Attached: 800px-Flag_of_Poland.svg.png (800x500, 2.68K)
Use fucking Cyrillic letters
Chase Price
Gabriel Young
Camden Butler
Charles Green
>Use fucking Cyrillic letters
Juan Howard
The Polish language would be much easier with the Cyrillic
Kevin Davis
I've seen it with cyrillic and it doesn't look good.
Joseph Brooks
Grzegorz Brzeczyszczykiewicz vs Гжeгoж Бжeнчишчикeвич
Connor Walker
Polish is the most complicated Indo-European language.
how the fuck are these pronounced?
Carson Young
> orthodog cuckstamp
how about no
Hudson Flores
Literally the same
Jacob Morris
>Literally the same
you wish
Adam Turner
it's just you unable to grasp a simple idea of a double letter
Leo Brooks
Gžegož Bženčiščikevič
Michael Moore
I wish we were still using chirilic
Aaron Stewart
it doesn't sound like that
Hunter Watson
Croat and Czech alphabet are so much more aesthetic than P*lish, why is this?
Dylan Williams
Do Romanian Boomers know the Cyrillic?
Jonathan Lopez
because we're traditional our alphabest is the oldest from the bunch of our uncultured neighbor.
We even have the original medieval spelling of w as a v
Noah Harris
dzi sonds kinda like english j
ś and ć are like very soft s and c I dont know how to explain it better
sz and cz are sh and ch
rz is bee sound
Lucas Mitchell
Last time when we used cyrillic was in 1862
Jeremiah Perez
I know. I was told that Romanian boomers understand Russian. It must have been from the Commie era
Andrew James
No way, there's enough of your countrymen over here already.
Aaron Gray
I thought that was Moldovans
Alexander Jenkins
Only very few actually, some speak very basic level but most only few words. Everyone were cheating on russian lessons at school.
Mason Hughes
Levi Price
Fuck off and die in fire
Nolan Davis
is there a cyrillic letter for the nasal ę? it's brzęczyszczykiewicz, not brzeczyszczykiewicz
Nolan Taylor
both of these are unreadable
David Cooper
Гpзeгopз бpзeкзизикиeвиџ*
Daniel Jackson
this spelling makes much more sense
Cameron Morris
Convert to Catholicism
Blake Walker
yea those do
Dominic Reyes
Yes it's still a very vile language
Jayden Ward
we tried
Jaxson Myers
Isaac Rogers
Looks much better than the L*tin
Blake Lopez
it doesnt
Justin Clark
Only Bvllgarians should be allowed to use Cyrillic because they invented it