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International #1310
/ita/ il filo
What is this region like now? Who lives there after Germans were expelled...
Are there any Mexican brands that are famous outside of Mexico? Do you know any in your country?
West influence
I'm a guy with this disease. I unironically want to hang myself
I'm in heaven. Thanks Finnish cucks
When will Iran give up on pissl*m and go back to their true religion?
When I see people hanging out with their friends, I want to kill myself
Why is english considered a germanic language again?
Why do they have such low unemployment
Latin America Discussion
Are they Med or White?
1) Favorite music generes
Be american
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Poland + Finland = Russia
Are swedes cute?
Israel is unfairly singled out
Do you ever see Arab girls on Tinder where you live?
Do americans really?
Living in a city with less than 1 million people
Shitholes everyone hates
Americans don't have villages?
Is India's culture strong enough to resist Americanization and challenge Western cultural dominance like China's?
Sverigetråden - Slagsmålsupplagan
I'm so ugly, the queen offered me british citizenship
Who’s the most attractive person here?
And how many languages do you speak r/int?
This is the average commute in a Chinese occupied territory
Do you use free operating systems in your country?
/desi/-Elden Ringh announcement today edition
Americans are really about to re-elect the most flagrantly corrupt, immoral...
The future is looking bright
Why are anglos like this?
/fr/ - Le fil du Frankreich
Zig Forums drawing thread
Got in a fight with my dad again
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
The lgbt are ruining my country, how about yours?
Japan population 2090
Best president ever
Would Hungarians be willing to reclaim some/all of their lost territories if it meant all the minorities living in...
If you could nuke one place in the U.S. what would it be and why?
Sverigetråden - Skånska gangsterupplagan
Obscure places you find interesting
In Germany it's illegal to name your child Adolf Hitler
28 years old
1. u're cunt
Why are you on Zig Forums?
New bald and bankrupt
What happens here?
Difference in international taste
Imagine being a Slavic country and have GDP/capita above $40,000 and HDI above .900
Why does language do this?
Nobita getting married
Kurva anyátok
Are you a capitalist?
I have never seen a good post made by this flag
What are your thoughts on Finnish girls?
When was the last time you talked to a woman? (no cashiers, relatives or any other necessary/mandatory contact)
/ita/ - il filo
Do you love France?
There are 6 races
/lat/ - Hilo Latino
Post your lineage
You are knocked out in Serbia
What does Zig Forums think of them?
Guess country
/fr/ - le francofil
I had a Zig Forums phase when I was 18. Do people in your cunt have one?
Sverigetråden - Spektakulära dykupplagan
International trends
Redpill me on Slovakia and her people, Zig Forums
Give me butter!
Post some Varg tweets and I'll try to read them in his voice
/ישר/ -/이스라/ -/इज़रा/ -/isr/
India already receiving so much hate despite being friendly to the west
1. Country
Races of Africa
What the fuck is wrong with American genetics? 31 years old and they already look grannies
What, in your opinion, are the most cowardly nations on Earth?
My 18yo brother is 194cm tall and he says he isn't even the tallest in his class in school
Why won't they start speaking Crimean Gothic again...
China in western pop culture
You receive 100...
/brit/ - me edition
Why were the Native Americans so kind?
Average French
My country is the king of mountainlets
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Haha westerners get offended when indians when they eat food with their own hands
How do I get white girl like this for marrage and whastapp sex chat and hot sexy call
Why are they so poor?
I have no job, no money, no food, I'm 2 months delenquient on rent...
What are you favorite Zig Forums banters? For me, its med bvlls vs nordcucks
Are Europeans afraid to post certain things
This man literally posts on incels.co and looksmax...
Would you rather be a Greek who fucks dutch tourists every summer or a divorced dutch in an overall?
Is it true that christians are persecuted and often subject of terror attacks there?
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
Brazlian posters obsessive hate boner for MENAs
Do you non-mutts like pb&j?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2417
Is it true that they eat with their hands?
You wake up in Spain
How has your economy changed as a result of coronavirus?
Kurva anyátok
Do you love SVVEDEN?
