I have never seen a good post made by this flag

I have never seen a good post made by this flag
What the fuck is their problem

Attached: 255px-Flag_of_the_United_Arab_Emirates.svg.png (255x128, 421)

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bruh no more sand niggers infighting
we must fight them instead

*spams BLACKED cuck porn*

>What the fuck is their problem

egypt is the most jewish arab country in the world, it's either them or saudi arabia. don't throw stones if you live in a glass house

Why are all Arab posters in here extremely gay, religious nutjobs and/or seething diaspora in America or in Europe?

Attached: 1600529516018.png (741x568, 23.25K)

afaik there are 2 faggots (jordan and saudi flags)
Every other Arab flag is non-religous. All muzdogs on Zig Forums are living in Europe or else.

Attached: c5f.jpg (680x510, 49.94K)

saudi flags are probably running on VPNs. lol

I have yet to see edible food made by this flag, what the fuck is their problem

Attached: egypt.jpg (1920x1080, 108.65K)

Most UAE flags are probably pakis and pajeets