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International #1311
What do you consider as the world's capital?
/fr/ - Le fil français
Who are some popular characters who gets many streets named after them in your country?
Would men from your country such as yourself, pick the white girl or the south asian girl?
/desi/-Let's go boys edition
Finnbros... what is this ?
Your cunt
Why are they so aggressive, primitive, uncivilized, rude and obnoxious
Will you though
Why did white people stop having kids
Why do slavs cling onto "whiteness" to claim supremacy
Ask an actual Romanian gyspy anything you want
Buy our cars
Buy our cars
So why do americans actually hate him a lot? He's actively lowering poverty in China
/isr/ /ישר/
Germany thread on a comfy, rainy day
Being an egoist is bad, caring about other people is good
Sverigetråden - Dykupplagan
Asian Girls: Pros and Cons
Countries that you hate thread
Post based songs from your country. I'll start
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/deutsch/ pidser
When I feel depressed I boost my ass by downloading tinder and matching with hundreds of women
Do finns really?
/ita/ - il filo
Cummies are yummy
Zig Forums completly surrendered to faggotry
Male attractiveness
Hey U.S.A
Swedish hunters kill over 100,000 moose every year
People all over the world look at this flag and think "High civilization, whites...
Average Indian man, 1000 BC
Use spotify free
Mexico is literally more dangerous than an active warzone in the middle east
The protagonist of the middle east
The People's Republic of China
Any German here?
Looks like China wins (again !)
If I learn a third European language, it will be Latin: Spanish or Italian...
Do you have funny regional memes in your country? :)
Does this happen in ur cunt?
Is it true that Scandinavians don't do small talk?
America is about to become a christian state
Top 5 Steam
Was Islamic culture created by Turkics and Persians intermixing more relevant than Arabic and Berber culture?
Are we just gonna ignore that cocaine in Norway costs 100€ a gram?
Who is your countries treated ally?
Is your country supportive of trans rights? Here in Spain we are, I'm a trans girl myself and I have a great life
Does this happen in your country?
One (1) chance in life
Mfw y country doesn't have and stereotypical male name associated with it on Zig Forums - International
Kurva anyátok
Korean says we boycott to buy Japanese products
2548 usd is the yearly wage in this brown shithole
V4 + friends
Why are WHITE called white?
Suicide rates arouns the world
/lat/ Hilo latino
What's the saddest moment in your life
/ita/ - il filo
Goat fucker
Brasileira Virgem Edition
Why aren't east asians considered white/Caucasian? they have european nose, european nose, european lips, european face...
/fr/ - Le francofil
/desi/-Gachi edition
Here is your state mandated autistic Russian GF, user!
Imagine if the entire world was Muslim
Our Lord and Savior is being persecuted in Russia
Mexicans treat their dogs so well
Does this happen in your country?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2419
Americans will defend this
Latin American media and education teaches Anti-Americanism...
Is there any youtuber/streamer from your country that actually produces funny/good content?
How do white Americans defend the murder of breonna taylor? She literally had no criminal record...
Post your country's biggest waste of money
Western Europe
Holy BASED French wrecking havoc in Ic*land
I am an American of Mexican descent and I was sexually harassed at work today
Oi, oi, oi. You're telling me that AMERICANS DON'T HAVE EASTER? Quite shocking if I do say myself
Whats this called in your cun tree
This question is for Europeans, or Asians, How do you see Latin America? Please skip the murders...
Itt post your least favorite country
Russian bully me everytime about my English skill
You people realize that you're fucking insane right?
Post American cuisines you had been thinking gross but actually tasted decent
Do you feel bad for us?
Could the USA have annexed the entire American continent and send pioneering and homesteading german and European...
It is over
ANOTHER incel thread
I love Mexico. Mexico is unironically my favorite country...
Capital isn't their largest city
What's it like in Mexico City? It's the largest city in the continent but I don't hear that much about it
What's the general opinion about Ataturk among Turkish people today? How did Ataturk legacy go to toilet in 10-15 years?
The alliance that makes the Amerimutt tremble in fear
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
How do brown eyed people consider themselves European when actual European hunter-gatherers had a 100% incidence of...
Most countries in europe are younger than the usa
Do Japanese really
Hey guys, so my brother and her lady are hitting 1 year together. He wants to give her a nice gift
I don't get it
What is it like to have a Mexican gf?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends & Assholes
Is this common in your cunt?