Why are muslims so hateful and angry all the time?
Islam has 1.8 billion adherents, making up about 24.1% of the world population
/mena/ - Middle East & North Africa
Zig Forums incels BTFO
Do you have a little brother?
Germany and Sweden are FRIENDS
I’m honestly quite scared about the state of America right now. Got any whitepills?
Reminder Germany defeated Russia in World War II
Tell me what my eyes looks like from your eyes
Canadian Cartoon
From what I see, new england looks like one of the most beautiful places in the world. Is it accurate?
Does this happen in your a country?
Is fake branded clothes common in your country? Do/would you buy it?
/deutsch/ - Satellitenstrahlenausgabe
/v4/ + friends
What will you miss the most from the American-led world?
What vidya you guys playing? anything fun?
What is life like in the Alps? What kind of people live there? How expensive are houses?
Latin American women's promiscuous clothing
My cock is huge
Me strolling through Zig Forums replying to the haters
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Mexicans let giant rats live in their homes
I started learning Japanese...
What is your name, Zig Forums?
When are you going to have kids Zig Forums?
Hello Zig Forums!!
Why are there no monke in Europe?
What do Indonesians outside of Java think of Javanese people and of Java being the main island?
Why is that one Brazilian poster so mean to MENA? What the fuck did we do to him?
Imagine a hung brazilian tranny barebacking Felipe's tight ass. Does this happen in your country?
Current temperatures
What the fuck bros is this true??
Whats the scariest story to happen in your cunt?
Do you love Japan?
/lat/ - hilo latANO
How come there's no mass illegal immigration from Papua, the Solomon Islands, Indonesia or East Timor to Australia?
No one:
Being a chinese american is like living life on very hard mode
What is your record drinking beer in a day?
That guy that used to post on Zig Forums during the 2016 election
Eye thread
Why do Asian men reject masculine culture?
Why so many Japanese restaurants in western countries run by Koreans or Chinese doesn't know anything Japanese cuisine??
Live in a city with a large Italian and MENA community
Have a whole catalogue of 68 local languages to choose from
Argentina: Spanish
Can meds and nords ever be frens?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
What do average British and British Commonwealth people think of the royals? Do they still hold them in high regard?
If you're not a black American it's hard to understand how much this hurts...
Little brother ordered a kekistani flag
Why are we like this?
Best country, best prime minister. We will go through this together leaf bros
Be american
Do you sometimes wish you were black?
I need a brown boi like this to be my drain slave desu
Brits are cucked beyond belie-
Is mexico really dangerous? I don't watch gore videos but what I've heard about cartels scares me
/ita/ - il filo
Would you rather have a Turkish gf or a Greek gf?
Pick a second nationality
Sitting across the table from her, what's your reaction?
/desi/-Dilwale Puchde ne Chaaaa edition
Brits aren't based and redpille-
Do women look like this in your country?
Me when I hear an American accent
Which of theses two has made more damage to the world?
Why is brazilian cartel not as well known as mexican or columbian? are the latter just more competent?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Post your town city flag
Which country suffers the most???
Dont fuck with brazilians
What colour are your nipples?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
/fr/ - le fil froncé
/lat/ - hilo latino
Have you fellas ever read something profoundly fucked up relating to international community...
What’s the average IQ of Zig Forums?
/rider/ general
Do Americans really?
Mexicans aren't whit-
Here we call this pink sauce American Sauce (mayo and ketchup). How is it called in America?
Sverigetråden - Knegupplagan
How can other women compete when asians always look so youthful?
The dream of every Mexican is to marry a white girl. It doesn't matter where she's from o what she does...
Do girls in your country lust after their dads?
Long live the based Arabian kingdom
Americans are having their THIRD race riot in 4 months
GTA SA - Aliens Found In Desert
Unironically hate this parts of Europe so much
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Post your country's abomination
What is your opinion of England, not the UK?
Does this happen in your cunt?
What's the flag in your cunt that will make people ass blasted?
Fuck McDonalds
I am lonely and scared
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Why is this board so anti-Asian?
Italians are roma-
Why are we such terrible fucking posters? i cant remember the last time I saw a quality post from another mexican
Using a bidet
How do Swedes feel about him being the face of Sweden? Are they bitter or proud?
Mexicans writing Mexico as México
Me looking forward to getting a qt bf in the near future
Spain is fucked in more ways than one
Post the worst part of your country
1. Your country
Sverigetråden - räddaren av sverige
Daily reminder, that the Baltic states are the protagonists of the world
Do they sell this horrible trash in your country?
R8 my lunch bros
1. /int
/fr/ - Le Francofil
just be confident bro
No niggers
/ita/ - il filo
Looking at history, who was more cruel, the Nazis or the nips?
I suffer in Croatia
Are Norwegians genetically much more attractive and smarter than Swedes?
Argentina loving thread
Niggers are about to riot and destroy our cities again
I dislike the shape of Spain. Portugal ruins it
Do you find the most attractive Asian man good looking?
WTF i though russia was big?
Press F to pay respects to New York's food culture
What part of Italy is he supposed to be from?
Your country
Sverigetråden - Fickmonsterupplagan
Padre en los cielos
Does this happen in your country?
55 tons world's biggest bell was casted in Poland in 2019
Oh no no no how will commies ever cope?
Have you guys noticed that
Counted my calories today
Kurva anyátok
/deutsch/land, /deutsch/land über alles
China, the last ancient civilization still standing. What is their secret?
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
/ישר/ -/이스라/ -/इज़रा/ -/isr/
Young people are abandoning Islam at an alarming rate
Turks just genocide the Greeks for no reason OMG
Yeah Switzerland, why?
Does italy need the EU more than the EU needs italy?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Best places to live in Norway? (Not Oslo or Bergen)
/ita/ il filo
Jokes that went too far
Sverigetråden - Kaosneeten Daniels upplaga
Wtf? Why are they so short?
Polacks be like
Are women like this in other countries or only in America...
You're just jealous
What do you think about Turkish Greta?
Faces of Zig Forums : anime edition
Is this what it really looked like, bros... was it really like walking through heaven? why is life so unfair...
Don't you ever forget it
German: Stettin
How does one acquire the khazar milkers ?
Why are the Scandinavians are insulting and making fun of the Finns for being mongolian when they look far worse than...
Trump promises to "Teach American Exceptionalism in school." if elected for a second term
Uhhhh n*rdcucks????
/desi/-Satya Nadella murders Sony edition
/fr/ - le fil français
Post your favorite Japanese girl
International preferences
Lives in your country
This is what we do to homosexual twinks in Spain
/ita/ il filo
Best country friends
I don't get it
You have 15 seconds to post the nearest White Woman you have on your folder
What do you think of simplified chinese characters?
Heh, so that's why their women fly south for the summer
What climates does your country have in your country?
I've been wearing a chastity cage for two hours now
Why are African Americans so much better at fighting than their white, latino & Asian counterparts?
/Indo-European General/
/mena/ + /underage/
Sverigetråden - Tyska minoritetsupplagan
/med/ - Mediterranean general
What do you think about Brazil, Zig Forums?
Are latinx people the next step in evolution?
Do guys in your country want this?
Who tends to move to your cunt?
Come to Spain and let me fuck your women
If you never opened a beer bottle with pic related you might as well start your MtF transition now
Zig Forums minimizes (epigenetic) environmental effects, dysgenic fertility, the flynn effect in europeans...
This board is filled with homos. am I the only straight male left?
Kurva anyátok
Germany thread
Hilo latino
Post spanish girls
I resent Asians changing their names in the West
Wtf I love australians now
What does it feel like to not be White?
I'm Arab and my balls are hairy
Southeast Asians obsess over Korea but Korea look down upon Southeast Asians. Why do they do this?
How do turks cope with the fact that they can't read the literature of their people pre-modern turkey
Swedes, explain this
His language refers to the name of countries using their unaltered English names
All Arab anons wear pic related while posting
This is what the average Japanese woman looks like
Do you want us, germanbros?
/fr/ - le francofil
Is it wrong to call them scandis?
/somatråden/ #11 /norgetråden/ /挪威/ /ノルウェー/ /노르웨이
Sverigetråden - Starka upplagan
/brit/ scots
I wish zeppelin were more common
Stalin wrote how he was disgusted with Russia's history of being beaten by foreigners and how it needed to be a strong...
I suffer because i have no Arabic twink to sex
Islamic values are nice and unpoliticized!
/ita/ il filo
In this thread, you have to say that you love the Netherlands
Why is Korean fashion so much better than Japanese fashion?
Are ya in blue up your cunt?
Are average Americans OK with China becoming #1, even happy?
Is COVID-19 still a thing in your country?
Are there still cringelords that deny Martin Lvther saved Evropa from semitic (med) slavery and brought the white man...
You have 10 seconds to name one European country
*does nothing in its entire history despite being 5th largest country on planet and having 210,000,000 people*
Why don't Americans understand that French words with a ch are (usually) pronounced sh? Namely, niche and schedule
If you're part of the circled countries :
Post something in your language and I'll read it
How does it feel to be a non-white person?
How they see each other?
How do you find a bf in your country?
Yr cunt
Do you love israel?
Why don't Europeans build stuff like this anymore?
Post the saddest song in your language you can find
Why do British people look Polish if they are nordics?
Italians have coffee and a piece of pastry for every breakfast
Jomon or Yayoi?
Bulgaria is now richer than Argentina. The worst country in the EU is richer than the richest country in Latin America...
/ישר/ -/이스라/ -/इज़रा/ -/isr/
Japan to give up to ¥600'000 yen to new couples
/v4/ + friends
Russia is a plague, that infects other countries
Kurva anyátok
Greeks only marry virgins
Why Koreans hate this flag
Are they the saviours of Europeans? will they fix Europe?
Zig Forums Height Thread
Why they dont eat meat
In Arabic countries men make fun of cucks who marry used goods
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Which is the most EVROPEAN country outside of EVROPA?
Do you like your country's neighbours?
Which of these Finno-Ugric are you?
His country has graveyards and cemeteries
The Amazon is Brazilian
Can we please stop using "based" incorrectly?
1.3 billion people
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2416
Americans made a film about an Italian BVLL fucking a polish woman go #1 do we really?
Ancestry mutt thread
These are the European countries without colonial guilt
Why do italians look like americans?
Why do tall white slav or germanic males smell so lewd, they literally make me drool because they smell like daddy...
What makes westerners do this?
Have you grown out of your "I want to live in Japan" phase?
13 year old autistic kids? YEAH KILL EM!
Was he Slav or Greek?
Translate your countrys joke into English and the country, that has the funniest joke (most you's) wins
Recently learned that Brazil has the Largest Population of Japs
Are they first world?
Hilo latino
If my gf can't have sex because of gynecologic issues...
Unbelievable fact: Argentina was a rich count
Sverigetråden - tomrummets upplaga
She was only 17, why is this allowed in Italy?
Why does the Han fear the Dravidian BVLL
What food do kids in you're county absolutely detest?
Please nuke us Europe
Faces of Zig Forums
/ita/ - il filo
Does your country have the problem of wealthy Asians buying up all the property in your cities and driving property...
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
I suffer as an expat in Japan
Colonialists Thought this was inferior
What does Zig Forums think about Bolsonaro?
The soviets are rising up again
Do they mind control people through food in america?
The perfect food doesn't exis--
I still can't write "overwhelmingly" by myself
How popular is anime in your country?
Why are white boys like this?
"O" sounds like "A" 90% of the time
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
/fr/ - Le Francofil
/lat/ hilo latANO
Mexico has a very diffused population...
Religion in the workplace
Niggas really be living in Nebraska
Does reverse rape happen in your country?
Why are swedes so rapey?
What happens here?
While it might sound like an excuse...
Name 3 things you like about this country
Do italians really think romans were their ancestors?
Has anybody you know ever commited suicide?
Are chiropractors a thing in other countries or only in America?
I'm a muttshart and my opinion is BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH
France is still french, thanks
/brit/ & /brot/
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine