What do you think of Brazilian architecture?
What do you think of Brazilian architecture?
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I like how pissed this poster is, trying to lash out with cliché figurines of OmG PoVerTy hueuheuheuheuhueh
I love it, unironically. It's organic, natural, simple and live.
i like it.
Hehehe Cletus got butthurt over the comments brazilians made today.
Sorry for clapping your cheeks too hard today, I'll do harder next time.
Ah yes, the neighborhoods that the top 5% richest Brazilians live in are an accurate representation of Brazilian architecture
oh the irony...
top quality
>I make numbers up with conviction
Stop trying to prove you have a place to live for these people. Don't humiliate yourself.
Do Brazil posters unironically believe their quality of life is better? This has to be an elaborate troll or sad cope
Better than the usa?
Better than most of the world apart from usa europe canada austrialia gulf and east asia?
I would say it is similar or better
Do Brazilians really?
when will latin america countries understand that if you don't solve the problem of the poor, it'll never develop as a nation
a pretty postal of a city doesn't change the problem of inequality
imagine all the vidya you could play up there
Newfags, sage and hide.
It's beatiful
Most of the world are shitholes
Realize this.
Feels just like home. My bad.
>Ah yes, the neighborhoods that the top 5% richest Brazilians live in are an accurate representation of Brazilian architecture
says the dude that just made a thread on how 5% of brazilians live
too much SOVL
Every big Brazilian city I've looked at on Google Earth is something like 60% favelas, 20% semi-favelas, and 20% ritzy housing. Same goes for most LatAm cities.
>that fucking post on the side
baba yagas hut.
same goes for america
and yet your president sucks Trumps dick and you feel proud about it
and yet you're assuming I support a certain president
Why do brazilians get mad so easily? You just need to say SOVL and stop crying about some slums in your shithole
look at your flag
thread was not even about you
Why you're seething at us? Op is a butthurt amerilard that is mad because Brazilians made him seethe a lot, we are definitely not Bolsonaro supporters since those would be sucking amerilard cock
Oh wow a termite mound, how pretty.