Sverigetråden - Ridderlig Uppvaktningsupplagan
/mex/ hilo mexicano
/brit/ - Karl Pilkington Edition
Catholic USA
/lat/ - hilo latino
Why yes I spend most of my day religiously watching Hololive livestreams
The US army can easily defeat both china+russia in convential warfare
Worlds most admired men
Are there still any fellow flaghunters?
Could he pass for a local in your country...
Can italy stop the refugees and immigrants with democracy and while the EU to retain itself as a nation-state?
I am obsessed with spain at an almost mentally ill level...
Divide Mexico
The Sentinelese
What's Zig Forums currently reading?
1. Your country
Bad guys
I love sleeping so much bros
Who are the bigger Italian nationalists?
Gently poke fun at turks
Imagine living in an American house
Walmart try to expand into Germany and failed spectacularly, as did Migros
Be me
Would I pass as white in your cunt
/ita/ - il filo
Does this happen in your cunt?
Nonwhites of Zig Forums, what "white" features or aspects do you have?
I am Caucasian
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Gently poke fun at Germans
/weebs/ - ehemals - /deutsch/ - jetzt auch - /nachtschicht/
1. Your cunt
/fr/ - Le francofil bourbakiste
Why do south americans want to be accepted as whites so much? Are they ashamed of their indio/negro rapebaby heritage?
Is this a common sight in the United States of America?
I'm talking to a girl from Ecuador and she legit enjoys riding her bike around the neighbourhood like a child...
What is a drug addict called in your cunt
Slavbros? Are you okay?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
Friends, parties, social experiences, sexual experiences with women my age, all the things a normal...
/lat/ - hilo latino
Sverigetråden - Heemglassupplagan
/brit /
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is there anything more cringe than a first worlder coming here and thinking he has "problems" in his life?
Well Zig Forums, which do you prefer and why?
Have you ever talked to a french girl? What are they like?
Which has the worst men?
Is he trying to die...
/brit/ & /brot/ formerly /chuck's/
If I were to move to Brazil, what would be the safest area to live in and avoid trouble? Is it really that bad...
America adieu
/ita/ - il filo
What do Japanese girls smell like?
Your cunt
/fr/ - le fil francophone
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Anyone know anything about Kvitsøy, Norway?
What the fuck
Are g*ngers bullied in your country?
Hola, Sara from Easy Spanish here and today we will be interviewing anons on Zig Forums, vamos!
Your Dominican gf is here bro
Do you think your country will adopt Chinese cultural practices after China becomes THE superpower of the world?
How old are you?
Post a pic of food that is associated to your region
Guess against which country has R*ssia waged wars most often (4 times) during the last century?
Do people want to die in your country?
Do you love England?
Sverigetråden - Fredagsfest
End of American global hegemony
/lat/ - Hilo latino
Should Norway join the EU?
Was Friends popular in other countries or only in America? What did people think of it?
I envy the people of Eastern Europe and Balkan
I'm 50.000 euros in debt
Google maps game
/fr/ - le fil de la France et de la Bretagne
Winters on the way
You must live in one of them for 3 years. Choose wisely
Yes, we are the good guys
Do you like the US bringing thick culture or do you prefer the stick thin women of 10 years ago?
Why do Brazilians on Zig Forums dislike Portugal so much?
/schwerbehindert/, ehedem /deutsch/
USA or Canada
Bible Belt
Why not build a bridge here?
Why do they do this?
You wake up in Croydon. What are your next actions?
Really makes you think
Top 5 countries you love
/ita/ - il filo
You have TEN SECONDS to post the most American thing in your folder
Which language is the most suitable for rap, other than English?
Tb h, they are the nearest we have of brothers
Do you love your cunt?
I saw soijak enter a vent, it's him
International men
Do they really think life a Lara Croft game?
4 billion blacks at the end of the century
Monolinguals on Zig Forums with no desire to learn a new language
Any Swedish bros here, how bad is it over there?
Do you love Portugal? and the portuguese?
Do you celebrate Halloween Zig Forums?
Sverigetråden - Spelkväll
How do meds remember all their millions of verb endings?
Such is life in the E.U. :(
/FR/ - le francofile
A$AP Rocky fighting with Swedish men in Sweden
So I've noticed that many posters on this board are obsessed with this French region for some reason...
Behold, the Poland of Asia
If you could ban 10 countries from posting on Zig Forums, who would you ban?
