big boy breakfirst edition
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yes im scandinavian how could you tell
look im deffo a bit more bent than the average man I wouldnt mind sucking a trap cock just the once to see what its all about but not too sure about getting bummed
wonder if i could realistically make any money off onlyfans
don't know who wants to see my hairy arse but there must be some freak out there who does
How bad would you say zoomers' attention spans are? Can they watch a two hour film without looking at their phone? Can they eat dinner with their family without looking at their phone?
it looms
In a muscular lad I think I could make a few quid, always considered renting myself out to old and lonely women like a gigolo, they always seem to be very receptive to me
have you ever put double cream in a cup of hot chocolate
honestly taking me to another world lads, feels like i'm climaxing
scandis are legit strange people
only met a handful to be fair but they all had an air of autism about them
At this exact point 'DJ seasideMARK' was born, an idea spawned after the locals enjoyed his rendition of Vera Lynn's We'll Meet Again, calling him 'Steve' as they applauded him.
got the toilfu a pressie on her bday after working lockdown and carrying the late shifts with me, basically melted on the spot lads think she might think im peng i wasnt expecting her to go full emotional on the spot
Bisexual is just a good for being gay
You like other men cumming into your shithole, just admit it
>why yes I only date British girls, how could you tell?
dount you can if you spend your time here desu
i just said i would suck a cock and i still reckon you're more bent than me
Don't think that is restricted to zoomers 2bh. A group of millenials at work were sat around a table chatting during lunch and still stopped every thirty seconds to look at their phone.
>call me steve
never did get this plot-point
i have simply never heard anything come out of the mouth of someone with a Scandinavian accent that isnt either complete soulless narcissistic dribble or rocket fuel powered autism
shall we only hope for heaven when we're dead?
Dated a tranny for a year and we ended up bumming each other. It wasn't bad at all.
blog on
He legally changed his name to Steve Jordan to avoid tax or something, says Steve on his bills and all.
>y-yes the obese paki at the back there. you have a question about about, am i pronouncing this right? 'schit negguhs'
for a year? take it this was at uni and your parents didnt know?
not bad, not bad
Just took a really good pic of my cock, night forward it to TIME magazine
that’s pretty bent mate
said it before, but dating within ones culture is the only way to go
you will never ever reach the level of compatibility or will you ever fully relate to an ESL speaker, even with dating american girls there is a barrier of relatability that you will never surmount
Things like this make him better than the rest imho
my only income is from the dole and even I have saved up £5k
poor runts need sorted out, stop buying £500 phones and going on jet2 holidays with the lads haha
probly lad
that's my plan
Yeah they do dont they
So fucked off about the pubs closing early.
Literally never voting for these cretins again.
kek, grubby bastard's done it all
imagine simping this hard
7/10 Ed isn't THAT posh and is a little more nasally, extra point for giving me a reason to post this
Proud to say I’ve never met a Scandinavian in my life and I don’t want to
he made that entire story up
people will just start getting cunted earlier lmao
dumbest policy yet
have a bit in common with seasidemark
>talk to myself a lot
>bit of a slob sometimes
>few minor unhealthy drinking habits
>in the past have got pissed on my own and blasted out old dance music
>own a pair of technics 1210s and collect vinyl
>bit of a sperg
>quite a tragic person
have arse wanked before and it genuinely feels better than normal wanking, problem its just such a fucking effort and has high probability of going disgustingly wrong
its all fantasy for me really, reckon real life gay sex is absolutely grim most of the time
>my only income is from the dole and even I have saved up £5k
Are you me?
milifandom was more cringe than the corbynistas
How are Labour simultaneously the party of young people and also extremely fucking uncool?
in a different timeline
reckon all jf’s are a bit odd tbf
not a fan of them really
was just looking at mars in the sky and thinking what a waste of time it is to send humans there
sound based
what's gotten into de pfeffel lately? this is absurd
Let's put aside the rhetoric and post Millipede memes.
what about poles
zoomers can only comprehend information in meme sized chunks
Same, but with this post
just means everyone goes earlier
won’t make any difference
Year after I graduated, worked abroad. They saw pictures but the tranny looked convincing so they think it was a woman.
Yeah, true enough.
not to mention people will just go round others peoples houses more as they'll want to be out longer seeing as its only 10 still. So people will go from an area where there is staff to help prevent the virus to an area where there is no such things
>table service by law
is it table pissers too? will staff bring me round a chamber-pot to empty by bladder and bowels into?
if not its all a piss take desu
Just forwarded it to the polish executive
me and the gf
they need to be seen to do be doing something but they don't want to go into full lockdown again
And it has to be on social media viewed via iphone
why would boris take a murky trip to italy at a time like this
such a weirdo
she a cute
They were cringy but less retarded. Labour has a lot of problems with who they claim to represent and who they actually represent but call everyone racist instead of addressing it.
time to cut my own hair then have a heavy jelq sesh
nah to be fair id be more inclined to just drink in the house if this 10pm shit is actually going to happen
This country is a living hell.
Yeah I know Poles, the younger ones seem to assimilate quite well. I know young Poles who speak in thick Irish accents. The older Poles are all bald and mad for cars and the gym. Sound blokes as well to be fair, always liked the poles.
russian paymasters had to brief him again
moving to malta or gibraltar when it all kicks off
genuinely don't understand why all benders, trannies and such are die hard lefties
leftism leaves you at the mercy of the state and thus the whims of the collective, the free market guarantees your rights so long as catering to you and using your labour is profitable
>crashing the economy with no survivors AGAIN because 50 people a day are dying of the coof
its alright at first but after a while you will wish you were talking to a native english speaker
>I know young Poles who speak in thick Irish accents
lol hard to imagine t/b/h they prolly don't speak polish
50 year Labour reign incoming from the next election onwards. Gov has fucked it.
need to be holed up in a hotel suite with ash sarkar, cold beers, and a few grams of ket and coke
shut up moron
Frequently eat 6 sausages, 8 rashers of bacon, 10 waffles, beans, egg, mushroom and tomato with 4 rounds of toast grilled in the bacon far grease for breakfast
fit as a fiddle and slim
They usually do
Its not uncommon for polish youth here tk have irish accents
this it's unbeliveable and just getting worse
overtly sexual women on twitter are the grimmest thing going. You just know they was freaks at school but not in a good way the making weird noises trying to be funny way
unbelievable lads company i wused to work for want me to come in and do interviews for them said they'll pay me £150 for 6 hours work to inverview about 6 people but i told them i'm currently employed and they said they couldn't offer me anything. so i'm literally going to be sat there as an unemployment man, interviewing others for employment. insane.
vile harlot
(nah quite funny desu heh)
Yeah pretty much
what do you have against scandis?
never understood people who eat all that in a morning. call me a wierdo but a huge full english can't actually be fully appreciated till the evening time
>hello who is this?
>he thinks the eternal alliance between big keith from sunderland and big margeret from royal tunbridge wells will be stopped
the 1000 tory reich is only just getting started my friend, it doesn't even matter what they do in office so long as they aren't labour
indeed it's so grim