eagrán seamhan
Down with the EU
Thoughts on Varadkar?
You'd be nothing if it wasn't for EU gibs and becoming the tax haven for internet companies wanting to operate in the EU market
We will leave
And you will seethe
>tfw no gf
Please leave and make Poland, Hungary, etc, leave too, all the gibs are to be given to me
I don't want the EU to made into a big country and Ireland's hard won independence be taken away from us
Might make an /éire/ thread simulator.
I have a question; can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?
If you plant bombs on them, yes, certainly.
>9 posts
>3 posters
calm down lad
That's what jews want you to belive
Everyone thinks we're trying to recreate the Roman Empire, even some of the EU propaganda (e.g. the clause about "ever deeper union"). But I think the actual aim is to reconstruct Charlemagne's loose confederation of states instead, which I'm actually a fan of. At the very least, it's closer to what the citizens want.
Our right to self determination shall not be infringed upon.
God bless the EU
will we go into lockdown again lads?
He drinks cans
I kind of like English people.
Kys faggot go live in the bible belt of the usa where there's loads of churches and no drink.
Seriously, fuck off there. Drinking is irish. Or maybe you should move to England or Sweden and become halal. Fuck off or kys right now
>Drinking is irish
atleast (you) me, you soyjack posting little baby bitch boy suck my cock.
Me too. But I think there's an upper crust around London running the state for whom the people's best interests are not a priority. Think a melange of royalty, the upper class, Tory party donors, Russian agents. At the very least, switching to a republic would help somewhat.
>switching to a republic would help somewhat.
that would be a gamer move from england if they did
*blocks your path*
Au contraire, National Socialism seems to be making a bit of a comeback. My mother of all people openly says not that there are too many immigrants (she isn't racist at all), but that they are of the wrong type. She would deport all observant muslims in the morning if she could. Nothing like the sight of Niqabs and Burqas to enrage women who campaigned through the 60s & 70s for equal opportunity for women.
imagine if someone you knew posted on /r/éire
I already do. I'm a member of the elite skype cabal
Afternoon, I'm here.
why is this general so obsessed with r/ireland?
Why do they keep coming here?