Please come to Wyoming
Reminder that we live rent free in his head and it probably drove him to suicide
Kurva anyátok
/ישר/ -/이스라/ -/इज़रा/ -/isr/
This is a German burger
Follow the arrows and eat your bugs, sir
MENA anons of Zig Forums
Post these for your country
Rate the Romance languages!
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Could you survive 2 weeks in a Polish primeval forest without any help?
Why do american pussies freak out when the faroese kill whales -something they have been doing since the 16th century -...
/lat/ - Hilo Latino
What could have been
Choose one to live
Why are americans like this?
USA Decline
Would you accept the offer, bros?
Rightful Italian clay. Just an extra region of Italy overseas
/ita/ il filo
Sverigetråden matgeekupplagan
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
International memes
How did your first partner respond to your cock
/rus/ + /bel/ + /ukr/
Name 10 danes
Does your country eat pasta with meat sauce?
Wow, based
Noooo you cant just not do your homework!!!
Name 1 slovenian person
Name the first country that comes to your mind when you see this pic
/fr/- Le francofil
Strong culture
Name 10 swedes
Turns out indians being hardcore rapists is just a meme?
/frosch/ besser bekannt als /apu/ ehemals /deutsch/
China... is a problem
Do they feel inferiority complex when they travel to Western Europe and tell people where they're from?
T-thanks germany
Please come to study in Germany
Croatians history is just being Nazi's and eating NATO poo, why should Croatia exist instead of Neo-Serbian-Empire?
What's your internet speed Zig Forums? Can you get 1gbps in your area?
Brown girls are tired of small brown cocks they are aware of BBC now
India > Lowest divorce rates 1-2% in the world. 1/5th of the World Population
Why are black Americans such freak atheltes ?
Words I literally cannot pronounce in English
What does int smoke?
He's got a point
Post food from your country
Rape rate lowest in Greece
So, why are you still a virgin? Too ugly? Too awkward?
Why the fuck I was born slavoid...
/ita/ il filo
What's your favourite food from your country?
Does your gf have a QAnon tattoo?
Are Eastern European men considered betas or not in your cunt?
Zig Forums in an alternate universe
Muslims and jews will never experience eating a bacon sandwich
The gay power couple of Amerika.....powerful
Americans really think europe is socialist
IMAGINE not being born female in Russia
Does reverse rape exist?
Why doesnt Portugal take care of buildings???
Is your hair piss or shit?
International cats
Why do hippie leftards love hinduism and indian stuff if india is incredibly racist, sexist and homophobic?
Most important man in history?
I like japan so much
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Why do americans do this
Your cunt
Sverigetråden - hpanmälningsupplagan
Press F to pay respect to USA
Most famous French character is a true 0/10 kissless virgin
mfw almost all of people from the rest of the world have no single opportunities to taste Japanese cuisine in their...
Slavs still claim that they won the space race
Do you women in your country do this?
I don't get it
An international community of cold shitty places
Not only are eastern european women significantly more attractive than western european women...
There are languages that are literally harder than English
It really is over for us dicklets isn't it
/tr/ - ÜSTAD ERDEM ALSIRT edisyonu
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Does this happen in your country?
How do white Americans feel about the fact that non-whites dominate pop culture...
White women the most attractive females
What are your plans for today Zig Forums?
/v4/ + friends
What are reasons I shouldn't date a Japanese girl? How bad could it possibly be?
/dixie/ - Southern US 'n friends
Why does Japan panic over their falling birthrate, while South Korea and half of Europe don't give a shit?
How deep is your roots in a country you's from? or in other words, tracing your lineage back, when, if ever...
This is the Qveen of Zig Forums, say something nice about her
I want a qt Swedish gf
You wake up at your current location in the year 1700. What do?
Japanese girls>>>>>>>>>others
Do you have a gf yet, Zig Forums?
They really do
What have been your educational and professional experiences with legal immigrants?
Imagine being a wageslave but instead of getting paid a normal wage of 8000 usd a month you get paid 196 usd
Can it be said that Felix Kjellberg was and will be the most famous/relevant Swede?
You're country
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2418
When Abe gives me the call I will singlehandedly save the Japanese birth rate
Sudan's straining under inflation and America's refusal to lift sanctions...
Make post criticizing america
Kurva anyátok
/desi/-Frenzy rising edition
Define whiteness
Why yes, I'm ready to take your order sir
Do they really do this?
Would you with a espanol racista girl?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
/lat/ - Hilo Latino
Why did ww1 break out?
Unironically what is stopping millions of white men from moving to asia and cucking azn men out of existence?
What would a Fallout game set in your state/country be like?
His country has had a female leader
How do people in your country cure their anxiety and depression?
Conspiracy Theory
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Tfw uncircumcised
Which is more classically French?
Do people in your country pretend not to have access to vegetables?
Mexico needs to be divided in two
Which are the chaddest?
I hate so*jak/coomer/boomer/doomer/bloomer shit I miss old Zig Forums. The only one I found funny is gigachad
If allah is real, why is egypt such a shithole?
Tfw Native Americans will be completely ERASED within 100 years
What was his phenotype?
Why aren't Vietnam and China friends?
If you were forced to move to america but you were allowed to pick what state and city you would live in what would you...
Holy shit, I thought Quebec looked nicer than that? Surely it can’t be this bad..?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
My sports team is better than yours
Why are you interested in Japan so much?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Which country is ethnically and culturally most similar to yours?
/lat/ - hilo latino × hilo español /esp/
There Egyptian anons here? What is like living in Egypt? It is the best muslim country?
/lat/ hilo latino
Would you date an Irish girl ?
Does she make self-hating prietos in your country seethe??
There's no excuse for any person from the USA to not be at least conversational in Spanish
How to filter flags?
I'm quite worried about the current state of America. Got any whitepills?
What is the best civilization????
The right way to make tea
/fr/ - le fil français
Are finnish girls buff?
Do Amerifats actually like living in America? I can't stand this shit, I'm getting the fuck out through grad school
You come home in you're country
What does friend zone mean in your country?
More than 1/2 of French girls in their early 20s are still virgins
I'm done with COVID-19. No more mask, no more social distancing autism...
Does Zig Forums prefer ass or tits
Which of these 4 US parts is the best to live in ?
China's based
How does the rest of Europe cope with being forestlets?
What are you listening to currently?
Do they really?
Life is good
/ita/ il filo
Needed new phone
What's the weirdest thing that has happened in your countrie's congress?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Did you ever have a dream about Zig Forums or anyone from Zig Forums?
What is your ideal wife's nationality?
Does this happen in your cunt
How do you fix american police?
Epic Spanish names are based
Is this trueh?
Haha it do be like that
Can mexicans tell me about their cartels? How dangerous are they for the average person...
I suffer in México
Being white is really hard anons
Post a shitty bait picture on Zig Forums
Which country has the best national anthem?
Name one living Mexican
/fr/ - le fil francophone
/mex/ + /CenAm/ + /belize/ + /CHI/
/lat/ - hilo latino
Are men allowed to show feelings in your country?
Mett is a preparation of minced raw pork that is popular in Germany and in Belgium; a similar preparation is made from...
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Is it true that christians are persecuted there?
Is this shit hole collapsing?
/hurensohn-drecks-wichser-gehören-erschossen/ ehemals /deutsch/
/deutsch/e Nachtschicht
Be American born in 1920
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
Name one living Greek
Why do russians hate us so?
/ישר/ -/이스라/ -/इज़रा/ -/isr/
Sverigetråden - Titanoboaupplagan
Do you have Italian blood?
What do we think of him?
I love France
Literally tastes like vomit
/ita/ - il filo
17 y/o
The 4th image in the folder of your choice kills you, post it
I ran into a Brit at a drugstore in London yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person...
Almost 30
Speaking to a fellow Canadian on Zig Forums
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Does duolingo work?
Nearly 4 million syrian refugees in Turkey
1. Ur cunt
Entry engineer wage in france : 32k euros
Besides jealousy, what makes everyone hates jews?
Wish I could share some with my Zig Forumsernartional friends :)
Why do they do this
WTF America?!
/fr/ - le fil francophone
What event in history do you find the most interesting Zig Forums? For me...
ITT: Legendary Zig Forums threads
How did Russia decreased its crime rate? They used to have a higher homicide rate than us
Your cunt
Eternal Beggar of Europe
Is this state based or cringe?
What does the world look like to a dark-eyed person?
/somatråden/ #12 /norgetråden/ /挪威/ /ノルウェー/ /노르웨이/
What's Zig Forums getting their degree in...
Gets BTFO by the dominoes down the street
Kurva anyátokért nem csináltok fonalat mostmár, faszom
/lat/ - Hilo Latino
Are Samis significantly different from Norwegians and Swedes?
Germany and her vassals
What's his ethnicity?
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Why cant Austria take all these shitters in their own country?
... and I made Germany bigger!
Sverigetråden - Gustavs dykupplaga
Lets play a game bois
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine