Imagine being a wageslave but instead of getting paid a normal wage of 8000 usd a month you get paid 196 usd

>Imagine being a wageslave but instead of getting paid a normal wage of 8000 usd a month you get paid 196 usd.

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i dont need to imagine that's unironically me

we should make a regular third world hustle general where we find ways to make money online

I remember a Singaporean chap was doing web development and graphic design stuff and getting 200USD a week

>200USD a week

thats starving nigger in the subsaharan tier, there are brownentinians getting +5k a month working remotely as back end programmmers for usa, even 5k is fucking low but at least livable.

>even 5k is fucking low but at least livable.

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delusion setting: MAX

singapore isn't very third world

>Life is not livable unless you can go on vacation every week

>5k is low
my dad makes less than that and he has 2 bachelors, a masters and 50 years of experience on the same job

your dad lives in a shithole, there are zoomers in jew york fresh out of college making 25k a month.

Of course not but it shows you as a reference point what you could accomplish with a bit of initiative

Esto es el fin.

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yes but 5k is a lot in a shithole, it's not just "livable", that's stupid

that's the fake value, the real one is twice that ammount, 1 dollar is 145 brown pesos and it will be 150 next month, screen cap this.

>I get paid $196 USD a month,
>I suffer in this country

I get paid $0 USD a month. For the past 10 years.

>comprando dólares en el mercado negro
Sí, rumbo a Venezuela. Huye antes de que sea tarde.

What's that, like 7 Euro?

if you wanted you could get a minimum wage job that pays 2.5k, if I wanted to do the same I would get 115usd.

I made that much in a week even back when I wasn't even working. Are you a cute twink or a girl? I could be your sugar daddy

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finns fighting the world poverty

>Imagine being a wageslave but instead of getting paid a normal wage of 8000 usd a month you get paid 196 usd.
Same shit here.
Though it can't possibly be that low in Argentina right? Here even Glovo delivery guys make like $600 a month+tips.

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Mi único amigo, el fin.

argentinian bunnies in the fight for money


lol no, if they were brownentinian they would not be anime and they would be super ugly and brown.

>tf I receive 1100Euros from my family every month

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I mean that's really not fair. You're welcome in Germany by the way. Young professionals are in very high demand right now and knowing a foreign language other than English gives you an edge over everyone else. Seriously, I know so many DAX companies that would hire you instantly just for having a degree and speaking Spanish fluently

Ahh, that's why you are a socialist, right? I want to punch and throw you into the river.

Shut up poor

Marron deja de dar vergüenza ajena