than gigachad
Can you believe? Genghis Khan is Japanese MINAMOTO NO YOSHITSUNE
Why do they sound like malfunctioning robots when they speak english?
I've never had sex. is this common in your cunt?
Download Tinder
Are women safe in your cunt?
/flag/ + /extraflags/
1. Ur cunt
West has 50% divorce rates. India has less than 1%
Be honest, which countries have better stats than yours?
How is life in tunisia?
Kurva anyátok
What do you think of Brazilian architecture?
Hello, what country you from??
Waited for his sister and mother to join the livestream before blowing his head off
None of the princesses of the Netherlands have blue eyes
What do Brits think about this?
Why can these fucking subhuman insectoid pedo freaks only fucking speak about themselves?
Le frogger
Communism doesn't wo-
Fuck mestizos
Why is he such a tsundere?
How well can you recognize the world's languages?
Name one internationally famous
Hey to all the foreigners, do you think the American accent is cringy...
What country would your ideal gf come from?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, México
Is your country willing to take qt Argentinian refugirls?
Name two more similar countries
Do americans really
Why you guys sometime say "why Japanese can't speak English?"
Imagine the world with 1 billion Jewish people
Almost all Latinos I've seen online say they hate Amerikkka and openly support America's enemies...
Why did god create them?
Why Japanese know absolutely nothing about Russia?
Why literacy rates so low in MENA?
/ita/ - il filo
How did China go from Africa tier to this in 30 years
Ah, yes, the sophisticated artistic culture of France
/fr/ - Le Francofil de nuit
*rubs tummy*
If Japanese people work so hard to the point of sacrificing sex...
Why does latin america produce so many trannies? I thought they were conservative religious countries?
How do i stop cooming without ceasing my use of the computer entirely?
What’s the average bra size in your country
Imagine the world with ONE BILLION AMERICANS
Must be hard to COPE knowing he won
/cum/ - Canada, USA, México
Sverigetråden - Rödlarmsupplagan
/v4/ + frens
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2415
Post your darkest images (if possible from your cunt?
Is he the most famous intellectual from spain?
How the hell is this board somehow gayer than /lgbt/?
I now the trad girl concept is a meme but I just want a girl with less than <5 sexual partners and doesn't wear...
Are you okay brazilbros..?
Argentina is going to get into a hyper inflation, general crisis and sociatal collapse period again
Do non-Americans know of this guy? What do they think of him?
Slav shitholes vs spic shitholes (poorer shithole)
Bye apegentina :)
The richest South American country still has a lower GDP per capita PPP than Romania, the asshole of the EU...
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
/lat/ - Hilo Latino
Korean Youtubers are literal whorse
Most corrupt and stupid, easily fooled populaces in the world?
Why Ukraine so fertile?
My friend who is a reddit-tier card carrying member of the Incel legion is planning on escaping his fate by cashing out...
What's the most important thing you've learned by browsing Zig Forums?
Can meds and nords ever become frens?
I came to Zig Forums for the first time, but what kind of people are Japanese?
Be american
Mfw I see zoomer scum
ITT we bully Luxemburg
Your country
Meanwhile at Zig Forums apartment
WTF...Montreal looks like Brooklyn?!
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
The Japnese covid drug helps dozen of your mothers kins, friends, reletives lives
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Mr. Tanaka, who is retiring tomorrow, is invincible
Is it true that russians are dying out?
Why is russia such a depressing grey cold hellhole
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Why don't they speak their own language already?
His language doesn't have articles
Is coffee bad for you?
Are vampires real in your country?
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
Why are American women so hot?
Who's got the most autism?
Sverigetråden - Monikaupplagan
Is plant based meats popular in your country?
Foreign Music
Are you a boobs or ass guy?
Would this be a better flag for China?
Why do they not know English?
/ita/ - il filo
/ita/ - il filo
Amazing how 1 single American...
Is it true that Latinos think of themselves as white?
Why do you love Spain
Well, is he white?
The Netherlands is the guiding light for all other countries to follow
/ישר/ -/이스라/ -/इज़रा/ -/isr/
My female cousin went to Finland (Helsinki) for 4 months on Erasmus. She recounted it as a miserable...
"One Shota" is the most beautiful word in the world
Argies vote for a Maduro wanna be
Post a picture that sums up your current state
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
How would you react if the girl you were dating revealed their trans?
White thread
I like Germany!
I still don't know what vgh means
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
/somatråden/ #10 /norgetråden/ /挪威/ /ノルウェー/ /노르웨이/
Kurva anyátok
Post international females
She looks like she ___
1. Ur cunt
Your cunt
Be jewrussian girl
Do colombian boys look like this?
France won't return Alsace
ITT: Zig Forums in 10 september 2001
Sverigetråden - Hungerspelsupplagan
/fr/ - le fil froncé
7th pic in your main picture folder becomes your life long soulmate
/mena/ Middle East & North Africa General
The Queen of Jordan is 50 years old
If Japan is legal cannabis, it's a paradise of the world
Wake up
Does dark indians fall in the bbc category?
France is not Med
/ita/ - il filo
Post a middle class neighborhood of your country/city
Public education
/desi/-Satya Oblette edition
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
I want, no, fuck that, I DEMAND, an end to the bullying of Americans on Zig Forums
Zig Forums height thread
Russians! Why haven't you visited Germany yet?
Would you rather have an irish GF or a spanish GF?
/lat/ - Hilo Latino
So this is the power of the US-Mexico border wall
Chinese - US Cold War Continues
ITT: we're all in a plane
Cooking these bad boys right now
This is the son of the president of Argentina
Chicano here, a white woman wants to make me her sex slave
Please type "America is" into your phone and allow suggested words to complete the sentence
Are white girls really good?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
I unironically suffer as a Nafri in France
Redpill me on what the fuck any of this is
/leaf/ - Canada general
Fasting is actually super fucking healthy for you past age 20
/skandi/ +/danmarktråden
Most South Americans on this board are part of their rich and privately educated upper class...
Do americans
Did you know that Russians literally shit in forests because they have no toilets inside their homes?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
Please immigrate to our country if you have Irish ancestry
Why have only Czechs been successful as Slavs?
How is the October Revolution remembered in your country?
Sverigetråden - Meidoupplaga
Kurva anyátok
You wake up on top of Uluru
/fr/ - le francofil
/ישר/ - /isr/
Its unreal that white men are still simping for white "women" when there's absolute treasure trove of 10/10 women...
/ita/ il filo
What the fuck is wrong with Paris?
You come into your apartment and see this. What do?
How do you tea in your country?
There were no human beings in new zealand until 1350 AD
/brit /
Do germans really
State enforced prostitution of Chinese girls
/med/ - Mediterranean
Why yes *licks fingers*, I have a kilo of Baklava, how could you tell?
Thoughts on Bolsonaro's qt uruguayan bf?
Sverigetråden - Byupplagan
I'm ignorant on the Israeli culture, explain this meme pls
Muslim-Sikh Brotherhood in India
Who's more autistic?
Cute thread
Then I finely chopped up onion, celery and garlic and sautéed them off slowly, until soft, but without colouring them...
We post people and try to guess his IQ
The 3rd image in the folder of your choice kills you, post it
Does your country declare anarchism a terrorist ideology, then declare entire cities to be anarchist jurisdictions...
Half your age +7
/ita/ - il filo
But you cared enough to reply? :)
Can a brown person explain this please?
Do you ever wish you were asian?
Belarus opposition leader released SEX TAPE
What is with americans and their obsession with politicians and public figures?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What is happening in spain?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Guess the country
"I fucking love open source software!!"
Culture Pals - /cp/
I'm bad at making decisions, so dubs get to decide which of the countries in blue (check pic) I visit next summer...
Kurva anyátok
Damn China must be at least 100 years ahead of us in the West. Why haven't they colonized us already?
Should military conscription be mandatory?
Why are ethnic women so embarrassing, annoying, pathetic, cringe and desperate for white dick...
God sent himself down to Earth in human form (also somehow his son) to save humanity from eternal torture (at his own...
Does your country have non-binary qts?
North Western Europe...home
/lat/ hilo latino
I have a deep attraction to Shinzo Abe
/ita/ il filo
Guess the map
China-Russia border
Post dictators from your country
Sverigetråden - Roliga gamerupplagan
Watch "Rape!" a Japanese roman porno movie
What would happen now?
Sverigetråden - Kebabupplagan
/simmering/ ehemals /deutsch/
I will advise you in this thread
German police is searching for this 15 year old boy who ran away from a youth center
L'anglais est un patois du français
Globalism is objectively the best way forward. Just think about it
Americans btfo
/ישר/ - /isr/
This is a 100% male Aryan european nose
/lang/ - Language learning general
Low IQ
What's so good about the EU that everyone keeps trying to prevent UK from leaving?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine