
berber supremacy edition

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>Be an Iraqi crosscuck Baathist rapefugee in Australia
>a crosscuck (worship a dead jew)
>smell like dogs shit
>blames Iran for being brown shitskin
>believes anything that saudi media say
>keep claims that he is an arap although he is a fucking s*yric
>Hate yourself because you're an inbred Autistic loser
>Local Aussies hate you because you're a hairy wog
>Lives with his war-crippled dad
>Can't identify as an Aussie because he's a smelly rapefugee and locals hate him
>Can't identify as an Arab because he's a smelly kafir and muslims hate him
>Is an Iraqi nationalist even though his family GTFO of Iraq due to persecution as rapeugees
>Says how great Iraq is even though he knows it's a corrupt, divided, war-torn shithole.
>Keeps blaming others for Iraq's woes. It's never the fault of Iraqis or the poor choices of Iraqi leaders
>Can't kill himself because he's too much of a pussy.

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Dubs and we all die

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I saw 2 cute sisters outside today so if we do die I hope they at least survive.

what is this place?

Perhaps. But I wish for our transitional government to focus more on the basics and let the changes of the policies and ruling system for the upcoming elected giovernment,
A bit too personal.
>Tfw I was once here for these discussions.
What do you mean?

Reroll Ba'al willing
End this nightmare

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based edition khayyi

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My university. We were supposed to study in campus but after what those retards did I'm 100% sure we will stay home again
Do straightoids really?

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>Do straightoids really?
If you were very cute you'd actually have someone wishing for your wellbeing you know.

this is the list of the ((Syrian)) isis leaders:
أبو بكر البغدادي
أبو محمد العدناني
حجي بكر
أبو عبد الرحمن البيلاوي
أبو أيمن العراقي
تركي البنعلي
أبو وهيب
أبو علي الأنباري
أبو الأثير العبسي
أبو عمر الشيشاني
صدام الجمل
جون الجهادي
أبو مسلم التركماني
أبو سياف (داعش)
جول مراد حليموف
أبو أسامة المغربي
ديزو دوغ
ماهر مشعل
عثمان ال نازح
أبو جندل الكويتي
أبو بكر القحطاني
عامر الرفدان
ريان مشعل
أبو أسامة العراقي
أبو سليمان الناصر
أبو أحمد العلواني
أبو محمد الشمالي

Jordanians are such uncivilized ""people""

why are they crowded together though I don't get it
it's like they're waiting to receive a paycheck or something

I'm very cute... Too cute.
I only know Baghdadi, guess I don't have a chance in applying to isis do I...

reminder Syria is a majority Sunnis country
70% of ISIS members in Syria were Syrians

>I'm very cute... Too cute.
>I got held down and forced on by a big hairy man.
I'm starting to understand you better Baljeeki :3

Have you ever voted in your life /mena/?

كلع لحشيش ياخويا

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They declared that the fees must be paid on campus one day before registration like idiots so they all gathered and crowded like this. These people are idiits but it's not entirely their fault.

For me I was just there to prepare to "guide" freshmen but now I'm sure this will never happen.
Ahä meet sex?

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I fight for my people. I fight for the fat race

Sure sure, sure enough.
Bien essayé, mon cher monsieur maisvous êtes mauvais acteur.Je m'en fichepas mal de vous pêh mais je n'ai plus de mansuétude à votre égard. Abuser. Child Groomer.
Ah sorry, I guessed as is evidenced from the second post but why think before asking anything here?
I discovered this general when I was interested in mena basically. My first posts were all discussions of the history culture and current climate there. From my scattered reading about it.

Cringe fat supremacist

C bon tubt

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>Ahä meet sex?
If you're anything in real life like you are on the internet then I want nothing to do with. Also important question: انت طنط؟

thoughts on
huff puff
thoughts on
huff puff huff puff
thoughts on fat supremacy

I was too young during the last major election and now I have no interest anymore.

yes I am fat
yes I am unapologetically fat
yes I am better than you
yes I am richer than you and eat better than younever again LOL unless they give me sandwich or meat for aid

Nice stereotype shit, brö

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disregarding the the fat larp I still would never vote again without a material incentive
LMAOing at tunisian democracy

You are probably single handedly responsible for at least 20 famines

Why don't arabs just admit they wish they were turks? Turkey's beautiful and the women can be white. The arab world looks geographic and genetic suffering in comparison

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but bro democracy and wamen rights westerners love you now
don't think about the economy, that's for the jewish masters to worry about

am I supposed to feel bad when the average poorfag here wants to kill rob rape and pillage?
the only exception are 60 yo village women who have to tard wrangle their failure sons and deadbeat hubibes and they do so rather honorably

Je ne connais pas cette langue qu'on appelle le français. Ou au moins sa forme écrite. Je suis fait que pour les patois retardé comme mon cherrr anglais. Just pour l'instant peut être.

ت.أبو مسلم التركماني

They do though. If you are a handsome ärap people will always say haha you look Turkish xd.
I hear this every time and it's fucking cringe

Cachir reference

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